LOL this is an example of you arriving at a wrong conclusion. I was neither insulting you or angry with you. Maybe I should have said "What are you smoking?" I said it because I was incredulous, that there had to be some reason why an intelligent person would look at the facts at hand and arrive at the conclusions you arrived at.
Ok I asked for some proof of these statements in a previous post but you still haven't supplied any.
Because nothing you say fits in with anything that has actually happened. It also doesn't fit in with what AMD themselves say.
First there is the timeline. By your reckoning AMD would have approached Microsoft over 4 years ago. There is a problem with this, AMD had no mantle back then. It didn't even exist. They only started development of Mantle in 2013.
And by AMD admission it was still in beta when when it was released. In fact it was still in Beta a year later. A fact that you and others used in it's defence in the mantle thread when people started pointing out it's flaws. When people questioned whether Mantle was really open it was pointed out that it would become fully open source when it was complete.
So tell me what did AMD approach Microsoft with? And even if they did approach Microsoft, how would it have speeded up the release of DX12 when it was still in Beta at the start of this year?
But let's say you are right and they did approach Microsoft (It never happened) But you say Microsoft refused them because AMD wanted a "synergy" between the consoles and the PC and Microsoft didn't want that. Helllo!!!! where have you been the last few years? It's something Microsoft have been working towards since the release of Windows 8. A unified system across all their devices, Tablets, phones, PCs and now with Windows the Xbox one as well. Streaming between console and PC, smartglass etc.
And windows 10/DX12 is the culmination of all that. One OS to rule them all.
You and i have very different ideas of cross-platform synergy, your talking about cross device connectivity, i can do that between my Android devices and my windows devices, also the same OS across its devices, although as they found out people are not fond of a tablet interface on their desktop.
None of that has anything to do with Gaming API's, you will never be able to hook up with your mates in BF4 through your Desktop to their XBONE.
What Microsoft want is for you to ditch your desktop and get an XBONE and then pay them a recurring fee for the privileged of playing your games on it, but your not going to do, why, because your desktop in better, its more powerful, high res, better graphics......
DX11 bottlenecks the crap out of your hardware and thats just the way Microsoft would like it to stay because if desktops get better and better at lower and lower cost consolers may also start moving to desktop, more revenues lost from those XBONE recurring fees.
The synergy i'm talking about is the one that makes the development and the users side of the game the same for PC as it is for the XBONE, its nice and easy for devs to only have to develop a game once for one platform, desktop get the benefits of low level API's and its AMD's hardware across both platforms that's native to these development projects, their hardware, their CPU's, GPU's and their API.
Microsoft didn't suddenly become desktop gamer friendly, after 10 years of junk API's, they had to, with Mantle, Metal and now Vulkan making DX11 look like the dogs dinner that it is Microsoft would have become obsolete had they not acted.