I had a medical scare during the first lock down…
I had always had an active lifestyle.. football, gym, walking etc.. but as I grew older I became less active but still ate the same way as a teenager, whole family chicken buckets, kebabs and curries.. yumm…
It didn’t help that I managed to jar my knee and was using it in a jarred position for a good few years (it’s till not fully recovered now) so I couldn’t even drive for long periods let alone walk/run.
Anyway during the first lockdown, I had this awful pain under on side of my stomach.. everyone was telling me to go to the doctors and when I finally did, they literally told me everything else that was wrong with me apart from the pain even thou I had scans, which went away and never came back.
I was pre-diabetic, my creatinine levels and white blood cells was off the charts.. super hero levels.. fatty liver and of course overweight with a lot of internal fat. I knew I was chubby than normal, I just don’t look fat but my waist line told a different story.
I had daily blood tests for about 2 weeks, then weekly bloody tests for about 3 months.. the nurses kept calling me just to check I’ve not curl over and died.. lol
I weighted in at 95kg (5’10”) and I just started to diet… intermediate fasting.. I still don’t eat until midday now, cut out all carbs, all sodas, all alcohol, all baked goods… I was kinda lucky that this happen during lock down as food was hard to source with takeaways being closed, limited access to the supermarket but I physically shed a tear when I walked down the super market and saw all the lovely food that I couldn’t eat. Sad times :’(
Exercise wise, I was up at 6am going for a walk/jog, another walk/jog after lunch and one in the evening before tea. I was clocking over 15000 steps on a normal day and hitting 21000 on some days. I joined the local yoga club to sort or my back, I wish my back was healthy enough to swim. I brought a BMX to pot around on, the fully size bike was a pain to get in and out of the shed and I only really used it if I knew I was going to cycle over 15km. I even brought two skateboards, still brand new as I dare not use them in case I fall over. Lol
I managed to drop down to 75kg, but looking at the photos now, it doesn’t look right.. I have no body shape and basically look like a matchstick.
The reason why my blood work was off the charts, we (me and the medical staff) are assuming that it was my covid jabs. I had my first jab a week before my first blood test, after a few weeks it went back to normal. Then my second test the day before a 6 months check up and it went all crazy again..
It’s been about 2 and half years now, I been going to the gym and eating more than I should but I have piled on muscle and weigh in at my natural weight of 85kg in winter. I can manage to do a run on the treadmill at the gym, I just can’t street run as my knees won’t take it.. I get lazy in winter and reduce/remove the walks and jogs in the mornings, it doesn’t help that I had TB as a kid, so the slightest cold take me out of action but sadly the weekly takeaways has crept back in along with a few drinks at the weekend.
I still get tested yearly as I’m on the pre-diabetic list and I think my main issue is that biological I shouldn’t be eating what I do.. culturally I should be eating like a Chinese person and believe me when I say how shocking bad brown rice taste when you only eaten lovely tasty white rice all of your life! But having grown up in the UK, living on my own; cooking Chinese dishes for one person is just a pain, so it’s air fried, oven or microwave meals most nights.
I’m just waiting till spring, I’ve stopped buying snacks already and just eating them out of the house.. but come spring I’m going on another diet, fitness kick and going to aim for about 78kg..