OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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11 Aug 2005

Hows it lookin? Really bad at holding a camera phone to take a pic, but its the best I can do!

Aiming to lose a bit more fat really, then bulk a bit more, dont want to get much bigger tho Im happy enuff with my size.
8 Nov 2002
Bulk up before u lose weight, doesnt matter if ** a boxer or a pro bodybuilder. :) What kind of workout to u do? How long have u trained and what happened to ** head? :p

Bulking up means making sure u eat enough protein because its critical to anabolic growth.

This link is to show the connection between anabolic growth and protein, not meant to be an advertisement for protein powders which are unnecessary if u have time to eat well without them.
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11 Aug 2005
head didnt fit on the picture, stupid camera!

anyway, been training for about 2 years, mainly for general fitness and stuff, lately been having more protein and doing heavier weights, normally do a full body work out 2-3 times a week (arms, chest, back, etc) - i know this isnt ideal but i enjoy it and i make the most out of my time, i dont have time to do half an hour of arms, then half an hour of chest the following day, so i do it all on one day, then do it all again

been doing weights now for over a year, ive put on about a stone in weight, but not got too much fatter, want to lose some fat tho to show off my muscles, abs mainly tho :p then maybe bulk a little more

so in short, 3 x 1 hour full body weights work out

cardio once a month :eek:
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
Efaws said:

Hows it lookin? Really bad at holding a camera phone to take a pic, but its the best I can do!

Aiming to lose a bit more fat really, then bulk a bit more, dont want to get much bigger tho Im happy enuff with my size.

you seem to be a very skinny bloke already, i would not worry about losing more fat (unless you need to for some reason). i would concentrate on building some good muscle mass.
11 Aug 2005

i dont want to end up like fat bodybuilder tho ;)

aim is to lose as much as possible so, dare i say it, i look 'toned', my muscles pop out and look good without havin a belly at all, i havnt had proper 6 pack for a few years :( after eating pasta and potatos before and after workouts ive just got a bit fatter than i used to be and its a bit annoyin!
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
Efaws said:

i dont want to end up like fat bodybuilder tho ;)

aim is to lose as much as possible so, dare i say it, i look 'toned', my muscles pop out and look good without havin a belly at all, i havnt had proper 6 pack for a few years :( after eating pasta and potatos before and after workouts ive just got a bit fatter than i used to be and its a bit annoyin!

no offence but you look 'toned' because you are low bodyfat rather than muscular, if you see what i mean.
11 Aug 2005
i want to be even lower body fat tho, im not at where i want to be, or would that not be a good idea? according to them dodgy fat %age scales, im about 11%, i used to be 7-8 before i started building up
17 Aug 2005
Bad photo really but here we go


Been going to gym around 8 months I think. I use to be around 22% BF and over 11stone (got a bit fat :eek: )

Im now around 150lbs and 16% BF, only really been training properly last 3-4 months. When I started was just on a simple all body routine to loose some fat. Then I went on a 5x5 routine to build strength, its only been the last month that I have started a proper mass building routine and started to sort my diet out.
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
Efaws said:
i want to be even lower body fat tho, im not at where i want to be, or would that not be a good idea? according to them dodgy fat %age scales, im about 11%, i used to be 7-8 before i started building up

11% is better than the majority of people in this country. 7-8 is not normally sustainable for a long period for most people, its for well trained athletes at best!
8 Nov 2002
Efaws, from what you've told us there is room for improvement in how you are working out/eating. I dont know what you were looking for when u posted here, I guess either advice or someone to say how good/bad u look. Id suggest reading some information about training and eating.

If u want results u need to take the advice of what u read (except the advice telling u to buy unnecessary suppliments). Its very hard to get results that u can notice yourself, being awkward about listening or not listening to advice will only stiffle your progress.

Also try not to get stuck into a rut of the same exercises each workout, the body responds to variations especially if you have been training 2 years already.

If u find time to work out 3 days a week, that perfect, you can exercise different muscle groups different days. I would suggest training legs because u will kick start everything else to get stronger.

Also Ive heard of protein shakes after a workout, pasta/carbohydrates are really is only necessary when u are doing cardio-vascular workouts. Carbohydrates are essential just u dont benifit from them as much as a long distance runner.

Anyone got any comments on my post?

Also if all u want is to lose weight, jogging is a very good exercise; will work your abs also to an extent.
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21 Jul 2006
Motherwell, Scotland
megatron said:
Also Ive heard of protein shakes after a workout, pasta/carbohydrates are really is only necessary when u are doing cardio-vascular workouts. Carbohydrates are essential just u dont benifit from them as much as a long distance runner.

Ehhhm carbohydrates are necessary after a workout, a mix of protein and carbohydrates increases the uptake of the protein.

If you just take protein after your workout, the protein will be used as energy which is not of any benifit, carbs are essential for bulking.
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
megatron said:
Also Ive heard of protein shakes after a workout, pasta/carbohydrates are really is only necessary when u are doing cardio-vascular workouts. Carbohydrates are essential just u dont benifit from them as much as a long distance runner.

Anyone got any comments on my post?

Also if all u want is to lose weight, jogging is a very good exercise; will work your abs also to an extent.

Are you actually replying to the right person?
Efaws doesnt need to lose weight, look at his pic!

Carbs post workout is essential! a good fast release carb to go along with your protein shake (in some cases (WMS) take the carb before the protein shake).
8 Nov 2002
I cant agree with that, unless u can prove otherwise (i.e. provide a source).

I was told that its what u eat the day before the workout that counts, that was from a guy who could do a 1000lb leg press ( and always ripped too ).

Id say that u need the carbohydrates beforehand to burn & turn into energy, where the by-product is lactic acid (which is where the pain sometimes comes from). Then afterwards u need protene to help rebuild the muscle. Also if ** proper into it, u should eat more than 3 times a day, something to do with nitrogen balance.

Im not saying Im an expert, u can get a degree in sport science and just reading about some of it is a bit mind boggling.
21 Jul 2006
Motherwell, Scotland
megatron said:
I cant agree with that, unless u can prove otherwise (i.e. provide a source).

I was told that its what u eat the day before the workout that counts, that was from a guy who could do a 1000lb leg press ( and always ripped too ).

You can't agree with it, yet you seem to know so little?

Protein uptake in the muscle is increased dramatically when taken with carbs due to the insulin response and the fact that if no carbs or fats are taken with the protein, it is then used for energy, which is useless!

Not being offensive, but from your posts you don't seem to be all that knowledgable about the subject on whole yet are giving out false advice to people? :confused:
16 Mar 2005
megatron said:
I was told that its what u eat the day before the workout that counts, that was from a guy who could do a 1000lb leg press ( and always ripped too ).

Which is true, it does matter what you've eaten the day before as you can suffer from a 'food hangover'. Your workout will not be as effective as normal, your lifts lower. But you need a carb source after the workout. Feed your body in the anabolic window.

And that's coming from a guy who can do a 1000lb leg press in his sleep ;)

Id say that u need the carbohydrates beforehand to burn & turn into energy, where the by-product is lactic acid (which is where the pain sometimes comes from). Then afterwards u need protene to help rebuild the muscle. Also if ** proper into it, u should eat more than 3 times a day, something to do with nitrogen balance.

You need carbs before a workout, after a workout, consistently throughout the day, as is the case with protein. If you're 'proper' into it you should eat at least 5-6 times a day. You need to feed the body every 2-3 hours, pre-workout, post-workout.

And to the chap with 11% bodyfat wanting to drop it lower then I would leave it. You won't turn into a 'huge' bodybuilder as you've mentioned you don't want to be, but you are a skinny chap and your efforts would be better spent keeping your diet clean and adding some quality mass.
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
megatron said:
I cant agree with that, unless u can prove otherwise (i.e. provide a source).

I was told that its what u eat the day before the workout that counts, that was from a guy who could do a 1000lb leg press ( and always ripped too ).

Id say that u need the carbohydrates beforehand to burn & turn into energy, where the by-product is lactic acid (which is where the pain sometimes comes from). Then afterwards u need protene to help rebuild the muscle. Also if ** proper into it, u should eat more than 3 times a day, something to do with nitrogen balance.

Im not saying Im an expert, u can get a degree in sport science and just reading about some of it is a bit mind boggling.

i have done more than 1000lb, does that make me more knowledgeable?
oh, i did sports science in 1995-97.
18 Oct 2002
S7yl3s said:
You need carbs before a workout, after a workout, consistently throughout the day, as is the case with protein. If you're 'proper' into it you should eat at least 5-6 times a day. You need to feed the body every 2-3 hours, pre-workout, post-workout.
The truth :)
S7yl3s said:
And to the chap with 11% bodyfat wanting to drop it lower then I would leave it. You won't turn into a 'huge' bodybuilder as you've mentioned you don't want to be, but you are a skinny chap and your efforts would be better spent keeping your diet clean and adding some quality mass.
Agreed :)
Morba said:
i have done more than 1000lb, does that make me more knowledgeable?
oh, i did sports science in 1995-97.
LOL :)
8 Nov 2002
I already know food is important, you are preaching to the converted.

Lets see some links to back up what you're saying, and lets see some pictures to prove you could have a reasonable chance of doing a 1000lb leg press (thats 10 plates a side?).

As far as needing carbs with protene, its really not a problem. Typically Id be straight home after a workout and eating a balanced meal. Protein shakes are not my bag, and if carbs is that important then Id guess it would be in it already.

1000lb leg press aside, the guy was a monster in normal circles; I just find it hard believing that 2 people in a overclockers forum are equally humungous as this guy. Ive also done 10plates a side when I was 14.5stone. Its wasnt a walk in the park!

For a pics thread there is a lot of talk and not many pics!
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17 Aug 2005
m8 dont believe everything you hear in the gym(not saying he is wrong but you hear so much rubbish in the gym its unreal), and even if they arent as big does that mean they aint as knowledgable? Maybe its not what they are after?
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