OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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not particularly, did go to a gym regularly for a while but didnt notice much benefit, because i was going 3 times a week and working out different muscles everytime, so basically 1 muscle group a week. Been at it now for roughly a year, but noticed since buying a bench/freeweight (3months ago)that ive got stronger and gaining at a good pace. I do expect a platue of such soon though, at which point il hit the supplements.

If i spent the 25quid a month gym membership on equipment and supplements id get loads more from it.
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ChroniC said:
ive found 2 days enough to recover, and increased my weight on bench by 10kg an arm in less than 2 months. Monday to wednesday might not seems like 2 days, but if you work out at 6pm monday its 48hours till 6pm wednesday

Studies have shown that a muscle is fully repaired between 36-48 hours after training, so if you're happy to train like that and getting great results, keep at it :) Just be carefull not to burn yourself out and give yourself a week off now and again.

I've found having a week off and eating well during that week, i come back stronger than ever.
It's all about total volume. I train every muscle every 48 hours for 2 months and then take 2 weeks off to fully recover. I start off light with 15 reps at the beginning of the 2 months and by the end I'm lifting so heavy I can only hit 3 reps.

Though i do full body workouts every other day, the total volume is roughly the same as someone who hits each muscle once a week.

Every 48 hour routine Quads:
Monday - Squats (3 sets of 10 reps)
Wednesday - Squats (3 sets of 10 reps)
Friday - Squats (3 sets of 10 reps)

Total weekly for Quads = 9 sets (90 reps)

Once a week:
Monday - Squats (3 sets 10 reps) Leg Press (3 sets 10 reps) Leg Ext (3 sets 10 reps)

Total weekly for Quads = 9 sets (90 reps)

There's no way you could do the 'once a week' workout & volume every 48 hours for every muscle group, that would rapidly lead to over-training. Break the total volume a week rule and you will become over-trained unless you eat like a horse and have the recovery ability of a bodybuilding god. (or you aren't lifting heavy enough)

The idea behind hitting them every other day is to have the muscles constantly repairing and growing :) Hitting them once a week causes a maximum of 72 hours worth of damage to repair. That leaves 92 hours a week when a muslce isn't growing!

Though hitting them with just 3 sets every other day doesn't cause the same damage or stimulus to grow as a high volume once a week workout, so it's down to individual's to decide which works best for them. A big bite or little nibbles.

Though believe me you can have pretty big nibbles when squatting every session ;) 9 sets of squats will release more growth hormones in a week than just 3 sets :D

(there's more to it than just volume, there's intensity aswell but I'm off to bed...)
think im at an acceptable level to post a pic now.
First was taken on 25th of April, other today.


Just started creatine in the hope i can lift more.

Current front work out before these pics was
3x10 squats at 30 (weak legs)
3x10 calf raises at 30
3x10 bench at 65 (barbell)
3x10 flys at 20 (dumbells)
3x10 tricep curls at 20 (barbell)

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bolger said:

Before and current's, got a bit fatter than the first pic before i started hitting the gym.

Lost 2 stone of ugly fat, then put on a stone and a half bulking and currently cutting just now (86kg at 5'11 just now)

1 year next month since i started.

Good work, thats inspiration for me, Did you just do loads of cardio down the gym? what did you eat etc ?
I would invest in a new bench so you can increase your weight without risking injury to yourself. If that fell and your training alone i dread to think the damage it would cause.
Good work ChroniC :)

How tall and how heavy are you? With some changes in your routine you could notice a whole lot more in terms of gaining, but if you train at home with that setup obviously you're extremely limited in what you can do.
Lew said:
Good work, thats inspiration for me, Did you just do loads of cardio down the gym? what did you eat etc ?

For losing the fat, i went the wrong way about it. Went down the 3 meals a day hardly eating many calories and running 30 mins at a fair pace 5 nights a week.

Nearly killed me, after that i found out how to workout properly and have just lifted since. Not done cardio for about 6 months due to kaput knee.
Not really a pic, but this is my weight loss progress so far:


edit: Graph shows lbs of weight on the Y axis, and days on the X. Division lines are stones (14 up to 19). Measurements are taken in the morning before breakfast, post slash and pre dump ;)

17lbs in 24 days. Not ideal, but could be worse.

I used to be really fit. Then I started smoking ganja and eating all the time. Yeah, a couple of years of that and I put on an excess 4stone+. Time to lose it all! Aiming to have it gone by the end of August, then start bulking and hitting the weights soon after.
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andy@moFo said:
I would invest in a new bench so you can increase your weight without risking injury to yourself. If that fell and your training alone i dread to think the damage it would cause.

That bench is pretty sturdy, i havent checked it maximum recommended weight but it will hold a fair while longer.
Saying that ive just seen on a site it says this :eek: Max User Weight - 115 kg
If i weight 75 and bench another 60, that 135, i dont get it, it stronger than that, got me worries now.
I do have a house mate that does it with me though.

Nice one ChroniC looking good bruce lee physique eat you're heart out .

Yeah very little body fat, comes from startng with a fairly thin frame.

Good work ChroniC

How tall and how heavy are you? With some changes in your routine you could notice a whole lot more in terms of gaining, but if you train at home with that setup obviously you're extremely limited in what you can do.

Thanks, I probably will change in a few months time, but at the moment, funds mean i have to stick to freeweights and at home.
Im 6ft2 and 75kg so not that heavy, but from being skinny to 11.5stone of mostly muscle i think makes me quite defined. Need to start pileing on some more weight to fill out the waist.
Hoping the creatine will help there, as i only started taking it a few days ago, have carb/protein shakes everyday.

Any other very good supplements i should consider?
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Whey, Creatine and a good complex carb source are about as good as you're going to get. Make sure you have a good multi-vit and a good source of EFA's in your diet and you should be away.

Been weight training on and off, can't seem to stick to many routines due to being a lazy ****ard, used to train on and off at the gym now just train at home every now and then with my bench + set. Pretty limited but im only wanting to improve on my arms chest and stomach for now. Biceps are only 13.5" currently :( . Need to train more and get into a routine.
Wardie said:
Just over 3 months in. Not got a clue about my body fat level :\

Pecs looks a little weirdly shaped at the moment, I think I need a decline bench.



2 months on: Stretch marks under arm pits :( As for the scratch on my tum tum, I walked into a door :\


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