OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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Think i'll post this semi-ramble on here since the amount of posts im making on myprotein is sure to make me public enemy no1 sooner or later.

first day back at the gym today and all was fairly normal, as expected. As i said on another post just concentrating on form for this week then hit an HST cycle and hopefully encourage great growth.

Anyway was a bit shocked when i weighed myself at 60.7kg, my lowest weight ever after over 2 weeks of inactivity and at least at the beginning eating terribly, included a boozy night complete with stinking kebab and all once. Yet im down nearly 2kgs from where i was pre op, 2kgs i hoped would involve at least a pound of muscle from my 10s cycle. dont really understand what the hell has happened!?

Was just wondering if you think I should jump into a 10s cycle and bulking diet straight away or start back at the 15s on a cut. Know i need to put on quality muscle and although unhappy with my bodyshape, not sure if i'd be keen on going below 60kgs on the 15s cycle.

Other questions include: Should i be using creatine if i do start on a cut? If so do you recommend a loading phase and all? Oh and finally when working out do you rep slowly or pretty fast to encourage strength gain? Im pretty used to working slow, probs 2-3 secs controlled up and down, used to do 5 as i thought this encouraged all the muscle fibres to grow moreso than rep'ing fast. But repping fast increases strength to a greater degree?

cheers all
If you're unhappy with your body composition then I'd recommend you have a look at some of the discussions over on MP regarding CKD and TKD diets. These are a great way of helping to change your bodyfat levels quickly. Especially when combined with a top notch routine like HST :)

Creatine is even more beneficial when on one of these diets and again even more when cutting, so it won't hurt. Though I always think you should try and deplete your own natural creatine pool before supplementing for optimal gains. As you're just coming back I'd stay off the creatine for now. Give it month, so wait until you're hitting the 5's I reckon.

No need to load. 5g with fruit juice at breakfast on rest days and 5g in your PWO shake on training days :)

Best way to train for optimal muscle fibre recruitment is slow on the downward phase with maximum control and then explode the weight up with maximum effort.
Sorry mate tried searching for those but couldn't really fish out any information with 'TKD or CKD diet' and 'TKD or CKD' was too short to work, so what do these stand for? I is a spoon you see :)

I couldnt be more unhappy heh. Cant believe i've lost weight while recovering, especially nearly 2kilograms...probably muscle though :( Basically due to my height i think my BF levels need to be below 10% at least to show even the outline of my abs. Yet i weigh 60.8kg which is horrible considering i used to be a rugby player and consider myself quite a solid and strong guy.

think the focus just needs to be building as much muscle as possible at the mo and really nailing it in the gym. Thurs will hopefully reveal good results then i'll have a superb uni gym to go to instead of the dirt im at now

http://forum.myprotein.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9669 - thats the current bodyshape, much improved from xmas but still a pathetic middle ground, wish i'd started out from skinny as its quite hard to judge what is benefiting me etc at the mo
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Okay after Chong completely destroyed what UEX said. It's safe to say im officially confused lol. I'll wait up until he updates so I'll try and learn something through your discussion.
Sk07 you say u want to do cardio to boost fitness, is there really any need for this? for example are u getting fit for the start of a season?

You shouldn't disregard Morba because he isn't saying what you want, hes 100% right. You can indeed cut and still build muscle but only in the starting phase like he says. I'd recommend u read articles left right and centre and make up your own mind, its the only way you can trust something truly and believe in it enough to make great gains.

As a starting point however i'd suggest dropping you caloric intake from maintenance by -200 increments each week until you're - 600, below this level u'd really need to have experience and know your body well. As for diet in detail make sure u get at least 2.5-3x your bodyweight in kgs of protein, 5 a day through decent greens (brocoli, cucumber) and get a high amount of fats into your diet (GOOD FATS). Since moving to this diet i can honestly say controlling my weight has never been so easy.

As you're starting out and looking to build muscle as well as drop pounds i'd suggest doing no added work other than your gym workouts 3 times a week, or every other day, whatever u plan to do. When you're cutting to maintain your muscle and not stimulate any growth, i like to step it up and do cardio on my days off, such as HIIT sprinting.

EDIT * On a side note i was watching some Leyton Norton vids earlier and he stated on a cut he consumes 250g protein a day, yet when bulking he consumes 225g per day, found this a bit odd. Should we all be doing something similar? Perhaps the body needs more to hang on to muscle during a cut than once thought? Must say i really love the science behind all of his training
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ChroniC said:
think im at an acceptable level to post a pic now.
First was taken on 25th of April, other today.


Not had a chance to really get at it lately, due to new job, and no money to buy food. :)

Another month on and im struggling with a problem i cant beat. The more i work out the more i seem to get bigger muscles, which is obvious and good obviously, but im so defined and i want some bulk. NO matter how much i drink my carb shakes and eat pasta till its coming out my ears my trouser still only just fit my 30-32 waist. Im becoming triangle.


I do like havnig chest muscles like dishplates though :D i want some fat though as putting on 3 stone of pure muscle is very hard.
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Whats your intake at the mo? Or what u were aiming for before your routine got messed up by the new job?

Great work by the way, you can really see your abs coming through in the last pic compared with others. Most be obliterating your bodyfat
Ok guys I know this thread is titled to attract bodybuilders and "fit people" so apologies in advance for posting an image of myself which is entirely the opposite, but I'd appreciate some advice as there are a lot of people here that know what they're talking about.

I have posted a shot of my torso and thighs below and as I currently feel like a walking lump of jelly I have resolved to buy some protein and join a gym and start lifting heavy weights. I've been doing casual jogging and eating carefully for a couple of months but although I'm losing weight it's just making me feel like more of a weed.

I am 26 and 5'11'' tall, currently 78kg with a body / fat ratio in excess of 20%. What would you say is my best course of action for me in terms of diet and workout if I said to you I wanted to gain muscle mass, shed the excess lard and just generally look trim? Apologies if I'm out of place posting this here but this thread could be useful for aspirers as well as the existing buff squad :)


P.S. I know I look lop-sided and I have no idea why!
P.P.S. Those red marks are because I've just been watching cricket in a funny position, they're not strech marks!
SK07 said:
It's safe to say im officially confused lol.

welcome to the world of nutrition and exercise :D
you will read many things that contradict other things that you read and you will have people on both sides of any fence saying that their view is correct.
read all that you can, both fact an opinion and make your own mind up what you think is best.
try things (exercises / supplements) if you feel they will work, but try them in a way that you can see for sure whether it works or not.

Robbie G said:
Ok guys I know this thread is titled to attract bodybuilders and "fit people" so apologies in advance for posting an image of myself which is entirely the opposite

Don't apologise mate, this thread is for anybody to post their pic, no matter what level you're at. Beginners welcome! Hopefully you can post more pics over the coming months to show off your progress :cool:

There's no better way to encourage new people to take up bodybuilding than before/after pics :)
SK07 said:
Okay after Chong completely destroyed what UEX said. It's safe to say im officially confused lol. I'll wait up until he updates so I'll try and learn something through your discussion.

CW isnt totally wrong, unfortunately he debinked my post simply because it wasnt 100% 'perfect' advice. You have been given plenty of vague pointers and yet asked for more specifics, so i have given them to you.

To cover CW's issues with my advice firstly:-

Building muscle on 2200 cals per day? damn straight! Ok so in your mind, calories taken in are used up like fuel and if you run out you cannot build muscle? Well thats not how the body works. Im putting together a post on anabolism and hormones but i need to be sure its all 100% watertight advice before posting as the consequences of following it can be dangerous. Until i post that i will just say this. When your body is anabolic (during periods of hormone activity such as the elevated testosterone during short heavy lifting periods) it builds muscle, when it is catabolic (such as during and after endurance training and lengthy cardio) it breaks down fat AND muscle. CW seems to think this biuld up and break down is indiscriminate, the body is far more efficient than that.

My response to you, SK07, was based around YOUR body type as you have described it, you have excess body fat yes? So what happens when you eat too few calories in a day to hit your maintainance target? Your body supplements the energy requirment with calories from body fat right? Thats how you loose weight.

Now imagine we zoom in on a time period of 1.5hours. During this time you do 1 hour of weights. Your body starts out with, say, 500calories in blood sugar stores (including glycogen in both the liver and the muscles). And for arguments sake lets say that by the 30min mark you have broken down and used all of this energy, your body will begin lipolysis, the mobilization and breakdown of fat stores for energy. This happens DESPITE the body being fundamentally anabolic at this stage. As you continue to excercise and burn calories your body begins to become 'concerned' with this continued fat loss and you start to get an excess of the stress hormone cortisol, cortisol is a complex hormone that has many functions in the body, however for the purpose of this post lets concentrate on its anti-anabolic (catabolic) effects.

As cortisol levels rise you body becomes more and more catabolic, this is a hinderence to muscle growth and can lead to muscle breakdown if allowed to continue for an extended period. Damaging catabolism will only occur towards the 2 hour mark of heavy excercise. It can be prevented, or at least halted by ingestion of fast acting protein and the release of insulin.

Thus after your 1hr15 train, having burnt you 'backup' sugars and then burnt some fat, call it a total of 900cals. HOWEVER here comes the bit people miss in their maths, where did these calories come from? only 500 were from diet, the other 400 came from body fat.

This process of anabolism and catabolism is ongoing in much smaller quantities throughout the day. And throughout the day the body is supplementing its calorie needs with body fat. Thus providing the correct calories are taken at the correct times, you can manipulate your body's systems to your own ends.

If you are taking in large quantities of protein along with well timed carbs, you can ensure that you stay anabolic almost 24/7 the body will supplement its own energy needs with body fats whilst using the useful calories in your diet to build muscle.

You see the body does not break down muscle and food-protein for energy, at least not ordinarily, the body must be in a catabolic state for this to occur, the body must either be desperate to reduce muscle mass due to low bodyfat (thus skinny people are hard gainers) or convinced that it requires the energy over some less preferable alternative. Simply put, providing you give your body the right things at the right times you can keep protein anabolism up and maintain fat catabolism, but its no simple balance.

This only works while you have excess bodyfat, a trim person would struggle to maintain growth.

Look at that lot, that is why i was keeping my responses practical and specific, the above is simplified still further and yet far more complex and in depth than most stuff posted here on the topic.

Double dose multi-vit was meant to mean, double RDA of typical shop bought stuff.

Double dose cod liver oil because your joints are your friend and too much fish oil wont do you any harm, plus its cheap and great if you dont get a lot of fish in your diet (ill admit i take more cos i hate fish).

Vit D and C are great for many aspects of health but i single D out for its bone strengthening qualities, personally i think its important to have as stron a bones as poss, but lets call that one a judgment call.

As far as getting these nutrients from your diet, sure thats fine, but i cant spend all day balancing the vitamin contents of each food item to ensure im getting what i need. What i dont get from diet the pills take care of, the rest goes literally down the loo, ive not advocated and dangerous doses.

My diet contains sod all omega 6, to be honest id never really considered it, the main reason i posted an omega 3+6 supp is that in the supermarket they tend to come together in one cap. Just trying to keep it simple for SK07

Whats your issue with branded whey powders? Sure i could have written a 3 page essay on combining isolates, concentrates, BCAA's L-glutamine and other amino acids and AA precursors, but what would be the point? To save him a few bob on bulk powder by the kilo, but what if, say, he dislikes the flavour? Or reacts badly to whey? or the particular blend or flavouring or colourant? Why throw in all this complication when the poor guy just needs a complete protein that wont make him gag? I like the proteins from Myprotein and other bulk suppliers, but its easier to start with the commercial tubs till you know your nuts.

Zero fat? Because you never get zero fat with wholefood, ultra low fat short term diets can be great, but i was suggesting that keeping fats out of your main meals as much as poss is a great way to cut overall calories.

The problem is CW that you have responded to my post as if it was aimed at telling YOU what to do to train, it wasn't. you quite clearly have some knowledge of the sport and the nutrition to go along with it. But SK07 wanted a few specifics and i tried to give them without creating a mammoth post that might scare him off the topic with its complexity.

I fear perhaps this may still have gone too deep into some parts, and for the love of god i plead that no one complicate matters further by picking holes in the semantics of this post, i know the fundamental science to be right and any innaccuracies will not really be of concern to anyone reading it for help. I dont claim to be any kind of authority on this topic but ive spent a lot of time doing research and testing theories, im a biology graduate to boot with at least some technical knowledge.

SK07, form your own opinions on it all my man, take advice where its given and consider all possibilities. Blindly following anything said by any one person is a sure path to destruction.
hey Chong, How does masturbation effect bulking ?

I was just wondering whether it's detrimental due to losing proteins and also how it would effect testostrome levels in the body?

*Should this post be deemed offensive you can delete it :p
Boscher said:
hey Chong, How does masturbation effect bulking ?

I was just wondering whether it's detrimental due to losing proteins and also how it would effect testostrome levels in the body?

*Should this post be deemed offensive you can delete it :p

I would say the loss of protein is greatly made up by the increase in muscle mass from the bicep and forearm. Nadal Is a pro in this type of bodybuilding

MTA99 said:
Boscher said:
hey Chong, How does masturbation effect bulking ?

I was just wondering whether it's detrimental due to losing proteins and also how it would effect testostrome levels in the body?

*Should this post be deemed offensive you can delete it :p

Hehe, sexual activity promotes testosterone production, so regular masturbation would in theory boost muscle growth, the association between lack of sex and aggresive behaviour is somewhat erronious as poor sexual success causes stress (high cortisol) which in turn promotes muscle tissue breakdown.
UEX said:
Thus after your 1hr15 train, having burnt you 'backup' sugars and then burnt some fat, call it a total of 900cals. HOWEVER here comes the bit people miss in their maths, where did these calories come from? only 500 were from diet, the other 400 came from body fat.

HOWEVER.... it is not where people miss things out in their maths. it has been posted many time (by myself and others) that doing a good workout burns a lot of calories and is good for fat loss in itself.
Not only during the exercise, but after it aswell, many times people have been replied to, being told of the additional calories that are burned in the 24 hours following a weights workout in comparison to a cardio workout.

Nobody has said that it is not possible to create an atmosphere where you body can lose fat and then another where you gain muscle, even in the same day. All anyone posts is that 99% of people cannot do it, mostly because most people do not have the time or want to micro manage their diet to the extent that it can become possible for them.
iirc TT posted a great article on MT regarding doing this.
Well okay thanks for that.

Basically I find it hard for anyone here to give others advice when they don't have solid evidence. For example one can say they are 14 stone but could that mean 14 stone of mostly lean muscle or 14 stone of a lot of fat?

Anyway im 6ft 3ins and about 16st on the dot. I wouldn't say I have a bad case of overweight. Infact all round my chest, shoulders, arms etc it's firm not flabby or "squidgy". But I have noticed a loss in inches especially around my waste due to trousers getting very slack by a lot. Everythings going smooth however my lower stomach just seems to hover around the same thing, it doesn't seem to retract. After all my daily ab exercises and healthy eating. I understand it's the last place to lose fat from but still. I admit it has come in slightly but it seems to have hit a brick wall in the last couple of weeks and not pulled in anymore or got smaller. I have absolutely no love handles, it's completely flat down the sides.


Closest pic I can find that slightly resembles (taken from google) almost the same except my stomach is slightly more retracted than that not as fat but still it gives a rough sketch I guess.
SK07 said:
Well okay thanks for that.

Basically I find it hard for anyone here to give others advice when they don't have solid evidence.

you still do not get it do you! what is posted here is guidance, we all know that we cannot be very specific to each individual person who could ever post because there is not enough specific information. the best that can be given is based on is posted.

why do you think there are so many differing opinions and advice given? because people post based on what they are told.

if you want something specific to you, go and get a few tests done and have someone analyse the results and build you a diet based around it and an exercise plan :]
UEX said:
Building muscle on 2200 cals per day? damn straight!
But how can you say that to someone without knowing anything about their stats?
UEX said:
Double dose multi-vit was meant to mean, double RDA of typical shop bought stuff.
Typical shop bought stuff is absolute garbage.
UEX said:
Double dose cod liver oil because your joints are your friend and too much fish oil wont do you any harm, plus its cheap and great if you dont get a lot of fish in your diet (ill admit i take more cos i hate fish).
Then why recommend Cod Liver Oil? Recommend regular fish oil that isn't mega rich in vitamin A & D, these can be taken with no risk at all. (apart from maybe heavy metal poisoning, so source a good one that's tested)

My point was you're telling him to double dose a multi-vit for at least double RDA of these oil soluble vits. Then double dose the Cod Liver Oils and then supplement even more Vitamin D?? Add to the fact his body will make it's own thanks to the sun.
UEX said:
As far as getting these nutrients from your diet, sure thats fine, but i cant spend all day balancing the vitamin contents of each food item to ensure im getting what i need. What i dont get from diet the pills take care of, the rest goes literally down the loo, ive not advocated and dangerous doses.
No now you're kidding yourself. Those typical multi-vits don't take care of a damn thing, infact a lot of the time they're outright unhealthy and even poisonous. Over time I think necking these off the shelf, cheapo, synthetic vitamins in large doses, along with strong supp's like Cod Liver Oils in large doses could be potentially dangerous doses.

Oil soluble vitamins, etc DO NOT go down the loo, they stay in the body and if you keep ingesting large amounts, many times of what's needed then they can build upto toxic levels, hence my post. Water soluble vitamins like Vitamin C and the B-Vits are easily passed through the body when not needed.
UEX said:
Whats your issue with branded whey powders?
They're a rip-off :p
UEX said:
To save him a few bob on bulk powder by the kilo, but what if, say, he dislikes the flavour? Or reacts badly to whey? or the particular blend or flavouring or colourant?
A few bob? It's at least twice if not 3x or 4x times the price. Dislikes the flavour? It's unflavoured, he can add any flavour he wants with Nesquik ;)
If he reacts badly to whey then he can't take the branded stuff either can he? Surely he's 100x times more likely to react badly to the branded stuff with all the added crap they add?
UEX said:
The problem is CW that you have responded to my post as if it was aimed at telling YOU what to do to train, it wasn't.
My post was almost exclusively about the vitamins, etc why would you say that? :confused:
UEX said:
you quite clearly have some knowledge of the sport and the nutrition to go along with it.
Well thanks, as do you :) but if I see someone advising beginners especially with something I disagree with then I'll say something. Doesn't mean I took the post personally or anything.

UEX said:
SK07, form your own opinions on it all my man, take advice where its given and consider all possibilities. Blindly following anything said by any one person is a sure path to destruction.
Now that's a great post! ;)
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