OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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This thread is inspiring, some good bodies in here (in a non-gay way).

I really need to lose my belly. I've got a decent physique but after I stopped boxing and a number of personal problems I flubbered up a lot in the past 18 months. I've recently got back into training and I've been hitting HIIT and some weights but my workout/lifestyle needs a lot of work on it.
This thread is inspiring, some good bodies in here (in a non-gay way).

Thats great to hear DS :)

By dedicating a few hours a week to working out and following a healthy eating plan, anybody can make a change to their physical appearance.

Still no fitness ladies posted yet though, shame. Who's going to be the first? :cool:

Do any ladies even visit SA?
I've been doing a new exercise (to me) over the past month and it's absolutely brilliant combined with other back exercises.

It uses the cable crossover machine, but instead of doing incline chest you cross over your arms (still on an incline position in the middle of the cross over machine) and pull outwards to your sides which really has helped deepen and develop my back (traps and lats) as well as posterior and slightly the lateral delts. I can't find any pictures of it or videos of it, but it's absolutely brilliant!

I'm sure it's been used by you lot many times but for me it's nice and new and really helping!
I guess - I can't quite describe it that well, I guess that's pretty much close to what I mean. :o

Yeah instead of "pushing" or "squeezing" like you do in a fly, you "pull" from the back/shoulders and "squeeze" from the lats/traps. Your arms start crossed at the elbows and end up perpendicular to the floor at your sides, in a sort of "scissor" action.

Anybody else done this exercise? I saw it on youtube with either arnie, or coleman or some other bodybuilder/big mofo doing them - it looked good, and you know what it felt amazing!

Started working out 2 months ago
Any difference, i cant see much, i know its only been 2 months but oh well.
just like a little input

EDIT: Posted same in other thread aswell.
1 big difference i noticed is at 18 and below you still cant see any kinda bump on your arm to show any muscle (unless you already work out) but within 2 weeks of working out it just started appearing mega quick :) , and the muscles on the side of my neck seem to have gone from dipping in to bumping out , dunno what they are though :p, there 2 changes i know of
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