indeed, no need to drastically drop calories, stage it over a week so that your body gets used to it.
Ahh fair enough then, was gonna say!
Since joining a different gym I have got right back on track with gaining and lifting heavier - one thing I always can't seem to really improve is my dam Bench. DB Press I'm fine with increasing.
I feel DB Press works better on isolating the chest but I never like not to do Bench, Squat, Deadlift etc.
I usually do Bench one week and then DB press the next (and also mix in decline bench and incline DBpress)
Oh well - as long as I can keep increasing DBPress I'll be happy
Only major issue is the fact that DB's usually only go up 5lbs each time rather than 2.5lbs!
...I just had some mayfield dairy 2% and my GOD THAT STUFF IS BRILLIANT,
I'm from the UK. What exactly is mayfield dairy 2%? I presume its milk?
I see your form America also, I just had some mayfield dairy 2% and my GOD THAT STUFF IS BRILLIANT, shame its 5 bucks a gallon! Do you guys get it up there?
Hmm I don't think I have ever looked at the brand (usually store brand I guess). I normally try and go for fat free milk but will have a look out for this one. Dam $5 a gallon - I go through that in about 2-3days!