OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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Just a quick update as to what Im working with nowdays,

5 Sets - Last set failure @ 1 minute rest between sets.
Bench: 5 x 285lbs
Squat: 5 x 350lbs
Shoulder press: 5 x 220lbs
Leg Press: 5 x 540lbs

Havn't repped out yet as I've been doing a lot of conditioning recently, did a 600lb 100m tyre flip this week (managed 60m or so)

Some new faces to the scene, MSM your looking good mate! :)
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Ahh fair enough then, was gonna say! ;)
Since joining a different gym I have got right back on track with gaining and lifting heavier - one thing I always can't seem to really improve is my dam Bench. DB Press I'm fine with increasing.
Ahh fair enough then, was gonna say! ;)
Since joining a different gym I have got right back on track with gaining and lifting heavier - one thing I always can't seem to really improve is my dam Bench. DB Press I'm fine with increasing.

Bench press, imo is a terrible exercise, I only do it because I'm forced to. Dumbell bench press and dumbell incline are two of THE BEST chest builders ever. Don't waste your time on BB bench :)
I feel DB Press works better on isolating the chest but I never like not to do Bench, Squat, Deadlift etc.
I usually do Bench one week and then DB press the next (and also mix in decline bench and incline DBpress)
Oh well - as long as I can keep increasing DBPress I'll be happy
I feel DB Press works better on isolating the chest but I never like not to do Bench, Squat, Deadlift etc.
I usually do Bench one week and then DB press the next (and also mix in decline bench and incline DBpress)
Oh well - as long as I can keep increasing DBPress I'll be happy

What sort of weight are you shifting on the DB's?
Thats basically where I'm at, I can understand what you mean when you say lifting solo is a pain, thats the beauty of db's though, you can just drop them worst comes to worse. Only major issue is the fact that DB's usually only go up 5lbs each time rather than 2.5lbs!
Only major issue is the fact that DB's usually only go up 5lbs each time rather than 2.5lbs!

Where I'm going at the moment once you're over 100lbs it increases every 10lbs :( = weights on knees, sit down lean back and flick weights up and hope you can lift 'em lol
You think that anything incline (DB or BB) is best for upper chest?
Usually do DB Press, DB pull overs, decline BB, flys, cable crossovers and then weighted dips.
If I do normal Bench I'll do incline DB press.
Yes, it really is quite annoying when you acn get 5 for 120 then decide to move upto 130 only to be made a fool of with everyone around you thinking, what an idiot thinks he's so big and tough.

For chest as a whole I prefer to do incline as flat seems to him the front of the shoulders more.

DB Pullovers, flys and cross overs as well as incline are the ultimate mass builders. Decline has never meant much to me tbh :)

I think maybe you should just do flat and incline. or decline and incline. Decline really is not necessary :)

Edit: I see your form America also, I just had some mayfield dairy 2% and my GOD THAT STUFF IS BRILLIANT, shame its 5 bucks a gallon! :eek: Do you guys get it up there?
Dumbbells in my gym only go up to 38kg (83lbs), so I usually do dumbbell inclines later on in my routine. Changing gym in a few months and they have 50kg (110lbs) dumbbells which will be more suited for a first chest exercise.
incline and flat work different sections of the chest and should BOTH be included in every routine.

Decline bench is similar to a dip, a dip is superior as a compound and related to flat bench muscles so should not be done on the same day.

If done correctly both DB and BB bench can lean toward triceps or chest more by varying grip. I use a 'V' grip with my hands as wide as my rack allows (about 4-5ft apart). This lowers the overall weight but focuses on the chest and front delts. The real tricep busters are skullcrushers, CG bench and rope pushdowns, i personally would not rely on bench press for chest or tricep growth, its a good pre-exhaust compound though imo.

Those are my opinions
I think the main problem people have with benching and chest development is actually form. They may be lifting safely, but the majority don't do any themselves any favours.

I can gaurentee quite a number of lifters chest would benefit from flat BB bench if they dropped the weight, started doing SLOW negatives and stopping an inch or so short of their chest, then squeezing the bar up with the chest explosively.

The other reason people think BB bench is so bad is also because it's all they've ever done. So when they finally switch to Dips or DB pressing it's a new exercise for their body, and we all know that new stimulus means growth.

I'm very confident that if I had started by DB benching for ages then switched to BB bench I would see gains that I wasn't getting from using the DBs.

If you stay with a certain exercise for so long your body will find the easiest way of dealing with moving the weight, which is actually through CNS efficiency rather than by having more muscle.

Just some food for though...
I see your form America also, I just had some mayfield dairy 2% and my GOD THAT STUFF IS BRILLIANT, shame its 5 bucks a gallon! :eek: Do you guys get it up there?

Hmm I don't think I have ever looked at the brand (usually store brand I guess). I normally try and go for fat free milk but will have a look out for this one. Dam $5 a gallon - I go through that in about 2-3days! :p
Hmm I don't think I have ever looked at the brand (usually store brand I guess). I normally try and go for fat free milk but will have a look out for this one. Dam $5 a gallon - I go through that in about 2-3days! :p

Yes usually I go for either publix brand or kroger but this mayfield stuff just tastes like heaven :cool:
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