OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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25 Mar 2007
I put on a wee bit too much podge around the midsection, on the positive ive
done alright with my arms, just need to figure out how to develop those damn forearms lol

Are you balancing your workout, i.e. paying attention to anything but you biceps / upper shoulder? Those are ridiculously small forearms for that size of upper-arm.
18 Oct 2002
NW London
Those are ridiculously small forearms for that size of upper-arm.

I would disagree with that.

First off, it could be that he is pressing his upper arm into his torso, which will give it the appearance of being slightly larger. Secondly, his wrist is obviously thin, and there is pretty much nothing that can be done about that. His forearm is a bit lacking, but I certainly wouldnt say it is out of proportion.

It does look like he puts in a lot of effort into his upper body, however, the slight size difference could be down to genetics and might also be because he is pumped up from returning from the gym (just before taking the pic), where he only trained the muscles that look enlarged in the photo.

One things for sure - all the comments on his pic seem to state that his arms and shoulders are in good shape, which cant be a bad thing.
18 Jul 2006
I would disagree with that.

First off, it could be that he is pressing his upper arm into his torso, which will give it the appearance of being slightly larger. Secondly, his wrist is obviously thin, and there is pretty much nothing that can be done about that. His forearm is a bit lacking, but I certainly wouldnt say it is out of proportion.

I would disagree with this, I have very thin wrists ( I get called girly wrists), and even though my wrists are thin my upperf forarms bulge upwards from my incredible deadlifts.

I will get a picture tonight to show you what one means.

I hope not but it would not surprise me if we have a bicep monkey in the wild here.
15 Jun 2006
yes its an after gym pic, my arms pulled back so i can see how much ive gained around the mid section, i tend to foucus on arms and chest for upper workouts and tend to really focus on compound excersizes that hit everythign/ only really and legs every third day, size wise i can only say around the same size as my head, my wrists are7 inches which is odd because its like all bone, no idea if thats a good or bad thing but there u go. my forearms look out of proportion probably because they are so long.

my other measurements are as follows
height 6ft 1
waist 34
chest 48
i have very long arms, my arms are down to my knees
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18 Jul 2006
You fail.

Legs = POWER

You dont even understand just how much damage you can do with a nice strong set of legs. If I had to do two ex for the rest of my life it would be squats and powercleans.
15 Jun 2006
i know, im doing 300kg leg presses atm, i need the full week to recover from a leg work out. leg extensions, weighted standing lunge etc, my legs are the strongest part of me by far and i feel i dont need to work them as much as the upper for the moment to be hoenst
my leg workouts tend to be very heavy but make me feel really tight and stiff for the next few days, anything more and it would be suicide.

ps i do power cleans :p, dont really do sqauts because the leg presses hammer my butt and im pretty much shaking like mad after doing a leg workout
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18 Jul 2006
i know, im doing 300kg leg presses atm, i need the full week to recover from a leg work out

I do 350kg and I still think its for women. You should squat, leg press is what fags and girls do.


Also leg extensions are crap.

my leg workout:

4 x 8 squat
4 x 6 Powercleans
4 x 15 calve raises
4 x 8 reverse leg curls
4 x 8 leg press (note my use of this as an auxiliary)
4 x 8 elastic jumps
4 x 8 box jumps with dumbells
15 Jun 2006
lol i wont go too heavy, i do an hours cardio before a weight session, with nothing but water, i wont take any of that sugary drink crap or energy drinks as it gives me an upset stomach. I am happy with the progress im making atm.
14 stones from 12 stone 6 about 9 months ago

my training scheme is as follows

upper body,

incline dumbell press, 3x 10 50kg
cleans 3 x 10 30 kgs
pullups 3 x 10
dips 3 x 10
french press 3 x 10 40kg
barbell curl 3 x 10 35kgs
flyes 3 x 10 16kg

lower body

leg extension
leg press
standing lunge
whatever that excerise is called where your lying on your stomach and bringing your legs towards your butt with weights
and the one where your legs are open and you pull your legs towards each other with an added weight

cardio day 1
hours run on speed 13

cardio day 2
10 min treadmill warmup
5 min x3 rowing
5 min x3 cross trainer
5 min x3 bike
total = 55mins

lol my legs are the same as my arms, big hamstrings, huge even and a lot smaller calfs, probably due to the amount of running i do though
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18 Oct 2002
NW London
... your height so it should be closer to 180cm give or take. But if not, consider basketball, you won't even need to jump for the basket. :)


bear in mind 1 arm to the middle of my chest is 1m 40, and the same with the other one

I just measured my own arm length, to the centre of my chest and it comes to about 92cm. I also decided to check your 1.4m measurement against my own and by my reckoning, something IS NOT RIGHT. :p

my arms have always been out of proportion to my body, i always get called monkey :(


When you sit down on a chair, do you knuckles hit the ground?

Also, for the love God, take up basketball - your reach must be immense if the 1.4m arm length is correct. In fact, like the other guys said, if you really do have such a long reach, you could probably stand by the basket, 1 hand on basket ring, feet on the ground, waiting for the ball to come your way.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
14st with a 48" chest? That's an impressive weight considering you don't do much leg work. You don't look 14st but then again it's not a very good picture to judge on! Good effort on your bulking though. :)

Doing an hours of cardio before weights basically negates any muscle building you're going to do. I'd keep cardio on separate days.
15 Jun 2006
so whats wrong with my scheme as it is, I really want to focus on definition atm. but alas trying to get the diet right is a bit crap considerign how badly i react to sugar. low gi all the way
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15 Jun 2006
i didnt say i dont do much leg work lol, only every 3 days :p bear which means sometimes ill be doing leg works in every other week. and the same with arms so one week its legs other week its mainly arms, to be honest though any more than 2 legs times a week would screw me up for sprinting

ps isnt 6ft 2meters
edit lol i got the measuring tape out, i may have overestimated it a bit, my armspan is exactly bang on 6ft 1. which is 186 cm :p my mistake :p and according to that measuring tape thing im 6ft 2 now :p

for perspective this was me before 12 st 6 after 13 ston12 - 14 stone 2... can never get the godam thing to stay the same weight every couple days
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Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
ps isnt 6ft 2meters

Nope, it is about 6'6".

Let's put it this way, I'm about 3" taller than you and my armspan from fingertip to fingertip almost corresponds exactly with my height. Your arms do sound pretty long in that my hands reach the mid point of my thigh rather than to my knees but even allowing the difference to my knee as being around 1' either side (30cm ish) between my arms and yours that still shouldn't put you near to 3m.

//edit MTA99 is rather quicker than me for that there. :p
15 Jun 2006
I always feel like crap during the bulkign phase, it really gets to you gaining any form of fat whatso ever. always hate feeling that low, used to be anorexic when i was younger, hit 6 stone at 6 ft lol and would excersize constantly for hours and hours on end to try and get rid of that last bit of fat, didnt matter that i looked like a skeleton, but at the time i thought it looked good. got out of it because i kept fainting and finally decided to do something about it before i killed myself lol. but im progressing which is a positive. Wish i had some pics of what i looked like then. i was 15 stones and incredibly fat in primary 7. and shot down to 6 stone in a year. strange how i never really got excess skin or so from that amount of weight loss . the battle to get fit again and put on muscle was horrible, constantly trying to resist the urge to eat less and less because you put on a pound of weight then was a killer. to an extent its still the same, getting out of that mind set is going to take a lot longer because of such a long time keeping your weight low

when im cutting i seem to just eat porridge and tuna and veg with the multivits thrown in. seems to work though although u get sick of having porridge every 3 or so hours :p
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