OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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14st with a 48" chest? That's an impressive weight considering you don't do much leg work. You don't look 14st but then again it's not a very good picture to judge on! Good effort on your bulking though. :)

Doing an hours of cardio before weights basically negates any muscle building you're going to do. I'd keep cardio on separate days.

my legs have always been huge especially since i do a lot of spriting calfs not so much, its the same perspective as my upper arms lower arms.
and i always though the building phase was due to the how much you eat and not really the cardio, i mean according to the calorieometer im burining up 12-1300 calories an hour after an hours cardio, so if i eat as much again, surely it doesnt really make a difference ?
what if your wanting to drop your fat though
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Fat burning I'd rely on HIIT. However I'm quite lucky as I'm very much a mesomorph and so bulking whilst keeping low body fat happens quite easily. However my diet is extremely good. I don't eat any sweets, crisps, naughty cakes (doughnuts, etc...)... it's filled with lots of high protein, low fat, lots of vegetables and fish. I eat very little bread, don't drink alcohol, or fizzy drinks (coke etc...). That alone has helped me before I've even got to the gym.

My gym routines are brutal, and regular and regimented. I'm quite in touch with what my body needs and how it reacts to exercises. I mix powerlifting, with bodybuilding. On my "off" days, I play an hour of squash twice a week, and sometimes go swimming or play basketball. I'm very active.

Your cutting diet seems worrying but I think you were just exaggerating - at least I hope you were.

What exactly are you after? Improved strength? Fitness? Bulk? Or shred yourself to pieces? Or all of the above? I myself am not bothered about being overly shredded, but my fitness, strength and bulk (as well as flexibility) are my main goals and so work towards that. Don't over complicate what you want.

You are very slim (I don't see the podge you refer to) but reasonably broad for your build, then again you're quite tall - I'd have put you as an ectomorph really rather than anything else.

Get your plans in your mind, work on your diet and think of a routine you need and want to improve on. You just seem a little "all over the place" to me at the moment. But it's probably just me. :O

If you want to cut whilst maintaining your muscles I hear HIIT is the best way to do it, but still lifting heavy in between. I'm not an expert on cutting really so I can't help you.

Don't get me wrong you're obviously in the process of developing yourself and you have potential I'm just not clear on where you want to go!
I do 350kg and I still think its for women. You should squat, leg press is what fags and girls do.

Lol fags try 3x5 reps with 650 kilos and if you still feel gay try 720 kilos a couple of times, i hate to squat but i do make up for it in other ways. Leg pressing these wieghts isn't easy it really takes it out of me. :p
im aiming for cutting atm, i dont understand ectomorph. ive a rather large frame and if my understanding is correct an ectomorph are those with small frames. my trainer at the gym classes me as endomorph/ mesmomorph since ive the thin waist but have the muscularture. endomorph because i absorb sugary foods really easy no matter what excersize im doing.

must be the poor photo because ive never been called slim or skinny lol, in fact since my chest is so much bigger than my waist it appears as if im barrel chested

[FONT=Helvetica,Arial][FONT=Helvetica,Arial][FONT=Helvetica,Arial]The ECTOMORPH[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Definitive "Hard Gainer"[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Delicate Built Body[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Flat Chest[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Fragile[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Lean[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Lightly Muscled[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Small Shouldered[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Takes Longer to Gain Muscle[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Thin[/FONT]

i gain muscle fast and im definatley not fragile, lightly muscled , small shouldered lol or thin :P
especially not delicate

[/FONT][FONT=Helvetica,Arial][FONT=Helvetica,Arial][FONT=Helvetica,Arial]he MESOMORPH[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Athletic[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Hard Body[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Hourglass Shaped (Female)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Rectangular Shaped (Male)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Mature Muscle Mass[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Muscular Body[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Excellent Posture[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Gains Muscle Easily[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Gains Fat More Easily Than Ectomorphs[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Thick Skin[/FONT]
[/FONT]i seem to be more this as i do gain fat rather easy, got the rectangular shape, muscular, easy gains, thick skin is a defo


  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Soft Body[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Underdeveloped Muscles[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Round Physique[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Weight Loss is Difficult[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica,Arial]Gains Muscle Easily Like the Mesomorph.[/FONT]
Lol fags try 3x5 reps with 650 kilos and if you still feel gay try 720 kilos a couple of times, i hate to squat but i do make up for it in other ways. Leg pressing these wieghts isn't easy it really takes it out of me. :p

Dirty lier, my leg press only fits 8 plates either side. How does one achieve almost 1600 lbs on a leg press :eek:
I do need to get my body fat % as alow as possible though I want every chance to get into the police.

This is the one area ive always had problems with not strength, not fitness or putting on muscle but getting the bfat down
Dirty lier, my leg press only fits 8 plates either side. How does one achieve almost 1600 lbs on a leg press :eek:

No neither dirty or a liar i achieved this after leg pressing for 10 years littlle by littlle i whacked the weight up ps the leg press i used took over 16 plates.:p
You lost 9 stone in one year?? Your legs are "huge"?

Not to sound disrespectful here but I think you need a little reality check and also perhaps go stand next to someone who really does have huge legs so you can get an idea of relativity. There is a chance that your perception of your own body is rather distorted, particularly so now you say you were anorexic once.
Hey whys everyone being super critical towards dafloppyone here? Hardly any way of encouraging people to post their pics now is it.

Looking good dafloppyone, thanks for contributing to the thread :)

OCUK Bodybuilders, don't be shy get your pics up and lets see how everyones progressing :cool:
^ I didn't realise this was a butt kissing subforum!

Clearly dafloppyone has potential and decent size in his upper arms. I don't think there's any use in praising a guy such that he rests on his laurels; it's surely far more useful to critique and assist where possible, and this is how I see the comments so far.
Already posted my gorilla-like physique in here ain't doing it again for a while :p

I'm not being super critical, I'm just interested in learning more, furthermore I did offer some advice or some impressions that I got that might help him, and I was being positive I told him he had lots of potential, he just didn't seem committed that's all. I'll happily take a back seat and hear other people's advice - but I'm not one for kissing arse just for the sake of it. Besides I wasn't really negative, just reserved.
You lost 9 stone in one year?? Your legs are "huge"?

Not to sound disrespectful here but I think you need a little reality check and also perhaps go stand next to someone who really does have huge legs so you can get an idea of relativity. There is a chance that your perception of your own body is rather distorted, particularly so now you say you were anorexic once.

that was when i was a young boy like 12 years ago, ps i am not huge huge like those real body builders but i am naturally big if
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Already posted my gorilla-like physique in here ain't doing it again for a while :p

I'm not being super critical, I'm just interested in learning more, furthermore I did offer some advice or some impressions that I got that might help him, and I was being positive I told him he had lots of potential, he just didn't seem committed that's all. I'll happily take a back seat and hear other people's advice - but I'm not one for kissing arse just for the sake of it. Besides I wasn't really negative, just reserved.

i cant disagree with that, i do work hard at the gym maybe too hard and its pretty aimless more like working out because its a great stress reliever than anything else. however i am now finding i wish to target it more towards being leaner especially since i wish to be in the police
Fair comments lads and i agree. Constructive criticism can only be a good thing :) it just seemed like everyone sort of...jumped on him.

Anyway, respect to anyone who has the bottle to post their pics which is what the thread is all about :)
It's a good point - dafloppyone: head over to the "Gym Rats" thread if you want help with your diet, routine and what goals you want to achieve. In your post, perhaps give a bit of a journal of your week's work out, and typical diet to give people a better idea. There's a lot of experience and skilled bodybuilders/fitness guys here who will be able to guide you to your goals. :)

Let us try and keep this thread for being narcissistic and ego massages - or in my case, fur massages! :D
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