OCUK Body Builders: Post your Pics!

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4 Feb 2008
Thanks for the reply Ultra.

Everyone tells me im skinny but the problem is i dont see myself that way, which is kind of weird, maybe i should get that checked out :rolleyes: Currently im pretty much just eating eggs, fish and chicken and veg and not much else, so hopefully i can keep the fat off, but im probably still not eating enough. Probably something like 2 egg omlette for breakfast(with yolk), tin of tuna with some lettuce + tomato at 11:00 then the same or similar again at 16:00, then a tuna steak or salmon fillet or chicken or two for dinner. Because im just doing this at home and researching on the net im not really sure how much i should be eating at this point, im assuming because i dont have much muscle right now i dont need to eat as much.

And thanks for your other advice, i put on weight on the handles/ass section first, which is very annoying as i feel its visible all the time.
18 Oct 2002
In order to build muscle your going to have to get some carbs into your diet, if your really worried about putting weight on have things like brown rice, brown pasta, wholemeal bread and sweat potatos
4 Feb 2008
In order to build muscle your going to have to get some carbs into your diet, if your really worried about putting weight on have things like brown rice, brown pasta, wholemeal bread and sweat potatos

have you per chance got a link to a good site/forum that i can get some nutritional info from?

22 Aug 2004
Like i said, treat it like science, more cals = more mass, less cals = less mass. Because its that simple. Your metabolism MUST be ok because you are lean without any real effort (no 3 weeks in the gym and fish/chicken dinners does not get you that lean). So really you want your whole focus to be on MASS. You have no idea the amount more muscle you would need for a great physique, you wont get that on restricted cals. Rather than relying on what you see in the mirror (which is distorted by your self image.) measure your waistline and KNOW that you look lean now. Make a pact that if your waist increases by more than 2 inches you will cut down. Once you start packing on mass up top, being lean wont matter half as much, right now your pinching rolls of skin on your stomach pondering your weight, in 6 months you'll be lovingly stroking you newly found pecs :)
4 Feb 2008
forums that have bodybuilding nutrition information - www.myprotien.co.uk and www.muscletalk.co.uk

well i finally had time to browse about both the linsk you gave me Rimm3r, and honestly they just confused me more. What i was hoping for was a FAQ or a sticky or something that explained in simple terms what i need to eat + why, and also some explaination on protein powers / creatine etc, something along the lines of "buy this its good".

Anything like you that you know of or is it too much to ask?
3 May 2003
Yes it's 100% fat.

That's the one I've been using, though I get it from my local health food store for £6 a tub :)

I'm quite interested in this as I want to get some good fats down me. How would this oil compare with Sesame oil and maybe even ghee?

Also, at the moment I have aroung 50g of oats with two small handfulls of seeds and berries 90 mins before my workout, how can I replace the oats with the oil? Or do I use one of the other cocunut types like desicated?:confused:
18 Oct 2002
I'm sure there is some basic information in Gordy's Sticky at the top of this forum, but if not here's a few pointers

To gain muscle your going to need carbs, good fats and protein

Carbs: Brown Rice, Brown Pasta, Wholemeal bread (bagels, wraps, pitta's muffins etc) sweet potatos

Fats: Avacado's, Salmon (omega 3 and also includes your protein), nuts, olive oil, seeds

Protein: Chicken, Turkey, Steak, Salmon, Tuna, Quark (lowfat cheese), Whey protein powders (Best used after workouts)

I mean this is just a quick reply, but basically all I've done is try and make a balanced meal out of the above ingredients adding in lots of vegetables and salads etc and always trying to mix it up so I never get bored of the same foods! Fruit is also good to eat after workouts. Try and eat 6-8 meals a day made up of the above foods and adjust portion sizes depending on progress made (e.g. if you gain too much fat, reduce portion sizes)

Sorry if thats a bit unclear, anyone else feel free to add to what i've said! :)
18 Jul 2006
Hey guise!

Havent posted in this section before, i usually just lurk in the General Discussion section.

I basically just wanted a public record of my effort as i figured it might keep me on track / spur me on if i posted some pictures here, so thats what im going to do :)
I started a new job about 18 months ago which pretty much chained me to a desk, i think i weighed about 12 stone before i took the job, and i weighed about 15 a few weeks ago.... so it was definately time to do something about it! Im 21, a bit under 6 foot (ive never actually measured myself properly), and in the pictures i weigh 76kg/167lbs. Im working out purely at home using barbell/dumbells, squat rack and bench. My heaviest lifts are definately not worth telling you so im not going to :D Ive been exercising for about 3 weeks now, so the pictures are after 3 weeks of effort + dieting. Because i used to be pretty fat as a kid ive got a bit of a mental issue when it comes to eating loads in order to gain muscle, i dont really want to eat too much, but i know its nessercary, its probably going to be the thing that holds me back the most.

I plan to update this every month or so if i can, hopefully you should see some forward progress and not a month by month account of a human turning into Jabba the Hut...

Without further ado, pictures!



Just follow my workout plan in my other thread.


Hell, FF I think you should make it a sticky so I don't have to keep searching for it :D

edit: In future take pictures with your pants on :p
5 Apr 2003
I posted this in Gordy R's sticky but no-one seems to read it :p so if you don't mind I'm going to post it here!

Please read all of it before answering.. (i.e. i know I'm not eating enough!) here goes:

OK I've basically been putting off going to the gym for so long and have decided to sort myself out as I'm going to be living on my own for 3 months until i finish my placement.

If you could me some feedback on anything i post below I'd be most appreciative!

Current Diet (average day lets say):

8am - Cereal (3 Weetabix + Banana + Milk)
12 - Triple Chicken Sandwich + Smoothie + Portion of Fruit
5:30pm - Pasta / Couple of Boiled Eggs + about 4 slices of wholemeal bread
7pm - Chicken/Jacket Potatoes/Pasta/Tuna + portion of vegetables (sweetcorn + carrot)
9pm - yoghurt/apple + maybe sandwich (chicken tikka or something)

So basically from this I know I am not consuming enough, which is why I'm a bit of a skinny lad.

The problem I have is that I'm at work from either 9-5:30 or 2:30-11. When I'm working late i can eat a fair bit before i go to work, but no so much when i'm there and vice versa for the early shift.

So I need a protein recommendation + a site to get it at as well. I'm missing a lot of intake during 12-5:30pm, maybe i need to prepare food before i go to work?

If you could change/add to that diet I'd be grateful and any suggestions.


Could anyone recommend me a good starting workout? I'm not entirely sure how i should start out.. should i be exercising a couple of weeks before i start etc. Should i stick to the mon/wed/fri split? Also when the best times to workout?

Again, any suggestions would be most appreciated.

So here's how I'm currently looking.. think i only weigh around 11 stone (haven't weighed for a while)




As you can see I'm a skinny ******! Any potential at all?

I've probably missed something out so I'll keep a close eye out for your replies.

Thanks for any contribution.
4 Feb 2008
I'm sure there is some basic information in Gordy's Sticky at the top of this forum, but if not here's a few pointers

Thanks again for the reply, ive had a look at the sticky before and theres some good information in there and the list in your reply i pretty much know by this point. But as you might expect from an OCUK'er i like to research things and go into greater details.
For example i want to know why i should be eating carbs, obviously for energy to help you lift, but does that mean i shouldnt eat it on rest days, or does the energy accumulate in your muscles ready for the next work out. And what sort of whey powder is best for someone starting out like me, and is there a point in taking supplements and which ones / what do they do.

What i really need is an in depth FAQ of the above ^^
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
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