OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Desmo said:
Piggy is out doing a session now in one of my sisters classes. I really hope she enjoys the class this time :) Wonder how knackered she'll be when she gets back :eek: :D
Shouldn't be too knackered, but depending on the weights she lifted, she will AAAAAAAAAAACHE tomorrow.. and the next day... and the next day :p :D
well done to everyone in this thread :)

this thread has helped re motivate me into trying to loose weight and theres some very helpful info in it.

i weigh around 13.5 stonebut arent really targeting a weight im just trying to loose the belly :)
Piggymon said:
Ow Ow Ow Ow :/ .. My body feels like jelly :eek:

Really enjoyed it and shall be doing it every monday evening :D

Dreading the walk to work tomorrow morning :o
Hehe awwww. Don't say I didn't tell you so :p
Did your legs go all wobbley and turn to jelly during the workout? Mine did the first time :)
Rest assured, it will be MUCH better next week, but prepare for this week's pain to get worse before it gets better.
Really glad you enjoyed it!
I'm after the proper name for an exercise do every morning - basically I hold my arms straight next to my body with a weight in each hand and I raise my arms to shoulder height and lower them back down. Sometimes I do it so I raise my arms in front of my body but normally its out to the side.
Tricep something or other I think ? :confused: .. I did them last night but I'm buggered if I can remember the name :p

Oooooh I ache ! ... I have dropped down to 8st 6.5lbs though :D

Kate , I did get the jelly legs in the middle of the class and thought uh oh .. how am I going to carry on but I did :)
Because i started to diet on a Tuesday, i do a Tuesday morning weigh in, not a Monday like most of you. I now weigh 11st 13.

Piggy, glad you enjoyed the workout :D

edit, i thought i started on a tuesday but looks like it was actually a thursday, oh well, lol.
Takhisis said:
I'm after the proper name for an exercise do every morning - basically I hold my arms straight next to my body with a weight in each hand and I raise my arms to shoulder height and lower them back down. Sometimes I do it so I raise my arms in front of my body but normally its out to the side.

Out to the side - lateral raise. To the front - front raise.

Make sure you have a bend in your elbow and don't lockt the joint out. Also make sure you have neutral spine so your back isn't taking any strain. :)
My last few gym sessions have felt pretty successful - my stamina is definately improving as I find it easier to acheive my goals on cardio.

I've also booked a badminton court at the gym for an hour tomorrow so plan on doing 30 mins cardio in the gym to get the blood pumping and then onto badminton.

I wonder if anyone could critique my gym regime a bit?

It generally consists of:

25 mins bike
25 mins cross trainer
15 or so mins doing weights, I mix these up so for instance one day I'll work the muscles in the legs but make sure I then avoid them the next day.
Finish with 10 mins or so on the stairmaster which about kills me off but it getting easier.

How much truth is there in the stuff I keep reading which says to keep CV and weight stuff on seperate days? Is this something that only applies to people looking to seriously build muscle or does this apply to anyone? Only reason I ask is going down the gym for just 15 mins to do weights would feel a bit of a waste of the effort to get there and pay for parking etc.

I genenerally do the above work out 3 days a week although which days they are vary.

Lectures start next week and I have all day lectures Mon and Tues, so it looks like my gym days might be weds, thur and fri (3 days back to back). Is this a problem?
PeterNem said:
How much truth is there in the stuff I keep reading which says to keep CV and weight stuff on seperate days? Is this something that only applies to people looking to seriously build muscle or does this apply to anyone? Only reason I ask is going down the gym for just 15 mins to do weights would feel a bit of a waste of the effort to get there and pay for parking etc.

Well there is a lot of truth in it. But it all depends on your goals. You will not make any significant muscle gains by doing 15 minute workouts. Since that is what you are doing I assume that lean mass gains aren't of much concern to you.

Most people recommend keeping Cardio and Resistance training seperate for two reasons.

1. Calories burned - When attempting to gain muscle you want every calorie that you consume to be expended on building muscle. By performing cardio your are taking away calories that could be used for muscle gains.

2. Intensity - When lifting weights intensity is extremely important. If you have just done a 20 minute HIIT cardio session then you are likely to be pretty tired already and thus will not get enough intensity in to your weights workout.

If you are not really trying to gain muscle then I don't see it as an issue. If you are however, then I would personally recommend you seperate your cardio and weights workouts, up your weightlifting sessions to 45 mins - 1 hour and start lifting as heavy as you possibly can. If you have to do cardio on the same day then at least do the weights first and finish off with your cardio instead.
Thanks GordyR...

At this time I'm not particularly interested in gaining muscle mass, my main focus is burning off fat, although I would like to try and minimise muscle loss as I appreciate that muscle mass contributes greatly to calories burnt at rest.

With this information what would you advise? Monday and Tuesdays will be out of the question as of next week, and most weekends I am not here so I do really only have the three days on which I can go to the gym so splitting it up would be a bit difficult. I'll certainly shuffle things about a bit though so that I do weights first.

I realise the important of lifting a half decent amount and I aim to chose a weight at which I am able to do a couple of sets of 10, and fail on the 3rd, as opposed to hust sit and go up and down all day with something light.
PeterNem said:
.. going down the gym for just 15 mins to do weights would feel a bit of a waste of the effort to get there and pay for parking etc.
I don't know whether this is an option for you but could you go to the gym by bike? I'm thinking more exercise, no petrol and no parking fees = triple benefit.

I can't afford to run the car at the moment so I'm possibly making a virtue out of a necessity here, but I find that it takes less time to get around on my mountain bike than it does on public transport - and that includes going to visit my parents (~15 miles away)
PeterNem said:
Thanks GordyR...

At this time I'm not particularly interested in gaining muscle mass, my main focus is burning off fat, although I would like to try and minimise muscle loss as I appreciate that muscle mass contributes greatly to calories burnt at rest.

With this information what would you advise? Monday and Tuesdays will be out of the question as of next week, and most weekends I am not here so I do really only have the three days on which I can go to the gym so splitting it up would be a bit difficult. I'll certainly shuffle things about a bit though so that I do weights first.

I realise the important of lifting a half decent amount and I aim to chose a weight at which I am able to do a couple of sets of 10, and fail on the 3rd, as opposed to hust sit and go up and down all day with something light.

In all honesty mate it sounds like you are already doing what is right for you. Since fat loss is your primary goal, diet and cardio should be your priority and in your current routine it is.

If doing your cardio first has been working well for you then stick with it. Wait until you reach a plateau then look to change things up a little.

As I said it all down to what a person wants to achieve. Everyone has different goals and therefore different advice applies to different people. Not only that but peoples bodies tend to respond differently also. A big part of it always comes down to trial and error while you find out what works best for you.
Treefrog said:
I don't know whether this is an option for you but could you go to the gym by bike? I'm thinking more exercise, no petrol and no parking fees = triple benefit.

I can't afford to run the car at the moment so I'm possibly making a virtue out of a necessity here, but I find that it takes less time to get around on my mountain bike than it does on public transport - and that includes going to visit my parents (~15 miles away)
My Mum was given a bike for Christmas, so I'm aiming to cycle to the gym at weekends when the weather gets a little warmer. It's a bit cold for all that at the moment. By the time I got there, I'd be a block of ice. Brrrrr!!
Piggymon said:
Tricep something or other I think ?.. I did them last night but I'm buggered if I can remember the name

Oooooh I ache ! ... I have dropped down to 8st 6.5lbs though :D

Kate , I did get the jelly legs in the middle of the class and thought uh oh .. how am I going to carry on but I did :)
Well done :D Looks like we're just slow starters

Wobbley leg syndrome is highly embarassing, but it soon passes :)
Lostkat said:
My Mum was given a bike for Christmas, so I'm aiming to cycle to the gym at weekends when the weather gets a little warmer. It's a bit cold for all that at the moment. By the time I got there, I'd be a block of ice. Brrrrr!!
Not if you put some effort in you wont! :p I find that the temperatures over the last week have been low enough that I don't start sweating, which makes a change. I'm usually unzipping my coat after 5-10 mins. I find a pair of fleece gloves allow enough air through to keep your hands at a nice temperature and offer enough protection at these speeds btw.
Takhisis said:
I'm after the proper name for an exercise do every morning - basically I hold my arms straight next to my body with a weight in each hand and I raise my arms to shoulder height and lower them back down. Sometimes I do it so I raise my arms in front of my body but normally its out to the side.

Lateral raise i believe. think it works the shoulders.
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