OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

DanH84 said:
Lateral raise i believe. think it works the shoulders.


Out to the side = Lateral raise and works the side delts (Lateral deltoid)

Out in front = Front raise and works the front delts (Anterior deltoid)
Lostkat said:
Well done :D Looks like we're just slow starters

Wobbley leg syndrome is highly embarassing, but it soon passes :)

May be slow but we'll get there ! .. we all will :D

Ooooh I'm aching today ... had a hot bath when I got home which seems to have helped a little .. by the time I've recovered I'll be aching again after training tomorrow night lol

Still - no pain , no gain :p
Well my healthy eating is going to go to pot big time tomorrow. Got an important job interview and I'm either going to be in a very very celebratory drink and feast mood or my sorrows will be heartily drowned.
well, Its my rest day from the gym today and I feel so bad :(... I know I need a rest day, but I've got to the point where I feel better and happier if I do go..

I do 3 days at the gym and then 1 off
I'm gonna join in the bandwagon and try to lose a few lbs after I've weighed myself yesterday out of curiosity. In the summer after a bit of indulgence on two holidays and several weekends away boozing I weighed an all time high of 15st 12lbs, enough was enough.... had to lose some of this podgeyness.

Vital stats as of 30th Jan 06:

Height: 6ft 2"
Weight: 15st 0lbs
Waist: (varies on different types of trousers, will have to check tomorrow)

Current exercise:
Mon: Nothing
Tues: Football training,
Weds: Nothing
Thurs: Nothing
Fri: Nothing
Sat: Football Match
Sunday: Nothing

Planned Exercise:
Mon: 45mins swim
Tues: Football training
Weds: Rest
Thurs: 45mins swim
Fri: Rest
Sat: Football match
Sun: rest

Diet Changes:
Started eating salads for the first time in my life :eek: and enjoying it. Not overdoing it as I'll get bored of them and leave them.

Been having smoothies quite regularly for breakfast instead of skipping it since the summer (and my all time monsterous weight), or Weetabix,

No snacking on 'sweet stuff', last couple of months I've been taking grapes, 2 satsumas and an apple,

Cut out beer intake after football. We usually go to the pub after a match or training and I now drink ice water instead of the usual pint (saves ££ too!).

That's it off the top of my head, absolutely no use to anyone, but it's good for me to keep track of my progress, if any will be had over the next few months. I'm not too interested in building mass, just slimming down will do me fine so I hope this regime will compliment this.
If anyones interested I've made a spreadsheet with an example on. It's got a few formulas on it to automatically work out some of the figures. I've used lbs as my scales is currently set to lbs and I'm too lazy to make another copy for kgs :p

Here it is >>> http://www.djnickl.com/diet_template.xls

There are 2 charts on the second tab, hopefully give you a visual of what you have achieved :)
Freak_boy said:
one question tho: when you measure your waist/stomach size with tape measurer, are you supposed to do it tightly or loosely?
Do it as tight as a pair of jeans would fit, I guess. Doesn't really matter as long as you do it the same every time.
Lostkat said:
but prepare for this week's pain to get worse before it gets better.

You weren't kidding :eek: .. I'm walking like John Wayne !! ... God knows how I'm going to manage training tonight :p
Adam_151 said:
I'm more confused than ever now, the scale that used to say I was 18:10 now says 19:0 and the other scale (when I can coax a consistant reading out of it) says 19:13
I don't know what to belive anymore, help?

Adam you had them both on the same type of floor i hope, if you use one on a solid floor ( tiles ) and one on carpet you will get funny results up to 14 llbs diff in the worst case evan with electic ones

always use them in the same place every time
Well, I had a crap session at the gym today. Did my warm up and cross trainer, but just towards the end of the cross trainer, I started feeling light-headed and a bit sick. Finished off, and went to get changed without going on the treadmill :( I missed out my mid-afternoon fruit today because I was SOO busy, and didn't have much to drink, so that's probably the case. I'm an idiot :mad:

Piggymon said:
You weren't kidding :eek: .. I'm walking like John Wayne !! ... God knows how I'm going to manage training tonight :p
I really wouldn't recommend anything involving your legs until the pain has stopped :/ You could be doing more harm than good.

Maybe do some arm weights tonight, and forget the cardio??
light headed that's not good :(...

Well back to the gym today, after yesterdays planed break. Got to say it went fab. Did an extra 1km on the bike at a slightly higher level, this meant an extra 60Kcal burnt :)...
Also managed to up the weights :)....

Here's another recipe idea:
chopped turkey (enough for yourself)
2 diced tomatoes
handful sliced mushrooms
2 table spoons of lemon juice
few drops of Tabasco
1teaspoon garlic

Fry turkey and mushrooms in pan till almost cooked, add the garlic and fry for a few seconds. Then chuck in the tomatoes, lemon juice and Tabasco, bring to the simmer for 1min. Serve with cous cous.. 'twas delicious, Also cooking time was under 10mins :)..

A few spring onions and a bit of red onion would go really well in this..
I'm wondering how good my diet is. Anyone care to comment?


4x water bottle (refilled)
3x cereal bowl (sultana bran)
1x milk (pint)
1x litre apple juice
Fresh mixed fruit and nut as snacks
1x banana
3x baked potato (small) with cheese
1x portion beans


5x water bottle (refilled at work)
2x milk (pint)
Half litre of apple juice
3x bowls of cereal (sultana bran)
2x handfuls of raisins through the day as snacks
Small punnet of strawberries
2x bananas
2x chicken breast (grilled with garlic)
Brown rice and peas (one portion of each)
Lostkat said:
Do it as tight as a pair of jeans would fit, I guess. Doesn't really matter as long as you do it the same every time.

lol cheers! well i dont know how to do it the same way! :o lol, yesterday it was 38 and today it was 38.3! oh well. thanks
Gilly said:

Doesn't sound bad in the way as a healthy and balanced eating regime. It does sound a lot though.

5x water bottle (refilled at work) = excellent = 0Kcals
2x milk (pint) = 86Kcals = 172Kcals
Half litre of apple juice = 117Kcals = 234Kcals
3x bowls of cereal (sultana bran) = 350Kcals = 1050Kcals
2x handfuls of raisins through the day as snacks = 493Kcals per 165grams = 246.5?
Small punnet of strawberries = 49Kclas per 152grams = 49Kcals?
2x bananas = 121Kcals Each = 242Kcals
2x chicken breast (grilled with garlic) = 211Kcla per 140g = 422Kcals?
Brown rice = 216Kcals per 195g = 216Kclas
= 22kcals per 28g = 22Kcals

Comes to around 2653Kcals Which aint to bad It all depends on if you want to lose weight and how farst. Is this diet working for you?

My routine at the moment is something along the lines of:

1 bowl albran and sultana cereal (tesco healthy eating) with a bananna choped up on top
1 Small glass orange juice

Mid morning snack:
Pitabread with lowfat vegie burger, lettice, cucumber, tomatoe and lowfat humus.

Lunch snack:
Pitabread with lowfat vegie burger, lettice, cucumber, tomatoe and lowfat humus.
1 Apple

Mid afternoon snack.
3 dark rye Ryvita with extra light cream chesse with chives and onion.

Cous cous with turkey and tomato sauce with veg..

Bed time snack (if any)

Its workign well for me. But its all down to what you want to achieve. What you exercise is and how fast you want to get there. I have a high intake of proteine in my day due to weight training.
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