OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

LeperousDust said:
Well the dude just came round, and sadly i can't go cause none of the class times line up with my days off or time off after work etc.. :(

My job has me in silly shifts at times, and it rules most stuff out. Oh well, had my hopes up then too, he was the most confident, nice rep i've ever spoken too. He said we could work something out were i go to more than one of their clubs but i turned it down. Because it wouldnt have the same 'class' feel because i'd only be there every other week in each club.

Instead i'm going down the gym tomorrow and i'm gonna see what they have on offer, i'll start swimming again and i should be able to do that after work. A bonus being i'll miss the rush hour traffic on my way home too (well on my normal week).

Even though nothing came of my karate i'm really in the mood to getting fit again.
Well start something then.. and quick!! :) Take something up whilst the mood has you. You'll find out that you really enjoy it, and want to carry on with it. If you enjoy swimming, go swimming. It's a shame about you not having time for karate. Are there any other classes you could go to? Kick boxing is really popular, so you're bound to find a club with times that fit your needs.

Good luck :)
Lostkat said:
Well start something then.. and quick!! :) Take something up whilst the mood has you. You'll find out that you really enjoy it, and want to carry on with it. If you enjoy swimming, go swimming. It's a shame about you not having time for karate. Are there any other classes you could go to? Kick boxing is really popular, so you're bound to find a club with times that fit your needs.

Good luck :)

LK how do you always manage to ooze so much niceness? :D Its great.

I'd love to get into kick boxing, that would be perfect for me, but i really hadn't thought about the hours i work, no class could really work around them week by week. I'm definately getting a gym subscription, that way i can go when i can/want, rather than being set to certain times of the week. Now to find a nice gym, the one closest to us (Fitness First) has a pretty bad reputation when it comes to service, so i'll check a little further a field.

Thanks again Lostkat, hope everythings going well for you too, by the sounds of it you're just not one to give up!

Well done everyone :) Keep everything up!
Well I'm counting calories today ....

Put on a pair of trousers that were loose last week and they are now tight on me and I haven't drop the few lbs I put on last weekend :(

I'm not eating any rubbish , I'm working out 2 nights a week and also walking back and fore to work and I'm just not making any progress .... feel like crying and giving up :(

We've worked out that a lot of it is probably down to my implant but I am waiting for an appointment to have it taken out and that's not likely to happen any time soon ... I have a horrible feeling I'm still going to look like this when it comes to Splash Landings and I'm not going to want to inflict my body in a bikini on everyone :(
Remember that you're always your own worst critic Sinead. You looked fantastic in Swansea, and I wouldn't say that if I didnt mean it :)
Piggymon said:
Well I'm counting calories today ....

Put on a pair of trousers that were loose last week and they are now tight on me and I haven't drop the few lbs I put on last weekend :(

I'm not eating any rubbish , I'm working out 2 nights a week and also walking back and fore to work and I'm just not making any progress .... feel like crying and giving up :(

We've worked out that a lot of it is probably down to my implant but I am waiting for an appointment to have it taken out and that's not likely to happen any time soon ... I have a horrible feeling I'm still going to look like this when it comes to Splash Landings and I'm not going to want to inflict my body in a bikini on everyone :(
NO, you're bloody well not giving up no matter what happens missy!! Keep going at it. It's only February, and you have months until splash landings. You need to keep up the good work ready for when the implant comes out. The weight won't just fall off when you have it out, you'll still have to work at it, and if you're already fighting fit, it gives you a great head start. Besides, think of all the good that this exercise and healthy eating is doing you from the inside. I'll bet your cholesterol levels have improved no end, and your heart will definitely be healthier because of all the cardio. It's not all asthetic you know!

As Otacon has already said, you're always your own worst critic, and despite what you might think, I'd have to agree with him and say that you did look fantastic at the Swansea do. OK, so you're not skinny like you were this time last year, but you're not fat or even overweight are you. This could also be another reason why it's taking so much effort to lose any weight. The thinner you are/closer to your ideal weight, the harder it is for you to lose weight.

I know it's hard, I know it's upsetting and I know it's getting you down. If it makes you feel better, stop weighing yourself and just carry on being healthy and exercising. There comes a point when the scales are more trouble than they're worth!!

Also, re: the trousers... remember... they're always tighter after you've washed them. So if you have, that'll be why they're tighter. 2lbs can't make that much of a difference trouserwise, surely!!
Bought a new vest for training today so I can't give up :p

Just getting me down a little as I don't seem to be getting anywhere :/
Ahaaaaa, I have backup :D

Lostkat said:
stop weighing yourself and just carry on being healthy and exercising. There comes a point when the scales are more trouble than they're worth!!
I'm going to hide them :o

Lostkat said:
Also, re: the trousers... remember... they're always tighter after you've washed them. So if you have, that'll be why they're tighter. 2lbs can't make that much of a difference trouserwise, surely!!
Would they be the trousers that had been washed and just come out of the tumble dryer that morning? Yep, that's them :p
Desmo said:
Ahaaaaa, I have backup :D

I'm going to hide them :o

Would they be the trousers that had been washed and just come out of the tumble dryer that morning? Yep, that's them :p
Hehe, thought so. SILLY PIGGY!!!

Stop getting down about all the bad things, and get happy about all the good stuff you're doing for your body. Chin up, and *BIIIG HUUUUG* I know you've been feeling down about it all, and I completely empathise with you, but you just need to soldier on. If in doubt, post a moan on here, and we'll kick your ass :D
Had a letter from the hospital .. expected appointment is in March :D

I'm counting the days until the damn thing is removed
Lostkat said:
NO, you're bloody well not giving up no matter what happens missy!! Keep going at it. It's only February, and you have months until splash landings. You need to keep up the good work ready for when the implant comes out. The weight won't just fall off when you have it out, you'll still have to work at it, and if you're already fighting fit, it gives you a great head start. Besides, think of all the good that this exercise and healthy eating is doing you from the inside. I'll bet your cholesterol levels have improved no end, and your heart will definitely be healthier because of all the cardio. It's not all asthetic you know!

What she said (is she always this scarey?? :p )

It will happen...in fact is already is happening, it's just not affecting the bits you want it to yet. You've got masses of support, keep at it girl :)
had a bad bad day today...

got up 2 late for breakfast, then forgot my lunch.. got back from work and visited tesco, chicken and bacon sandwich some honey roasted nuts and a pack of crisps almost 2500Kcals :o in one go.. sandwhich was 800kcals on its own....

Feel really bad but if I can get to bed with out eating anything else it wont be too bad..
Takhisis said:
Decided to do a weigh in today and in the fortnight since I last got on the scales I've managed to put on 1lb :( And I don't even have the excuse of being "off the wagon" as I've been trying really hard :( God I hate myself :(
And the same that went for Piggy goes for you too! Don't lose heart this early on! Perhaps you're doing something wrong that can easily be righted? Tell us what you're eating, and how you're exercising and I'm sure that some of our resident experts will be happy to help :)
Just out of interest here's what I've eaten today along with the calorie count where I know it

Brekky - Rice Krispies and a teensy amount of sugar : 150
Lunch - Tuna & Salad cream sandwich on Granary bread , no Butter : ??
Dinner - Spaghetti on Toast : 430
Snack - Seasons low fat crisps : 118
4 small cups of coffee

Surely I can't be eating too much or the wrong thing ? Been eating this type of food since the New Year :/
Piggymon said:
Just out of interest here's what I've eaten today along with the calorie count where I know it

Brekky - Rice Krispies and a teensy amount of sugar : 150
Lunch - Tuna & Salad cream sandwich on Granary bread , no Butter : ??
Dinner - Spaghetti on Toast : 430
Snack - Seasons low fat crisps : 118
4 small cups of coffee

Surely I can't be eating too much or the wrong thing ? Been eating this type of food since the New Year :/
Perhaps you're not eating enough?? You've read what Gordy has said about not getting enough calories. You're not getting much fruit and veg either. Are you getting your daily 5? I'd swap your crisps for apples/oranges/carrot sticks for a start.

Also, apparently you're best off eating your carbs early in the day. Spaghetti on toast is carb-loaded. I would think that you'd be better off with something like a stir fry for evening meals. Cutting down carbs in the evenings made a huge change to me.
Piggymon said:
Just out of interest here's what I've eaten today along with the calorie count where I know it

Brekky - Rice Krispies and a teensy amount of sugar : 150
Lunch - Tuna & Salad cream sandwich on Granary bread , no Butter : ??
Dinner - Spaghetti on Toast : 430
Snack - Seasons low fat crisps : 118
4 small cups of coffee

Surely I can't be eating too much or the wrong thing ? Been eating this type of food since the New Year :/

Too few calories Piggy. Thats your problem there. If we estimate the tuna sandwich to be 350 calories we are looking at 1068 calories per day! I would say you should be on around 1500 minimum for weight loss. Especially if you are exercising.

If you have been following this diet since the new year then am I right in assuming you lost weight perfectly at first but now it has stopped/plateau'd? If so what has happened to you is quite simple. Your metabolism has gradually slowed to compensate for the dramatic decrease in calories. You are now burning far less calories than you were at first.

In your shoes I would do the following, though I would understand if you didn't want to do this:

Shoot up to 2000 calories per day for one whole week (maybe even two) and attempt to kick start your metabolism. Accept that you may gain a tiny bit of fat and probably quite a lot of water (try not to go by the scales) but then start your diet again going no lower than 1500 calories per day. Monitor your weight loss and adjust your calories up or down until you are losing weight at a steady 1-2 lb's per week.

I know the thought of suddenly eating more in order to lose weight sounds silly, but it definately works if it's your metabolism that is the cuplrit. Maybe try getting hold of some Green Tea. That should help your metabolism also. :)
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I have got some fruit/veg for snacking as well , was just posting what I eat today because I was making more of a note :)

Normally eat a fruitbowl instead of the crisp things in work but today I needed a savoury fix :p

Good idea about the carbs though , I'll give that a go ! .. Funnily enough we had a stir fry last night

Will change the diet again as from next week and try to avoid carbs in the evenings and see if that makes a change

Thanks Kate :)
GordyR said:
Too few calories Piggy. Thats your problem there. If we estimate the tuna sandwich to be 350 calories we are looking at 1068 calories per day! I would say you should be on around 1500 minimum for weight loss. Especially if you are exercising.

If you have been following this diet since the new year then am I right in assuming you lost weight perfectly at first but now it has stopped/plateau'd? If so what has happened to you is quite simple. Your metabolism has gradually slowed to compensate for the dramatic decrease in calories. You are now burning far less calories than you were at first.

In your shoes I would do the following:

Shoot up to 2000 calories per day for one whole week (maybe even two) and attempt to kick start your metabolism. Accept that you may gain a tiny bit of fat and probably quite a lot of water (try not to go by the scales) but then start your diet again going no lower than 1500 calories per day. Monitor your weight loss and adjust your calories up or down until you are losing weight at a steady 1-2 lb's per week.

I know the thought of suddenly eating more in order to lose weight sounds silly, but it definately works if it's your metabolism that is the cuplrit. Maybe try getting hold of some Green Tea. That should help your metabolism also. :)

Really helpful post as always :) .. Thanks !

You're right that I dropped about 4lbs when I started but now it's just not bloody shifting ! :/

New Diet starts on monday .. Could you suggest something I could have for an evening meal or what I could add to what I am eating already ?
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