Takhisis said:
God I feel like poo
I can't do this - I can't lose weight, I can't stay motivated, yet I can't pretend that I'm happy like I am.
I hate exercise, I hate the gym and I hate myself. And I hate myself even more because I have no will power to make myself go. I always aim for 3-4 visits a week and normally end up doing 2.
I know Mic loves me as I am, but I can't even stand the sight of myself in the shower or in a mirror
I just want to curl up and hide forever
*big hugs*
I KNOW how you feel ... I've lost count the amount of times I've caught sight of myself in the mirror and burst into tears
I've lost count of the times I've thought that I've short changed Desmo because when he met me I was a 7.5 stone bikini babe and now I'm a blob .. I KNOW he would love me no matter what I looked like but I wouldn't love myself
I hate looking at pics of when I was slimmer because I then look at myself and hate it .. I see the wobby bits and I just want to cut them off
I get frustrated because I'm trying hard but it's taking it's time
I lacked the motivation to keep up my training schedule and then hated myself for dipping out so I did something about it - I joined the Gym
I then lacked the willpower to do my cardio because it bores me to tears so I did something which I honestly never thought I would do ( You will remember me posting ) I started going to classes !
There is a timetable which you know you have to keep so you stick to it , You are KEPT motivated by your instructor and the other people in the classes and it's certainly NOT boring .. The music is pumping and I'm really honestly seeing a difference
I get a bit down sometimes because it's taking it's time to shift the pounds but I can see and can feel a difference
I really ,really wish you were closer so I could take you to one of my classes so you could see what it's like
Body Pump is great ! ... You are doing weights to music and none of this prancing about malarky !
Circuit is fantastic ... you are just doing timed exercises to music and you have your instructor keeping you going
Ab attack is good .. It's not fast paced and you're on your back so you can't see anyone anyway
I've not tried Spinning yet but will do hopefully this friday but again it's something where you can go at your own pace and start to build it up
Keep trying stuff until you find something which works for YOU
It is hard and it sucks when you feel you aren't getting anywhere but you HAVE to breakthrough and say NO ! I AM NOT GIVING UP ! you WILL get back to where you were before when you were happy with your body
*more hugs*