OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Takhisis said:
God I feel like poo:(

I can't do this - I can't lose weight, I can't stay motivated, yet I can't pretend that I'm happy like I am.

I hate exercise, I hate the gym and I hate myself. And I hate myself even more because I have no will power to make myself go. I always aim for 3-4 visits a week and normally end up doing 2.

I know Mic loves me as I am, but I can't even stand the sight of myself in the shower or in a mirror

I just want to curl up and hide forever

I have felt exactly the same in the past regarding gyms,exercise mirrors etc and stopped when i should have gone on.

If the whole gym thing doesn't work for you then maybe something else will, a martial art, walking, dancing something you find more fun. As gyms for some of us can be an experience we do not like no matter what. It might just be this with you and it is affecting everything else.

You can lose weight, you just need to keep going and find something to do exercise wise that suits you better than a gym.

Takhisis said:
God I feel like poo:(

I can't do this - I can't lose weight, I can't stay motivated, yet I can't pretend that I'm happy like I am.

I hate exercise, I hate the gym and I hate myself. And I hate myself even more because I have no will power to make myself go. I always aim for 3-4 visits a week and normally end up doing 2.

I know Mic loves me as I am, but I can't even stand the sight of myself in the shower or in a mirror

I just want to curl up and hide forever

*big hugs*

I KNOW how you feel ... I've lost count the amount of times I've caught sight of myself in the mirror and burst into tears

I've lost count of the times I've thought that I've short changed Desmo because when he met me I was a 7.5 stone bikini babe and now I'm a blob .. I KNOW he would love me no matter what I looked like but I wouldn't love myself

I hate looking at pics of when I was slimmer because I then look at myself and hate it .. I see the wobby bits and I just want to cut them off

I get frustrated because I'm trying hard but it's taking it's time

I lacked the motivation to keep up my training schedule and then hated myself for dipping out so I did something about it - I joined the Gym

I then lacked the willpower to do my cardio because it bores me to tears so I did something which I honestly never thought I would do ( You will remember me posting ) I started going to classes !

There is a timetable which you know you have to keep so you stick to it , You are KEPT motivated by your instructor and the other people in the classes and it's certainly NOT boring .. The music is pumping and I'm really honestly seeing a difference

I get a bit down sometimes because it's taking it's time to shift the pounds but I can see and can feel a difference :)

I really ,really wish you were closer so I could take you to one of my classes so you could see what it's like

Body Pump is great ! ... You are doing weights to music and none of this prancing about malarky !

Circuit is fantastic ... you are just doing timed exercises to music and you have your instructor keeping you going

Ab attack is good .. It's not fast paced and you're on your back so you can't see anyone anyway

I've not tried Spinning yet but will do hopefully this friday but again it's something where you can go at your own pace and start to build it up

Keep trying stuff until you find something which works for YOU

It is hard and it sucks when you feel you aren't getting anywhere but you HAVE to breakthrough and say NO ! I AM NOT GIVING UP ! you WILL get back to where you were before when you were happy with your body :)

*more hugs*
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Takhisis said:
God I feel like poo:(

I can't do this - I can't lose weight, I can't stay motivated, yet I can't pretend that I'm happy like I am.

I hate exercise, I hate the gym and I hate myself. And I hate myself even more because I have no will power to make myself go. I always aim for 3-4 visits a week and normally end up doing 2.

I know Mic loves me as I am, but I can't even stand the sight of myself in the shower or in a mirror

I just want to curl up and hide forever

If you hate the gym don't do it! To stay motivated you need to find something you like to do. Dancing, walking, whatever. It may seem like a small thing but try to see it as a start instead. You also need to find something you like about yourself and focus on that. At the moment you're concentrating on the things you don't like and that's a downward spiral.

Also, is there anyone else you know in your position wanting to lose weight etc? If so then why not pair up and give each other support. You won't believe how much easier that can be - not to mention fun if you're trying new things together.
I gave up about 3 weeks ago :(. Been eating crap since. went to the gym, did free weights in front of the mirror. Theres one word to describe me a big fat blob...

So im officaly back on it and redoubling efforts. To scared to weigh myself tonight, swear i've put on at least a stone in 3 weeks.. No wonder i brought a charger wouldn't fit in any other car :o
From the top:

I don't like exercise full stop - I have never found anything that I like doing. I won't do classes or martial arts because there are too many people there (if theres more than 4 other people in my gym I won't go in), I'm too shy/paranoid/introverted and have the self confidence of a soggy lettuce leaf and the coordination of one as well.
Also my gym doesn't have classes; its just a small gym with cardio machines and weights.

I always think I've short changed Mic and I hated myself before I met him - I've been bullied for being fat and ginger my whole life, there is honestly nothing I like about myself, I put holes in my body and ink under my skin to try and find something to like, and while I like my holes and my ink, I know they'd look better on someone else.

I have been trying to lose weight now for over 3 years - there is only so long you can keep saying "NO ! I AM NOT GIVING UP !". I went to the gym 5 times a week and ate rabbit food; I put on a stone in body fat. My gym instructor has told me I don't eat enough to lose weight, but if I eat more I end up putting on more weight that what I lose.

Also, I have no friends, I've never been a popular person, I never get invited out anywhere, if I invite people over/out no one shows up. I've tried talking to people at the gym but it never goes beyond saying hi and bye. I'm not a people person.

I use to try and cut the fat from my thighs and arms and bum and that was when I was 3 stone lighter than I am now - I'm a very messed up person.
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Takhisis said:
I'm too shy/paranoid/introverted and have the self confidence of a soggy lettuce leaf and the of one as well.

I've been bullied for being fat and ginger

Also, I have no friends, I've never been a popular person, I never get invited out anywhere, if I invite people over/out no one shows up.

I know how you feel, as this pretty much sums me up and events i have gone through as well during my life. I know how cruel bullying can be and how it can destroy you inside, i had years of it during school. As being fat, ginger and wearing glasses makes you an easy target for people.

I tried at previous jobs to arrange nights out but people wouldn't show, i was ignored for nights out they arranged and it hurts like hell. In the end i stopped trying to arrange things and thought, i am better than the ones who ignored me so it is their loss, not mines.

I have a handful of friends i can count on 1 hand from where i live and the friends i have made here, from meets etc outnumber friends here in real life.

If you need someone to vent to feel free to use me, as i know how you feel about somethings.

Takhisis said:
From the top:

I don't like exercise full stop - I have never found anything that I like doing. I won't do classes or martial arts because there are too many people there (if theres more than 4 other people in my gym I won't go in), I'm too shy/paranoid/introverted and have the self confidence of a soggy lettuce leaf and the of one as well.
Also my gym doesn't have classes; its just a small gym with cardio machines and weights.

I always think I've short changed Mic and I hated myself before I met him - I've been bullied for being fat and ginger my whole life, there is honestly nothing I like about myself, I put holes in my body and ink under my skin to try and find something to like, and while I like my holes and my ink, I know they'd look better on someone else.

I have been trying to lose weight now for over 3 years - there is only so long you can keep saying "NO ! I AM NOT GIVING UP !". I went to the gym 5 times a week and ate rabbit food; I put on a stone in body fat. My gym instructor has told me I don't eat enough to lose weight, but if I eat more I end up putting on more weight that what I lose.

Also, I have no friends, I've never been a popular person, I never get invited out anywhere, if I invite people over/out no one shows up. I've tried talking to people at the gym but it never goes beyond saying hi and bye. I'm not a people person.

I use to try and cut the fat from my thighs and arms and bum and that was when I was 3 stone lighter than I am now - I'm a very messed up person.

Well firstly, if that's you in the photos you're linkined to you have nothing to worry about!

You'd be surprised how many people feel the way you do. At your age I had incredibly bad body image and hated how I looked. It tends to get better with age - you seem to accept yourself as you get older.
good to see plenty of people giving this a go, as all i've managed since trying to loss weight/get fitter since january is putting on weight, and getting dangerously near the worrying stat of putting on a stone a year for each year of university :eek:

must start using the gym...
Going Great !

Things are going great!

Really pushed myself at the gym tonight and was well impressed with my improved indurance/fitness especially on the bikes!

I've lost weight too all my family and friends are commenting and im building my muscles up nicely.

Reached my first 3 figure weight amount on a machine too. I can now press 100kg on the leg press!!

All's well so far :D

Keep up the good work everyone! If i can do it anyone can!
well 2 months in ive lost 3% body fat and near on 1 and a half stone.

thats good enough for me, a good gradual loss is what im after in terms of body fat. my weight will slow down again soon as im starting to do more weights.
ive got another 4%bf to lose in 4 months, should be easy enough aslong as i dont have anymore long periods away from home (last 2 weeks have been working away and have struggled to get enought time in the gym!).

the important thing atm is my fitness level is rising, my bp is a lot lower (128/92, was a lot worse, enough for docs to be very concerned and considering medication).

coupld of figures for the stat fans.
supersetting tricep pushdowns and barbell curls - 219lb pushdowns and 30kg curls (my max for curls is more, but supersetting drops that max down :/ )
leg press im doing sets of 15/12/10 - 100kg/120kg/130kg

im hoping to get back into some fitness and then start blitzing the weights again, i know i can do a lot more when im back in shape :D

the excercise im most impressed by for myself, is leg raises. im a touch to wide for the metal contraption that they are done on and my weight is a bit of a pain on those small pads for your elbows and forearms, but i still get 3 sets of 10 in!
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suicidle_tramp said:
What gym are you going to out of curiosity?

Hello :)

During the week I go twice a week at lunchtime (1hour) at Fitness Exchange in the City of London (not the most luxury but you get what you want and for £20 a month is not bad considering it is London - work pays the other £20).

Then when I am home at mum and dads, I use a pay as you go membership £5 a go but the machines are fantastic, touch screen displays and you can watch what channel you like as well as your programme...pretty cool.

Before someone says that I am dazzled by technology ;) I see it only as a bonus, I use the weights as well in my longer sessions.

Once I book my Ibiza holiday I will be stepping up to 2x hour shifts at lunchtime and one 2hr after work shift a week to get in the bikini!!!

Piggy - good luck with the Spinning when you get round to it, it is brill if you can keep up (and understand how the bikes work :rolleyes: yes I am a n00b!)

BB x
I was a good girl and DIDN'T weigh this morning :eek:

Was very difficult but I am weaning myself off them apart from my weekly fix :p

BB - I can't wait to try spinning , all going well I should be there this Friday :D ( and probably be dead the next day ! )
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