Well, heres a general update:
After 2.5 months I have now retired the the food and drink diary. Doing it over that period of time has helped me spot a few things about my diet that I'm gonna try and change:
1) I eat too many take aways - the new plan is maximum of once a fortnight on the Friday Mic isn't working - hopefully this will work out better than the last time we tried to stop eating take aways as last time we just cut them out all together, and ended up essentially binging and having 2 or 3 on a week, this way at least it'll more like a treat.
2) I either eat too much or not enough during the course of a day - I need to find a happy medium. Some days it'll be yogurt for breakfast, apple mid morning, a dinner at work (which is a proper cooked meal), apple or something before the gym, dinner when I get home (so that I eat with Mic), and snacks during the evening (dried fruit, buscuits, seeds, nuts, yogurts etc). Other days it'll be yogurt for breakfast, and dinner when I get home.
My gym instructor, Dave, has told me on many occassions that my normal average calorie intake is not enough for me to lose weight, but any time I've tried to increase it (healthily) I end up feeling like a pig, fat and ugly and repulsive so I then cut down too much at the end of it to try and "make up" for over eating, then I don't eat enough and we're back to square 1.
3) If I drink coffee at work, I don't drink water. Since the beginning of April I've not been drinking coffee so I bought myself a litre and a half bottle of mineral water and kept the bottle once I finished it. I fill it up first thing when I get to work, when I started this I could only just about finish the bottle by the end of the day (9-4) but now I end up half refilling it at about 2pm. Definately been needing the loo more but then thats at the far end of the building so its more exercises walking backwards and forwards.
Again I need to find a middle ground where I can drink coffee but I don't neglect my water intake.
4) I have no regular routine for when I go to the gym - I hate the gym anyway but I hate it more when its busy, this means if I don't leave work on time I'm loathed to go as I know it ends up really busy. I also have had problems with some of the later buses, therefore I'm always thinking about what time I'll have to stop my workout so I've got time to get changed and get to the bus stop.
As my gym is 2 minutes away from work I generally only go when I'm working, so if I have a week holiday I don't go to the gym. My minumum aim for the gym is Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays but it generally ends up being either Monday or Tuesday and Thursday which is not good and not helping me.
I have bought a small diary which I can carry on recording my pedometer readings and exercise each day (it actually says "slim diary" on the front - perhaps its trying to tell me something).
I know that come Alton Towers and Splash Landings (and probably even the BBQ meet) I'm not going to have lost much more weight so I'll probably still be doing a great beached whale impression; I'd just appreciate it if any looks of disgust or nasty comments could be made behind my back - I know I'm not nice to look at, I'd rather not keep being reminded.
Also it is now day 16 on my no alcohol and no coffee month - I've made over half way which means should I want to I can now allow myself some decaf coffee
The headaches from the caffiene withdrawl are still with me but they are no where near as blinding as they were at the beginning of the month.
Come May when I allow myself coffee again, I'm going to do my best to keep the amount in check and try and stick to 1 or 2 mugs a day.
The no alcohol thing hasn't been a problem - I've been out bowling with friends and had a game night with them and not felt the urge to drink. For some odd reason I really fancy a cold beer tonight but I shall be sticking to lemonade