OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

I was planning on doing the Manchester to Blackpool bikd ride but I am on holiday, I fly on the 15th its on the 16th, gutted as I could easily do it and about 10 people from work do it every year and I could beat about 5 of them who just start practicing a week before the ride and end up with a sore arse for weeks.
challengedavid said:
no sorry no pics (might have been a good idea) someone else suggested that i should have done it for charity, if i had known at the time i could do it i would have done, but have tried several times before but failed
its not just the diet i have gone on, i also stopped smoking and have given up alcohol for a year
i have gone from an tight 44" to a comfortable 38" waist
am a lot fitter, used to be hard just walking up the road, now cycle 20 miles 2-3 times a week and walk every where a can

very well done :D
I am really looking forward to monday morning when I can have a mug of coffee again.

I have decided that I'm going to continue my no alcohol stint until the AT meet - this means I will probably be very cheap to get drunk and probably make a fool of myself...but then its an ocuk meet so what else is new :D
Drinks are on me ;) hehe :D

I went to a new class last night here in Swansea - it was meant to be a Body Attack like class last night but it was a Body Combat/Step type affair :eek:

I gave it a go anyway and although I didn't really enjoy it that much I feel better that I've actually done something , The Body Pump class was last Monday but it wasn't on because of Bank holiday :/

I've got another class tonight - legs,bums and tums .. it won't be as good for me as my normal classes but at least I will be doing some sort of exercise .. next week when I'm back home I'm gonna go hell for leather !

Haven't weighed at all but I don't feel like I've put any on even though I've been eating lots of home cooking :o

We'll see on Monday :)
One of my mates works at the gym I go to and today he was doing an ABT class, abs buttocks and thighs I think...anyway I poked my head in and promptly walked straight out again...Those classes are hardcore :o

Kudos to you guys who can do these evil things :o
Piggymon said:
Haven't weighed at all but I don't feel like I've put any on even though I've been eating lots of home cooking :o

We'll see on Monday :)
You could be right there Piggy - fresh ingredients properly cooked are likely to be better in the weight/bulk department than pre-packaged stuff.

I use a lot of raw materials in my cooking - and a lot of butter too. Since he came to live with me, my son (who eats like a horse) is losing the belly that he gained at his mother's :)
thought you guys may like to know, since I started the gym back in oct/dec time, going twice a week for about 2 hours, I've put ON half a stone (now just over 12st, was just under 11 1/2) and I can see my toes again!

go me!
Treefrog said:
You could be right there Piggy - fresh ingredients properly cooked are likely to be better in the weight/bulk department than pre-packaged stuff.

I use a lot of raw materials in my cooking - and a lot of butter too. Since he came to live with me, my son (who eats like a horse) is losing the belly that he gained at his mother's :)

Hope so ! .. Not much time to go until Splash Landings !!

I went to the class tonight and to my delight it was a Body Pump class !! ( they didn't actually call it that but I did the same exercises and they used more or less the same music ) I was in my element and loved it :D

What I found really funny was all the rest of the women were using weighted bars ( They must have only been about 2kgs or so ) and I was the only one using proper weights so I was squatting 10kgs and they were looking at me like I was some sort of mad woman :D
Not to bad, I am at the same weight, still riding to work but my diet is no existent, It was my sisters wedding on Saturday so I have done well not to put on much weight only 2lbs thats after 21 pints of lager :D and countless JD and cokes over the weekend.

Done 250 miles on my bike now and my lower body is trim and solid, shame about my upper body, I need to hit the gym and start my routine on the weights.

/me drinks some grolsch. :rolleyes:
Back from my parents

Have spent 10 days eating waaay too many naughty things and only done 2 hours of exercise .. put on 1lb ... ARSE ! :/

It's not too bad considering but I'm still annoyed about it :p

I've also buggered up my arm doing my biceps last week so I'm gonna get a support and use a dumbell with just the one arm instead of using a bar until it gets better :(

Could really have done without it this week and this is my week of going HELL FOR LEATHER !

I'm eating ZERO naughty things and increasing my Gym visits

I'm going to a 20 min workout class at 7am on Mon, Wed and Fridays ( Not today because we were travelling for 4 hours yesterday ) and also adding in a Circuit class on Tuesday evening and Body Attack class on Sunday morning

I think I may be dead come Alton Towers but at least I'll look a bit better :o
fluiduk said:
Woohoo. Im now down to 15st, from 16!

Still another 3 to go, but getting there lol


Well done that is great :D keep it up.

Haven't posted in here for a while so have been looking for my last weigh in post, which was 66kg beg Feb and I'm 65kg now.

Meh... not trying hard enough! But now the holiday is booked :cool: going to chuck in swimming on a weds pm with the flatmate too.

BB x
Haven't weighed myself in ages but have now finally started my walking regime i promised to start ages ago and not long back from an 8 mile walk along the coastal path near me, plus a 3-4 hour walk at Edinburgh Zoo yesterday as well. Took the camera with me both times to make the walk seem less like hard work today and to get pics of the animals yesterday, so was carrying a pretty heavy backpack and camera around my neck to add to a bit of weight and resistance.

Aiming to do this 3-4 times a week, weather allowing, during the summer to get myself fitter and also get rid of the extra weight i am carrying. Got my next walk planned for later in the week and aiming to do a 12 mile walk to a small village, 6 miles there and 6 back, again snapping away with camera on route.

Will update on present weight tomorrow so i have a recorded current weight for comparison later in the month.

Not got any scales at home at the moment, but i'll weigh myself tonight at the gym (pre workout) and let everyone know. Really enjoying my cycling at the moment, 35mins, 600 calories ish, peaking at 220 watts :cool:

Congrats at the losses everyone is reporting, nice one
Zirax said:
Congrats at the losses everyone is reporting, nice one

Don't forget those of us that are gaining! Since starting proper weight training two weeks ago I have gained a couple of kilos, and as far as I can tell it's not fat. I certainly appear to have increased definition too and now look less like a pillow.
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