OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Hmm I like to participate in anything diet related so this seems appropriate.

current weight - 2006

11 st 9lbs
10-11% bodyfat

original weight - 2001

17st 1lb

I've been all variations, low as 10st, high as 17st and always fluctuating.

Taking a week off from training and nutrition :p , pizza, chips, jaffa cakes and anything else I can think of is on my list to eat.
Monday morning weigh in :

8st 3lbs ! yay !

The last 7 days I only did 1 class of Body Pump ( Saturday ) so I'm pretty pleased with that :)

I was going to go to Pump again this morning but my legs are aching sooo much today :/

Last Saturday was the first time I did pump in about 10 days, I kept my weights the same and now my legs aren't my friends :p

I'll be full steam ahead again as from Wednesday morning

How's everyone else doing ? A few people have gone quiet :(
Well Piggy, since you asked... Last month I've got back to the lightest I've been in the last few years to get back into my smaller trousers for the school leaving do last Saturday. Just waiting for end of exams to get back to doing an hour or two of guilt free biking every day, when I did this last year the weight fell off.
Hey there,

Haven't posted in here for a while, but just weighed my self and I am currently just less than 16 stone, which saying how I started at 17.5 I am very happy.

Need to get back into running now as I am currently in the middle of finals, but those finish next week, so hopefully will be down to 15 - 15.5 for the summer.

Monday morning weigh in, Still 16'3 but I have kind of wrecked it this week by going out drinking over the weekend and eating lots of random foods. Might be able to crack the 15 stone barrier in one or two weeks.

Everyone seems to be doing really well. :)
Takhisis said:
Status - exactly the same as before
Exercise programme - double before
Self confidence - in the negatives

Chin up, don't lose heart :)

My status, same weight (15st 6lb) but had a lot on this week: visiting brothers and parents so have been drinking a lot of beer and eating bad food, so I'm quite pleased I haven't put anything on.

I'm off to Egypt to work again on Thursday for a couple of weeks, so will hopefully lose a few pounds (maybe even break the magical 15st barrier).

Stan :)
hahaha !! :D

I can't get on with combat at all ! .. tried it twice but don't like it :(

Body Balance is that like a yoga/pilates type class ?

Pump rocks - it's my favourite .. you should try Body attack next ;)
Yeah it's lots of weird, slow, stretching type exercises, a lot harder than it looks!!!

Why didn't you get on with combat? I thought it was great fun, albeit hard as hell
The moves just felt very unatural to me ... I've never done any form of martial arts and just couldn't get on with it :/

It's a shame because I'd prefer to do a class like that on a Wednesday instead of Circuits - I find it easier to keep going in that type of class

Maybe I should give it another go :)
Losing weight is easy! Look at this graph of mine. I started recording my weight every morning back in late Feburary. I'm now into my 104th day of recording and this is my progress. I hope it lifts the spirits of some people here. Just look at what is possible when you put your mind to task!

Yesterday I played a good few hours of Basketball and still forced meself to do my 10 minute run which actually suprised me but I'm feeling so sore today I don't know if I should try and go for a run today or not.

Also when running in thecold is there anyway to avoid cold nostrils when you breath in through your nose and I suppose carrying water is the only solution to a dry throat?

I really hope I keep this up for the rest of the week though then I'll know I'll be able to keep it up.
Mundu said:
Also when running in thecold is there anyway to avoid cold nostrils when you breath in through your nose and I suppose carrying water is the only solution to a dry throat?

Prehaps a piece of cloth over your face, might restrict air a bit but should warm up due to moisture.
I'm gonna give Combat a go saturday morning before pump and see how I get on

I should then be able to do Combat followed by Pump on the saturday and drop the ab attack and the circuit on wednesday

I'd then do Legs Bums and Tums after attack on a Monday to make up for dropping ab attack on Wed .. will be nice to free up an evening :)
I have my Race For Life next sunday, I went out on my second 5km run yesterday. It went ok, 40mins which isn't bad, going to give it another go on saturday morning.

I hate running and cannot wait til I have done it on Sunday! Though I must admit the aches and pains today are not as bad as the first time. :)

Swimming tomorrow, gym weds and thurs lunchtimes then running sat morning and an early night.

Oh yes looking forward to it ;)

http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/meiling (just for anyone who is interested)



BB x
BrightonBelle said:
I hate running and cannot wait til I have done it on Sunday! Though I must admit the aches and pains today are not as bad as the first time. :)
BB x

I really hate running too and use to so hate the firt day of new term at school as it was road run time. :( Once I actually waited till no one was around and pretented I hurt my ankle!

I only ever did one cross country aswell although now I wish I had taken part more.
Mundu said:
I really hate running too and use to so hate the firt day of new term at school as it was road run time. :( Once I actually waited till no one was around and pretented I hurt my ankle!

I only ever did one cross country as well although now I wish I had taken part more.
I was never keen on X country either. But in my last year of school, two friends and myself went out on bikes most days, went to a pub about 4 miles away, had several ciggies, a pint and a game of pool (with "The Devil went down to Georgia" on the jukebox) and rode back by a different route. And when school got suspicious we changed our local ;)

The end result of all this strenuous training was that we came in the top 10 out of ~70 in the house X country :)

Bikes are good mmmkay?
Treefrog said:
I was never keen on X country either. But in my last year of school, two friends and myself went out on bikes most days, went to a pub about 4 miles away, had several ciggies, a pint and a game of pool (with "The Devil went down to Georgia" on the jukebox) and rode back by a different route. And when school got suspicious we changed our local ;)

The end result of all this strenuous training was that we came in the top 10 out of ~70 in the house X country :)

Bikes are good mmmkay?

I loved riding my bike and recenlt got a new one for £55 from Tesco then realised why it was £55 an gave it back. :(
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