OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

Everything i have eaten has been healthy living items from Tesco, all my evening meals have come from a low fat cookbook.

My last 3 days have been: I currently weigh 21.7 stone.

Shredded Wheat 218
Coffee 10
Cup Soup 67
2 x Bread 192
Banana 143
Apple 53
Nectrine 40
Low Fat Pork Strog 197
Tortilla Wrap 121
Total 1041

Corn Flakes 172
Cup Soup 67
2 x Bread 192
Banana 143
Apple 53
Jacket potato 245
Smoked Mackreal 100
Pitta bread 147
Total 1119

Rice Crisp 170
Tortilla wrap 121
Tuna 50
Sweetcorn 50
Cheese 40
Banana 143
Fish 160
Chips 200
2 x bread 192
Total 1126

I drink lots of water during the day and normally a few glasses of no sugar squash in the evenings, the beginning of the week was the same as this but salad during the day.
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Hi guys,

Decided to join a few of you on a diet :)

Unfortunatly for me, its summer, i tend to do less in summer. As a result i end up getting hyperactive/feeling weird a lot of the time also, my metabolism has slowed down to the point where i struggle to eat 1 meal a day.

Not good.

I have decided to take up a new diet and workout style so i can get rid of this horrible feeling not to mention a few pounds. :)
Need to be thiner for hols if i want to feel like i can fit in.

Im trying to come up with a daily planner that involves lots-o-exercise.
Any advice for layout of what to do?
Goberpiles316 said:

Sorry mate, you are 21stone and you've been eating less than 1200 a day? (i assume you were on a lot more before you started "dieting") I see you lost a fair bit very quickly to start off with. This would be normal as your calorie intake has dropped dramatically. However, your body has probably now moved into starvation mode. Your metabolism has plummeted and your body is saving as much energy as it can. In fact generally when you do this, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. This will cause your body to start using protein stores for energy (ie your muscles). I'm pretty sure you'll agree that losing muscle is not what you want from your diet.

I am currently on about 19.5st (a stone down in the last 2.5 months). I rarely go under 2000 cals in a day, and that's only on days that i know i'm not doing much activity.
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Well, im currently at 15 stone.

Very athletic though, have no problems with that.

Target : 13 by september, gives me 6-7 weeks. Which is possible.

Chinese noodle stir fry each day ;)
Well seems I have actually lost 3 pounds so im 21.5 this morning, I have started a calorie spreadsheet to try and make sure I eat a decent amount, thing is I have not been feeling hungry enough to eat any thing else apart from whats on that list, I was eating lots of choc, chrisps, take aways and drinking a hell of a lot of full sugar coke before I started dieting a month ago, I hope to start riding my bike 3 times a week tonight so i am going to have more intake of calories or il never make it.

It is hard to know what else to add to my daily eating as I am not feeling hungry and I am so worried about this not working, I think I may make an appointment to see the doctor so I can start to see a dietician and receive some help, does anyone else here see one?
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I generally go by the rule that fat is more of a problem than calories as calories can be burnt off easier than fat :confused:

I look at the nutritional values and if there is less than 4g of fat per 100, then it's ok if you're trying to eat healthily. Please tell me if I'm wrong, I'm no expert. :)
kitten_caboodle said:
I generally go by the rule that fat is more of a problem than calories as calories can be burnt off easier than fat :confused:

I look at the nutritional values and if there is less than 4g of fat per 100, then it's ok if you're trying to eat healthily. Please tell me if I'm wrong, I'm no expert. :)
Fat is calories.

1g of fat is 9 Kcal, 1g of carbohydrate or protein is 4 Kcal.

Fat is denser in calories than either carbohydrates or proteins so for the same weight you will consume more calories if you eat fat dense foods.

Just looking at fat contents of foods is a bad way to do things though. Something that has just 2g of fat per 100g could have 40g of sugar per 100g and still have a lot of calories (and potentially be worse for you as it can mess up your insulin levels and then make you crave more)
Haircut said:
I thought fats were lipids - nutrients that the body uses to build nerve tissue and to be used as fuel. If fats that a person has eaten aren't burned as energy or used as building blocks, they are stored by the body in fat cells which is what makes people fat.

On the other hand a calorie is different:- a unit of energy that measures how much energy food provides to the body - hence calories can be used up and fat can be burned once all the calories are used up.
Am I confused? :D

I do obviously look at the calories too, but as I am active and stick to a limit per day, I use up as many calories or more than I eat. That's why I look at the fat content too because you can eat something relatively low in calories that fat makes up a large percentage of :)

Is the craving thing how the GI diet works? It satisfies your cravings for a little amount? What would you say is a 'healthy' sugar level per 100g?
A Calorie (note the capital letter - it's actually 1000 calories or 1Kcal) is a measurement of energy.

I think scientifically 1 calorie is the amount of energy needed to heat 1g of water by 1 degree celsius.

Generally the energy in our food comes from 3 different sources: carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

As I mentioned 1 gram of carbohydrate or protein provides 4Kcal of energy.
1 gram of fat provides 9Kcal of energy.
There are a few other categories as well - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_energy

I'm not a nutritionist so don't know the full details behind how the body uses energy from different sources but fat definitely provides energy to your body in the form of calories.

GI basically measures how much the glucose levels in your blood are affected by different foods. Low GI foods keep glucose levels relatively constant so you don't get insulin spikes and hence crave more glucose.

As mentioned above I'm not a nutritionist but this is my understanding of the concepts from the reading I have done. I suspect Libs (Gordy R's girlfriend) will be able to answer these questions much better than me :p
Weighed myself today and I have only put on 2 pounds, that’s 2 weeks of drinking lager, vodka and coke, eating McDs, KFC, Burger King and Pizza, don’t understand how I have not put anymore weight on.

The only exercises I did was swimming in the pool and dancing at night, I did do a lot of sweating during the day.
I started of doing quite well in January at around 13 stone I think. I really wanted to be down to around 11 or 11.5 stone by now but I really let myself slip when doing my A2's and Flute diploma and have been hovering around 12.3 - 12.6 stone for the last 2 months. I'm a lot more concious of what junk food i'm eating now and to be honest I haven't been doing as much exercise as I should. I'm going on holiday this week but once I come back i'm going to start from scratch again. I'm hoping to join the gym when I start Uni this year as I hear the fee's are very low and my cousin works there which helps. My mum has just started to try and loose weight in May, she's lost over 2 stone since then and hopefully we can encourage each other.
6 month review today. shocking to think ive been at the gym for 6 months!

now under 18.5 stone / 20%bf
compared to 6 months ago, ive lost 7%bf and just over 3 stone in weight. not bad tbh. its a shame i didnt have the review 2 weeks ago as this last 2 weeks have been hard. only been to the gym a couple of times and diet has been poor (as it is when you work away in a nice hotel with no gym :/ ).

im about to change to a 4 day weights split, however things are going ot be hard for a while i think.

end of year aim - 16%bf. weight means nothing really, as im putting lean mass on each month. at some point im going to need to start bulking to kick the muscle into growth.
92.6Kg, so roughly half a stone in the past month, not bad :)

Edit: Piggy hasn't posted in this thread in a while
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