OcUK Dieters Progress Thread

The South East Asia Diet

Hello folks

Im a relatively new forum member and I have recently traveled to Thailand for a 6 month back packing trip.

when I left the UK on the 27th June I weighed 120kg. It is now the 31 July and I weigh 109kg. This is about a 1.7Stone weight loss and my weight is now 17.3 stone.

Not bad for a month eh. The secret to my diet success? Eating a lot of the local food which is mainly rice, greens and a little meat. No more snacks between meals and I generally am less hungry out here than I am back home.

I will be returning to the UK in January and if my weight loss carries on at the current rate I should reach my target of 85-90kg by then and maybe better it.

Also on an honest note it took my system 3 weeks to get used to the local diet and it is only recently that my digestive system has gone back to normal so that will help explain why the weight loss was so rapid at this stage.

I'll be back in touch for an update in a month.
I thought I'd dig this thread out again as it's always good to see how everyone is getting on at the gym and hearing progress. I also have a couple of questions.
Now, I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I do usually a hour to hour and a half when I'm there and this usually consists of:

15mins on bike warm up
15 mins on cross trainer
10 mins on rowing machine
then I move onto various weight machines for half an hour or so.

Whilst I have noticed more strength, stamina, general muscle build, I don't seem to lose any weight!! I think in about 4 weeks I lost a few lbs tops.
What am I doing wrong?! I eat pretty healthily - cereal for breakfast, sandwich and yoghurt for lunch, meal in the evening. I always eat fresh food (no frozen stuff - i live right by a supermarket), veg too. The one thing I will admit to is booze. I like my pop :)
I tend to have between 5-10 pints over a weekend - depending on how crazy things get. Sometimes it's much less though. Could this be my problem?
down to 225...

That is fantastic progress Rosbif!!

I'm ashamed to say I really didn't manage to stick with my good intentions.

The gym and healthy eating pretty much went out the window as I ramped up work on my final year project and then had exams to revise for and take.

I put back on all I'd lost over the month or so before :( However, I'm now living at home again and will be for 6 or 7 more weeks, which means healthy eating (my mum is on a healthy eating drive at the min and has lost over 3 stone...). I'm going to stick to eating roughly what she does and try and get out and do some cycling.

In the last couple of weeks I've got back down to the lowest point from before I went off the rails, and hope to lose a stone before I move out at the end of September.
cheers mate... i know how your situations feels... ive been where you are before... its all too easy to lose the momentum you build up at the start of every new diet.. :p

for me the breakthrough came about when i stopped setting ridiculous goals...

for instance... i knew and still know that i have absolutely no drive, will or interest in doing any form of cardio... maybe in the future that will change... but for now... im simply not interested...

so knowing this... i didnt set any targets or goals about doing exercise... i know that if i say to myself 'im gonna do 20 minutes of cardio a day', i wont do it... and not setting myself up for the fall of 'failure' means that i dont get down and depressed about what im doing... that psychological aspect is very important in my experience... its important to feel that youre constantly achieving a goal as it massages the ego and keeps the momentum going :D same with my little graph... massages the ego... look what youve achieved rosbif... youre the best! keep pushin! hehe :p

after that it was pretty simple... to start off with i basically did atkins ... eating all sorts of meat products... i stopped that when it started giving me slight chest pain after eating a sausage... not good!

since 240lb ive been eating a strict calorie controlled diet consisting of about 5 meals a day... consists of oatmeal, turkey sandwiches, portion of nuts, portion of steamed veg with other lean meat... roughly speaking its a 40/40/20 diet give or take with (what i think) is a 500-750 calorie a day deficit .. i tend to lose about 2lb a week give or take on average..

best thing i ever did was to keep it simple and aim for easily achievable goals that come every 2 weeks... incidentally i dont have a target weight as im near my original 220 goal but still have a belly... so these days i just aim for the next 5lb mark and have a party when i get there and look in the mirror and ask myself whether i need to calibrate my calorie intake up or down... alas still down at the mo :p
sist_si said:
Whilst I have noticed more strength, stamina, general muscle build, I don't seem to lose any weight!! I think in about 4 weeks I lost a few lbs tops.
What am I doing wrong?! I eat pretty healthily - cereal for breakfast, sandwich and yoghurt for lunch, meal in the evening. I always eat fresh food (no frozen stuff - i live right by a supermarket), veg too. The one thing I will admit to is booze. I like my pop :)
I tend to have between 5-10 pints over a weekend - depending on how crazy things get. Sometimes it's much less though. Could this be my problem?

your building muscle for one, both internally (your cardio) and skeletal (your weights). muscle weighs more than fat, so your losing fat but not losing weight as that weight is being topped up by more muscle :]
also, no, the beer wont be helping :p
your diet may seem good, but it doesnt sound substantial or well spaced out, but if it works thats all that matters :]
me: im touching 18 stone now, bf% should be under 20%. my last review was poo but that was because of my dodgy week away working!!1

back on track tho and hitting the gym hard. current routine:

3 day split, 4 days a weel (where possible):

day 1:
cardio (30 mins on treadmill/xtrainer/bike)
flat barbell bench
incline dumbell press
decline dumbell press
cable cross overs
standing tricep extensions (either 20kg plate or barbell)
overhead cable tricep pushdown

day 2:
bent over rows barbell
1 hand dumbell rows or seated row
wide grip chins (assisted :/) or lat pull down
ez bar curl
(depending on time or tiredness)1 arm preacher curls
high cable bicep curls

day 3:
leg press
leg curl / sldl's
standing calf raises

need to re work in my shoulder work (might have to do it on day 4), had a slight injury so for a small while instead of directly working them im leaving them to be worked with the normal compund exercises.

weights (for reps, not 1rm)
leg press - 320kg
squat - 110kg
deads - 120kg (damn my weak grip holding me back!)
BOR - 80kg
military press - 60kg

plenty of work to be done yet :D
Morba said:
your building muscle for one, both internally (your cardio) and skeletal (your weights). muscle weighs more than fat, so your losing fat but not losing weight as that weight is being topped up by more muscle :]
also, no, the beer wont be helping :p
your diet may seem good, but it doesnt sound substantial or well spaced out, but if it works thats all that matters :]

Cheers for that. I was beginning to think I just can't lose weight!
So, will my muscle building stop if I don't keep upping the weight levels on my training? I've not done that in a while anyway...
Or should I stick to concentrating more on the cardio and tone down on weights to lose my love handles? :D
I am going to try and split my meals down to 4 or 5 smaller portions a day as well I think. As for the booze....it's gonna be so hard but I will try and limit myself to 4 or 5 pints max on a big night and cut down on those big nights!
....I'll just keep thinking of the end results!
I'm 28, 6ft 4 and approx 17st 4lbs....gonna work hard over the next few months and see what I can achieve.
Goberpiles316 said:
Its official have dropped one stone since 2nd July 2006.

Blimey, that is awesome. Well done. :)

I weighed myself the other day for the first time in ages and I'm now only 12 stone! Normally weigh about 12 stone 10lbs, so I seem to have shed a good 10lbs in the last... however long it's been... :confused:

How much should a 6'0" 'er weigh? Roughly?
alexthecheese said:
Blimey, that is awesome. Well done. :)

I weighed myself the other day for the first time in ages and I'm now only 12 stone! Normally weigh about 12 stone 10lbs, so I seem to have shed a good 10lbs in the last... however long it's been... :confused:

How much should a 6'0" 'er weigh? Roughly?

more than 12 stone you skinny sod ;)
nice one, make sure its on a maintainable diet tho so that you dont just put it back on :D

excellent result so far :]
PaulStat said:
more than 12 stone you skinny sod ;)

Thing is I still have a belly, so I reckon I could do with losing another 3/4 lbs. I just think it must be that I don't have any muscle! :p

I have been cycling a fair bit lately so my legs are pretty strong, but my upper body (hence belly :) ) doesn't get worked much so that's probably why I'm a flabber but still reasonably light... :confused:

I'm not really into the dieting thing tbh, but I've found that just basically not eating any crap between meals - nothing at all - and a bit of exercise does actually make quite a difference to how much weight you can lose.
lost 1/2 a stone in just over a week from swimming only going out once and eating no junk crap. eat stuff like this, its cheap, good tasting and very healthy food


trying to loose some of my man **** and stomach for holiday. getting from 11.8 to 10.5 will be a hard task. currently about 11.3
I must say that mine is more of a life style change as opposed to a diet, I make sure when I buy products I go for healthy options, spread, jams, have dropped sugar from my drinks and moved away from drinking 8 litres of coke a week to maybe 1-2 glasses. I cook from a low fat cookbook.

On an average month I would go through maybe 5 take-aways chinese, fish and chips, Indian etc, would eat cakes, chrisps and a massive roll for lunch at work, have a big dinner at home and then snack in the evening choc and stuff, and I went up to 22 stone. Now I eat breakfast, have a normal sized lunch with fruit, no chrisps or chocolate, have a low fat meal in the evening and a yogurt for pudding, mostly drink water and squash.

I swim and play football regular and feel a lot more active then I did. I will still have the odd take away but I have managed to go without since England lost to Portugal in the WC.
92Kg dead on now, I have some comparison photos from a month ago with now. I shall be posting a photo of me in my pants later, you have been warned ;)
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