OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Looking swole Kai, loving it.

Lil update of back:

Bit different from December:
- Certainly gained some weight anyway.
impressed by your forearms zulu, what size are they if you know?

do you do any training for them or does it just come from your dead lifts/b.o.r/pull ups etc?

dunno why but i like back and fore arms, don't tend to bother ever doing anything with biceps/the normal vanity muscles :p
impressed by your forearms zulu, what size are they if you know?

do you do any training for them or does it just come from your dead lifts/b.o.r/pull ups etc?

dunno why but i like back and fore arms, don't tend to bother ever doing anything with biceps/the normal vanity muscles :p

Never trained forearms on their own, they are getting a ridiculous workout with my back routine at the moment, so bad infact that they look swollen and bruised at the end of the session. Size wise straight arm measured forearm widest point cold 14 inch.
My cutting progress for about 6 weeks, Been eating crap foods (still eating clean but just having a Mcdonalds or chocolate every now and then) and only started doing some HIIT since last week and seen good results. going to bulk again after 2 weeks


Pointy nipple :D Abs are normally visible but i just eaten
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Whoever told you that has got it wrong bro. Read my log :) I tried going through NHS and because I workout, got told I couldn't get surgery done. Long story short, went on Letro (not a steroid before the dons get all trigger happy) to try and resolve it and it affected things in the bedroom too much so came off. But mine is quite mild gyno, I'm just a vain ****.
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