OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

I just lol'd....hard

Natty and training more than a couple of years, you're not going to put anything more on than 4-5lbs a year if diet is 100%, training is 100% and everything else is 100%. Anything more is fat, or bone gains if you're kai

Yeah I didn't mention it's diminishing returns. Lyle McDonald, Alan Aragon and Layne Norton have all written stuff about working out your potential maximum natty gains, although it still seems a bit guess-worky.
Advice needed, my plan was to bulk in winter cut for summer, the cut coming up for summer never happened (lack of motivation and just wanted to keep adding size) now it's August so it seems dumb cutting now for winter, what are your thoughts?

Edit - 5'7 171lbs



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That's a result then, so just keep doing what I'm doing and eat a clean calorie surplus?

Anyone got a rough estimate of my BF?

You can still get fat eating 'clean', just keep bulking on enough of a surplus that you're still making progress in the gym and weight gain isn't going up too quick (like 1lb a week or something). Merlin gainz.
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