OcUK Powerlifting Totals

I am very impressed with the guy in the youtube link I posted. I would love to be as god as that, but I'm a little nervous about how low I have to go!

Your nervous because of one photo taken ages ago of a guy with a prolapsed bowel? Sick photo sure but its 1 in a million for that to occur!

For the record i squat ATG and go at least as low as dubya or whatever hes called
That's a proper ATG squat though :) Start off with lighter weights :)
I'm starting with just the bar:) and seeing how I go, got some nasty knee straps if I get to the point of no return:D.

Your nervous because of one photo taken ages ago of a guy with a prolapsed bowel? Sick photo sure but its 1 in a million for that to occur!

For the record i squat ATG and go at least as low as dubya or whatever hes called

Lol how'd you know that:eek:.
Think I might have a bash at a new deadlift PB next Friday. Morba and FF have got a little too close for comfort in recent months so it's time to up my game.

I deadlifted 180 x 10 on Tuesday after squatting and with a cold so I think I'm good for at least 185/190 x 10 when fresh which would put my 1RM up around the 250 mark.

Don't really know what I'm going to try for but I'll work my way up to 200 (haven't deadlifted that much for a year) and see how I feel.
Deadlifted 180KG for 2 sets of 1 rep last Sunday. Up 5KG :) Need to do some morning raises to help keep my lower back rigid as this is whats holding me back.
New PB 220kg on DLs for 2, really not that hard either! It was an attempt at the end of a set. Very very happy with it! :D 550kg now! 600kg here I come! :cool:

No vid I'm afraid - but I'll get one next time. :)

Benny - I've updated your totals too. :)
Got my 185KG Deadlift today :) 2 single reps, one with and one without a belt. Found wearing a belt very uncomfortable, maybe im just not used to it. I brought it for keeping my lower back into the bench on shoulder days so don't intend to use it much, if at all for deadlifting.

70 x 10 x 2
110 x 10
120 x 2
130 x 2
140 x 1
150 x 1
160 x 1
170 x 1
180 x 1
182.5 x 1
185 x 1 x2

As you can tell was just going for the 1RM really, but still quite pleased with it. Form felt great spot on too, probaly my cleanest lift!

Strength training was a little iffy (5x5) on bench. 70 for 10 to warm up and then:

92x5 x 3
90 x5

Went for a 1RM bench but couldn't push past 105KG, which went up fairly easily. 110 wasn't budging neither was 107.5 :( This was before deadlifting.

FF if you could update my totals please :)
Lol. My current deadlift routine is


The bar is literally falling through my fingers at 120 and my forearms ache for days after.

Is using straps suck a bad thing?

69kg bw btw.
Using straps is not a bad thing - you shouldn't let grip hinder your progress. However, you do need to pay attention to improving your grip - as 120kg shouldn't be too difficult on the grip side of things :) I'd suggest improving grip before using straps mate.

Did 5reps of 55Kg (each arm) Flat DB press last week which I was pleased with. Felt I could do more weight but I was on my own and just can;t get the ****er's up without help lol once they are up it's fine.
Straps are good at heavy weights or breaking PBs, but shouldn't be relied on. It's important to build up grip strength. You should be good for up to 200kg without straps IMO.
Using straps is not a bad thing - you shouldn't let grip hinder your progress. However, you do need to pay attention to improving your grip - as 120kg shouldn't be too difficult on the grip side of things :) I'd suggest improving grip before using straps mate.

Did 5reps of 55Kg (each arm) Flat DB press last week which I was pleased with. Felt I could do more weight but I was on my own and just can;t get the ****er's up without help lol once they are up it's fine.

I'm like that with my 60's tried doing it on my own lol and I ended up flying over the other side of the bench, woke me up thats for sure:eek:.

Straps are good at heavy weights or breaking PBs, but shouldn't be relied on. It's important to build up grip strength. You should be good for up to 200kg without straps IMO.

Agreed, unless my fingers are literally coming away from the bar I wont touch my hooks. Also another thing I notice is since I stopped using my gloves my grip lasts a lot longer:confused:.

Did you get those straps in the end Freefaller:)?
Yup - and 220kg reps on Dls. I reckon I have 230kg in the tank and 260 by the end of the year. :) you're a star mate thank you so much. :)

It's been helpful for 140kg+ BORs and over 100kg pull downs. I try to use them only when my form starts to struggle when I'm concentrating on grip too much.
Lol. My current deadlift routine is


The bar is literally falling through my fingers at 120 and my forearms ache for days after.

Is using straps suck a bad thing?

69kg bw btw.

What sort of grip do you use? Do you use an alternative grip, one hand under one over, or do you have both hands over?
Only ask cos I used to use the both hands over type of grip & I couldnt deadlift over 100kg without my grip failing early, had to use straps. Now I use an alternative grip & I can deadlift 160kg & my forearms are bigger :)
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