Well just weighed in at 87.7 Kilos /13.11 stone
don't see where or how i've put 3 kilo on scince coming back from uni! however I am looking bigger, perhaps its the mirror? anyway...
2 new PB's today, so dead chuffed
Using a different smith, yes still no squat rack at this gym either! This Nautilus one has rubber mounts so gives the bar a bit of movement. Assuming the bar weight for smiths is 7.5KG like the one at my uni is?
Total 1RM Squat = 137.5KG
Didn't push it to failure, but felt that was pritty much all I had left in the tank.
Despite being a leg day thought i'd have a pop at a 1RM Bench Press too. Haven't been able to cleanly push past 110KG yet, and couldn't get past 105KG the week before last
110KG went up a breeze as did 112.5KG and 115KG was slow but steady. Still a little bit more in the tank I think, but not much!
So plus 5KG to my bench and plus 15Kg to my squat please FF
Edit: Had a good chest session today, dropped some of the sets down to 8 reps from 10 and increased the weight. Seem to be progressing quickley. Had the 50's up for a few reps on DB press too (partially ego tripping, but its also part of my routine to press heavy again at the end of my chest workout)