OcUK Powerlifting Totals

Has anyone ever used Power Hooks by Country Power? You attach the hooks to the dumbbells your using then hang the hooks from the bar of a smith machine, then when you want to do your set you unrack then & crank out the reps. Saves having to kick the dumbbells up from the floor. Anyone ever used them, they seem like a good idea.
What sort of grip do you use? Do you use an alternative grip, one hand under one over, or do you have both hands over?
Only ask cos I used to use the both hands over type of grip & I couldnt deadlift over 100kg without my grip failing early, had to use straps. Now I use an alternative grip & I can deadlift 160kg & my forearms are bigger :)

I used both hands over up until the 1st rep of my last set where the bar was literally slipping through my fingers. Then switched to an alternative grip for the last 3. I did feel like i had a stronger grip but felt slightly uncomfortable. Maybe 'cos it was the first time i'd used that grip for 'heavy' (lol) lifting.

Just for ref, my foream measures 11.75" and my wrist measures 6.5".
Yup - and 220kg reps on Dls. I reckon I have 230kg in the tank and 260 by the end of the year. :) you're a star mate thank you so much. :)

It's been helpful for 140kg+ BORs and over 100kg pull downs. I try to use them only when my form starts to struggle when I'm concentrating on grip too much.

:cool: no problem.
I was the same as you Batf1nk when I first used an alternative grip, didnt feel quite right or natural, but i've stuck with it & my grip strength & deadlifts have improved. Only use straps for max efforts now & I still place my hands alternatively for them.
Well just weighed in at 87.7 Kilos /13.11 stone :confused: don't see where or how i've put 3 kilo on scince coming back from uni! however I am looking bigger, perhaps its the mirror? anyway...

2 new PB's today, so dead chuffed :D Using a different smith, yes still no squat rack at this gym either! This Nautilus one has rubber mounts so gives the bar a bit of movement. Assuming the bar weight for smiths is 7.5KG like the one at my uni is?

Total 1RM Squat = 137.5KG

Didn't push it to failure, but felt that was pritty much all I had left in the tank.

Despite being a leg day thought i'd have a pop at a 1RM Bench Press too. Haven't been able to cleanly push past 110KG yet, and couldn't get past 105KG the week before last :(

110KG went up a breeze as did 112.5KG and 115KG was slow but steady. Still a little bit more in the tank I think, but not much!

So plus 5KG to my bench and plus 15Kg to my squat please FF :)

Edit: Had a good chest session today, dropped some of the sets down to 8 reps from 10 and increased the weight. Seem to be progressing quickley. Had the 50's up for a few reps on DB press too (partially ego tripping, but its also part of my routine to press heavy again at the end of my chest workout)
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Well I don't know quite what's happening to my body at the moment, but I like it!:D My weight seems to be fluctuating between 13stone10 and 14stone 1.

On my 5x5 for bench strength training I've jumped from 92.5KG to 95KG.

Leg day today, and again I fancied a stab at max rep bench, hoping to equal my 115KG from the week before. I'd said to my friend who I was training with 'If I can have 120KG up by the end of summer I'll be over the moon'. Turns out I need to set a higher target for summer!

Warmed up with 70 for 10, 80x1, 90x1, 100x1, 110x1, 112.5 x1, 115x1, 117.5x1, 120x1 :), 122.5 (stalled), 120x1(very lightly assisted) 100x4 (Another PB) and finished with 3 sets of 80 x 10(also another PB)

Might have something to do with the fancy pec-fly machine they have hitting the inner of my chest more. Either way I'm chuffed, so FF if you could update my totals again when you get some time, thanks.
Up to 15th now Benny! :)

My bench is not going to move so I'm going to have to concentrate on DL and Squats. I I reckon I can get 250 for DL. I'm not far off 200 for squats... End of the year maybe a bit sooner.
Up to 15th now Benny! :)

My bench is not going to move so I'm going to have to concentrate on DL and Squats. I I reckon I can get 250 for DL. I'm not far off 200 for squats... End of the year maybe a bit sooner.

Yeah, 150KG is a very respectable bench press. I think, from having watched your progression, that you may well have reached your limit for now(without the use of special supplements ;)) which I don't think you really need to take!

Having watched you video of 3x180squat I think 200 is within your reach for squat. As is your 250KG deadlift.

i'm sure i did a 250 dl, was so long ago though i could be wrong!
wont be getting my 300 by end of year thats for sure :/

Nursing an injury Morba?(wrist?)
Have been for best part of 8 months now. cant do a single dip at the moment.
Can do pressups (on handles or knuckles but not on palms) and have played with the 40kg DBs.
getting there slowly, just need to be carefull and not over do things like i have done a few times already :/
Ahh sorry to hear that. As we all know times the best healer. Is it stopping you going about your day to day business? or just training?
Sure no worries mate :)

Benny, for Bench I have a weakness in a shoulder owing to a dislocation I did many years ago so you're probably right I will be hitting a wall unfortunately.

How frustrating! I too have some shoulder injuries. My lefts nearly fully healed but a bit unstable sometimes (Subluxation under a dumbell). Had the post MRI assesment and there are no major tears but a minor one. And some fluid on the inside of my shoulder (from well over a year ago now!) My right also has a minor tear and my bicep tendon currently clicks sometimes.

Front View http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t288/bennyc06i/IMG_0060.jpg
Top View http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t288/bennyc06i/IMG_0062.jpg

Some pictures of my first ever MRI. **** paying £10 for the cd, so I took some photo's of the screen with my phone :p The bright white line to the left of the humerus is the fluid. I have the option for a 'Shoulder Arthroscopy' if it begins to give me any problems, but at current it's not causing any issues.
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