**OcUK Secret Santa 2011 - The unWrapUp!**


Awesome pressy mate, had a few laughs on it already this morning - Great fun lol




Thanks dude

Dottty27!, the mat came alive!, it must have been a 'I don't want to work yet ive been boxed too long' kind of affair.

Those cook books are rather good old bean!
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Glad to see lots of awesome presents, just want to thank you all for taking part and making it a success! :D

Less trouble than last years by the looks of it. :)
OK - THAT is the BEST SS present of the whole lot. I don't even care what anybody else got now.

My ninja present picking skills, I did not actually know what I was going to get for him, asked him a few more questions about four days before the deadline and had them ordered within two hours. I did dispense with budget by a long shot being short of time and I saw he got stuffed in last years SS so thought to hell with it, turned out a win :cool:.
Well I got up today, had my breakfast after snooping in this topic on my phone. Got the gifts opened and I'm very happy with my SS gifts. Thank you SuperTroNarwhal (you were one of my two guesses on who my SS was :D)

Unopened since it arrived early December

Wrapped up tighter than a block of cocaine on its way from Columbia and just as suspicious! :D

Some festive wrapping along with a note *Spoiler inside* (could tell this was from a bloke already! :D)

Batman on Bluray.....as per your note, no i dont have a bluray player but I think in the new year when i buy myself a house I'll treat myself to another electronic gadget so I can watch this / get a bluray player for my PC.

Finally the note themed with Batman and some suggestions on what to do with the included £5 (try shift 3 on your keyboard to get the £ :p) So as a nice extra Christmas gift for noticing that Jake aka Phate owes me £5 from when we met on a OCuk photography meet I will change my sig and hopefully Jake will notice that he has to thank you for wiping out his debt :D

Glad Cleeecooo enjoyed your gifts. Since i couldn't find too much on you beyond watercooling stuff I decided to get you something I thought was pretty cool along with something for you to munch on as well :D

Haha sorry for not asking early kinda rushed purchased it! But i got yank keyboard so only $$ symbol! But glad you like it was kind of worried i underspent a bit! And hey that 5$ can go towards a new blu ray player :P
Haha sorry for not asking early kinda rushed purchased it! But i got yank keyboard so only $$ symbol! But glad you like it was kind of worried i underspent a bit! And hey that 5$ can go towards a new blu ray player :P

nah thats not a problem, decent bluray box set. The fiver was a bonus and with the note raised a smile :D Think I'll have a bluray player next on my wish list :)
The silly billy left his name on the batteries so I was always looking forward to seeing what it was, and I wasn't disappointed. Hours of fun are going to be had, especially teaching my nephew to use it.

Cheers Robbie.

Amazing gifts! The lightsabre one is probably the coolest perhaps! Or the Nat Geo sub, well I read New Scientist anyway but... :D

Ahhh! It wasn't my fault the name was on the package honest!^^ As far as I understood it, gift wrapped by Amazon meant it was going out as a gift so it wouldn't be having my name on the return!! Glad you like it though, was actually quite hard finding something! What do programmers like :D Video of it bringing you Xmas pudding :p
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Could've bought me a bride :D we can't get them very easy, programming them is hard too. Excellent present though mate, much appreciated.
A bride of this kind of budget probably wouldn't do you very well hehe ;)

Aha! the batteries had my name on them, that's a bummer! They were not available for giftwrapping at checkout! Next year if the gift requires batteries, make sure to send them separately folks if using Amazon :p
The mousemat and the the mug has my personalised dogtags from BF3 on - v.cool :D

Many, many thanks to my SS - love them.

The only thing I am not sure why is the Toy Story alien......love it but not sure if there is meant to be a specific connection to me? :confused:

Will take pride of place in my computer corner....:D

Glad you're happy. As soon as I looked at your posts I knew it had to be something BF3 related. The Toy Story Alien was more of a laugh than anything else :p
Having looked at the SS list, thank you Hilly for my gifts. They will probably get used today after stuffing myself with dinner. Sorry it was hard for you to pick something, the forum doesn't know all my interests... yet!

Looks like everyone really got into the spirit of things. :)
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