I don't know if this has been mentioned in the thread, but for anyone who suffers from a visible straight screen edge, try adjusting your eyes' distance from the lens.
I've had varying situations with 3rd party face gaskets and pads and so-on where this has been an issue with one method, but not with another. The OEM gasket was fine for me in that respect, but very uncomfortable, so I purchased the VR Covers gasket. This was an improvement in several ways, but suddenly the screen edge was very apparent. I put the glasses stand-off frame between the headset and the gasket and voila! Sorted. I don't wear specs, I use prescription VR lenses with all my headsets, but I've kept that spacer in place regardless of gasket and not seen the screen edge again.
Just a note on the face gaskets pack you can buy from Oculus. I ordered them because I was finding that I constantly got a feeling that the edges of the OEM gasket were too close to my eyes and was bugging me in my play sessions. I thought the wider gasket/interface would be best, but in fact the narrow one fits me better. However, regardless of which gasket I use I still get that feeling and have been unable to get rid of it. Just a heads up
Lastly, this was my solution to the Elite headstrap being too hard at the rear head cup - I've since cut the frills off to ease use of headphones. Laugh all you like - it's now easily the comfiest headset I've used!