*** Oculus Quest 2 Owners Thread ***

Compared to, for example, another headset, say a Reverb G2, it has a 4320x2160 resolution. How it works in this case, running a quest2 is a major sacrifice for pc when using the 1.7x render (since the resolution is 5408x2736) ?

As Unseul has said, the Reverb G2 has to account for Barrell Distortion too, same with the Valve Index etc. For example, if you go into Steam Settings for the Valve Index and set the resolution to 100% it won't be 1440x1600 per eye, which is the resolution of the headset, but it will be 2016×2440 to account for the distortion.
Brutally honest review

I have purchased this as my 3rd head set and unfortunately, it is the worst headset so far. Unless you are willing to spend additional money which might not be worth it in the long run.

  • Good sharp resolution. This is the main positive about this headset.
  • Can play wireless with Quest 2 VR games without unusual bugs.
  1. The sound:cry: It is just pathetic on the Oculus Quest 2. It is unbelievable! Cheap!
  2. This is the most uncomfortable headset I've ever used. After 1hour my face is red and I have pain on my face. I also have marks on my face. And I look like I've been in a fight, as face is swollen for 5 minutes.
  3. The material of the straps look like they will not last, it has a poor build quality.
  4. Only has 3 pre-adjustable eye spacing settings. I couldn't find one that works 100% for me, so there is always a "dink" in my vision with my VR experience.
  5. The headset is too heavy after prolonged use.
  6. The link cable for PC VR is not even included in the box and costs (£80 for a cable to connect to your PC:mad:). Facebook is a billion dollar company and are this cheap!
  7. Too much pratting around to get the ideal PC VR setup. This should be ready straight out of the box like the Rift CV1.
  8. Battery drain issues depending on cable you are using.
  9. Some games are not available on the Quest 2 store, like Medal of honour .....
  10. The overall design of the Quest 2 feels old , lazy and cheap.
  11. Videos still look the same resolution as on lower Res. headsets
  12. You must register with Facebook to use the Quest 2 and they will take all your data and can't even protect it properly. There was even a recent Facebook data breach where data was stolen yet again.
  13. You need to install their mobile app to setup the Quest 2. Another Data grabbing exercise from Facebook.
  14. Too expensive! The Quest 2 can be bought for around £350 and feels like a £150-£200 product.

Overall, I enjoyed the clear image from the Quest 2 , but the negatives are just too much! I'm skipping this.
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Everyone has their own experiences and opinions, and you make some good points.

The main thing is the Quest 2 is not primarily a PC headset. It's not a wireless Rift. It's a portable headset made to a low cost (half or a third of the cost of its nearest competition) that can also do PC VR. A dedicated PC headset will have fewer issues playing PC games because of this. That said, if you have a decent wireless setup, the ability to do wireless PC VR via Virtual Desktop is incredible.

Out of the box comfort I agree with. The Quest 2 (like the Quest 1) requires too many add-ons to make it comfortable, which bumps up the price considerably.

I find the audio acceptable, and it's great not having anything on your ears, but you can always use headphones if you want.

The video playback resolution issue is down to apps like Netflix not supporting HD streams, plus many of the VR streams are low quality originally intended for phone hardware. If you get decent quality streams, or put quality encoded 3D movies on the headset itself, then it looks amazing.

The Facebook login requirement is the worst aspect of the device. It shouldn't be necessary to have a social media account that requires your real, full identity to log into a VR device.
Haha, I can see myself getting another set at this rate!

Only thing I'm going to do is grab a better headband for it, not for comfort really as I find it fine, but something to keep it in the sweet spot where the vision is sharp, I keep having to adjust the tilt.

Absolutely awesome device, I started The Walking Dead last night, it's just incredible. My favourite move is grabbing a zombie head in one head and then stabbing it in the brain with the other. :D

Well to stay happily married, maybe it's best to get two :p

Walking dead is a class game. I just started myself, I didn't realise that it had more it than just killing zombies!!

The Quest 2 is an amazing piece of kit.
I like the Quest 2, but I must admit I do regret selling my Quest 1. That regret is part of what keeps me holding on to my Rift CV1 (that and the fact it has imo the best audio and is the comfiest of any of the 4 headsets I've had - including Index, which has nice audio, but for me not as nice as CV1). It's securely packed in a box in a storage room and will stay there until I use it again or bequeath it.
I like the Quest 2, but I must admit I do regret selling my Quest 1. That regret is part of what keeps me holding on to my Rift CV1 (that and the fact it has imo the best audio and is the comfiest of any of the 4 headsets I've had - including Index, which has nice audio, but for me not as nice as CV1). It's securely packed in a box in a storage room and will stay there until I use it again or bequeath it.

I held onto the Civ1 for a long time after getting the Rift S. But, eventually felt that it was wasted just sitting there, so sold it on to a good home :)
My quest 2 has just done a big update but it still says it v27

Am downloading the Oculus PC software at the moment, after it downloaded i check to see if the link speed has increased.
Everyone has different expectations but to call the quest 2 too expensive is a really odd one for me.

There's literally no other headset at the same price point. It's got the most advanced mobile chip available in it. There's only one other consumer headset with a better screen ( that has a smaller sweet spot and worse tracking) at nearly twice the price. Even if you buy the official upgrades you still only get parity in price, but can do better for less with unofficial in many cases. And in the end nothing else can do wireless standalone.

It's far from perfect, sure, but attacking it's price seems ludicrous.

Edit oh and you can set the ipd to in between settings.
Everyone has different expectations but to call the quest 2 too expensive is a really odd one for me.

There's literally no other headset at the same price point. It's got the most advanced mobile chip available in it. There's only one other consumer headset with a better screen ( that has a smaller sweet spot and worse tracking) at nearly twice the price. Even if you buy the official upgrades you still only get parity in price, but can do better for less with unofficial in many cases. And in the end nothing else can do wireless standalone.

It's far from perfect, sure, but attacking it's price seems ludicrous.

Edit oh and you can set the ipd to in between settings.

I only use PC VR and already have 2 of their previous headsets so I just can't feel the cutting edge of it for my usecase.

The nice clear resolution bump is great ;) and welcomed. Having put my £2,000 rig to the test and it plays the PC VR so nicely , the crisp resolution on the games I have played over and over through the years is a bit repetitive due to the lack of rich content but good to see the bump in resolution . So that's a Positive for the Quest 2 and I want to see more of that.

It feels like an inferior overpriced product for my usecase, they have flogged me 3 headsets over time, so they should know how to build a great product rather than building a cheap product, lacking as described to me even at £350. They should have just priced it at £400 and improved the build quality, cheap sound, comfortable aspect , put the link cable in the box and that's would have been a better experience. They could have made it upgradable as well.

Also I'm concerned in with the number of headsets one would build up over the years if you always upgrade your headset. I already have 2 or 3 excluding the Quest 2.

I would like to see a design that can be upgraded not just headset after headset.
You can make it cost more by buying the extras, you can't make it cheaper by including them though. This is a mass market option and pcvr is going to be a minority for that as most people won't have spent the extra on a vr capable pc.

Purely as pcvr then no, it's not as good as a g2 in many ways. But it's not a purely pcvr headset, and judging it that way and saying its expensive is ridiculous. Even then, let's see how well the twice as expensive headset does with wireless pcvr...

It's £300. And it is upgradeable. Memory, facial interfaces, sound, headstrap, controller accessories, battery power, charging station. Which bit did you want to be upgradeable that isn't?
You can make it cost more by buying the extras, you can't make it cheaper by including them though. This is a mass market option and pcvr is going to be a minority for that as most people won't have spent the extra on a vr capable pc.

Purely as pcvr then no, it's not as good as a g2 in many ways. But it's not a purely pcvr headset, and judging it that way and saying its expensive is ridiculous. Even then, let's see how well the twice as expensive headset does with wireless pcvr...

It's £300. And it is upgradeable. Memory, facial interfaces, sound, headstrap, controller accessories, battery power, charging station. Which bit did you want to be upgradeable that isn't?

You lack vision, it is not hardware upgradeable, as in preventing you from buying a new headset when a new iteration of the Quest gets released. Not to mention all that wasted money on these accessories you have listed which are a necessity with how uncomfortable the Quest 2 is and what it lacks in the box.
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They've done an amazing job imo. They've got a good PCVR headset with which you can play games wirelessly, and then they've managed to include enough processing power to play some pretty impressive games completely standalone. They've done this at a retail price of £300, that's incredible, it's opened up VR from something that costs at least £2k to £300!

There are options available if you only want a PCVR headset, that come with a cable, and they HAVE to come with a cable because they need to be plugged in to a PC to operate.

I really don't know what you want? You can buy an upgraded strap for under £40, you can buy a compatible cable for £20. Done, £360 all in and you've got everything you want?

Regarding upgradability, are you talking screen upgrades or something? With everything being so integrated it's like asking phone manufacturers to let you upgrade the screen, simply not going to happen in the mainstream.
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