*** Oculus Quest 2 Owners Thread ***

Been having weird dissociation's with my limbs after long sessions on the quest 2. In particular my Thumb when scrolling on my phone, it almost feels like my thumb isn't there or it feels disconnected. Takes me a good few seconds before i realise its my thumb and i feel the connection again. Also a weird sensation of floatiness lol, does anyone get this when they first started using their VR headset?

Yeah, had that for the first week or two. Everything seems a little unreal. Perfectly normal and you'll soon get over it.
Just got V28 update this morning!! Have enabled 120hz and am going to give it a go now in Eleven Table Tennis, I think it supports 120hz.

EDIT: Quick Review;

120Hz: Eleven: Table Tennis is really smooth now with 120Hz update. Very impressed!! Well try Virtual Desktop later today and report back.

Tracking: Did a quick test of Beat Saber, maybe a small improvement, but, I still can't finish maps without my hits either registering wrong or missing altogether. Will give it a better test later.

Visuals: Now I didn't see anyone mention that that they were improving the picture quality. But, they have definitely changed something. I noticed it immediately when I was in the home area, things seemed sharper and less godrays. I put it down to my imagination.

Then I restarted the headset, and you know the Oculus Logo that comes when you start the headset? That logo has always had godrays and been a bit blurry for me. But when I restarted the headset today, it was perfectly white on a black background. Barely noticeable godrays.
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Just checked my headset and it's silently updated to V28.

Apparently no-one outside Oculus has Air-Link yet. I'm betting that's enabled after the Oculus showcase tonight.
The past couple of times I fired the quest up, it was in pass-through mode??? The VR hand controllers are bright orange and are overlaid on the pass-through view. My VR fingers grasping the handset are visible, as well as my fingers in the pass-through view. Is this a new thang?
The past couple of times I fired the quest up, it was in pass-through mode??? The VR hand controllers are bright orange and are overlaid on the pass-through view. My VR fingers grasping the handset are visible, as well as my fingers in the pass-through view. Is this a new thang?

If you're outside a guardian area it'll show passthrough mode, and it does highlight the controllers in orange now, so you can easily find them.
Got the v28 update today, not that bothered about airlink. Selected 120hz and installed the virtual desktop beta. Everything running much smoother and no stutters in home enviroment or VD.
Using my honor 3 getting 23ms in VD running beat saber and 35ms with more taxing games. Cant complain at all.
The V28 has sorted my home enviroment stuttering mess and everything at 120hz via VD is a great improvement.
I have the guardian disabled, but that may well be it.

I had the same issue, guardian also off. Solution via reddit was to turn the headset on but not while anything could trigger the proximity sensor. If you put the headset on and then turn it on it gets stuck in passthrough because the passthrough double tap shortcut is disabled with guardian off. It started with the last beta.
Gave 120 VD a quick go. Worked well in job simulator. Some glitches in skyrim but I couldn't hold 120.
The usb test number is up again and it seems to be charging better.
Mine haven't updated yet....I just checked and it not available for me yet..:(

It's completely random how it updates, it's not based on location at all. That said, people say you get updates quicker if you restart the headset every so often. So I restarted mine every morning.
No update for me either. Restarted a couple of times yesterday, turned off overnight and turned on this morning, still not available.

Crewmen third class get the updates last :p

You should have it before the end of the week. They said they would have it all rolled out in two weeks.
Crewmen third class get the updates last :p

You should have it before the end of the week. They said they would have it all rolled out in two weeks.
restarted mine last night and still no update, eagerly awaiting for it haha.

On a side note... i broke my pinky last night playing blade and sorcery :cry:. Hit the light switch really hard thinking i was further away that i actually was even though i had guardian setup correctly, lesson learned don't punch hard while in VR....
restarted mine last night and still no update, eagerly awaiting for it haha.

On a side note... i broke my pinky last night playing blade and sorcery :cry:. Hit the light switch really hard thinking i was further away that i actually was even though i had guardian setup correctly, lesson learned don't punch hard while in VR....

Now you learn the truth!! The real expense of VR, the one nobody talks about. having to build a house with a proper size VR room :p

But, yeah, OUCH!!
Now you learn the truth!! The real expense of VR, the one nobody talks about. having to build a house with a proper size VR room :p

But, yeah, OUCH!!
Yeah i never realised how bad a break would be especially in your hand!!! Dear lord it was tearful lol, trip to A&E said i should be right as rain in a month or 2. Just gotta becareful from now on!!!
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