I opted back into the Oculus PC client beta and it downloaded the new PC update so I can try 90hz and higher resolution.
I have the official link cable BTW.
Using the standard 1.0 resolution setting it still seemed blurry, but upping it to 1.3 made a big difference.
I still think the picture is slightly soft compared to my Index but there's no denying it looks miles better than before, plus the advantage is all the Oculus titles work, unlike with Virtual Desktop or Revive.
The caveat is that I have no chance of running 90hz at the best resolution with my 1080ti. I really need that 3080!
I find for wired VR the Index is far more comfortable, looks sharper (despite the lower resolution and more apparent SDE) and the bigger FOV makes a huge difference, but I think the Quest 2 is now great as a hybrid that can do wireless and wired. Amazing for £300 (plus new strap, plus link cable)
One annoyance is that as I have the elite battery strap is that I have to tie up the dangling power cable, as there's no data passthrough.
Did you get V23 on the Quest 2?