*** Oculus Quest 2 Owners Thread ***

I opted back into the Oculus PC client beta and it downloaded the new PC update so I can try 90hz and higher resolution.

I have the official link cable BTW.

Using the standard 1.0 resolution setting it still seemed blurry, but upping it to 1.3 made a big difference.

I still think the picture is slightly soft compared to my Index but there's no denying it looks miles better than before, plus the advantage is all the Oculus titles work, unlike with Virtual Desktop or Revive.

The caveat is that I have no chance of running 90hz at the best resolution with my 1080ti. I really need that 3080!

I find for wired VR the Index is far more comfortable, looks sharper (despite the lower resolution and more apparent SDE) and the bigger FOV makes a huge difference, but I think the Quest 2 is now great as a hybrid that can do wireless and wired. Amazing for £300 (plus new strap, plus link cable :) )

One annoyance is that as I have the elite battery strap is that I have to tie up the dangling power cable, as there's no data passthrough.

Did you get V23 on the Quest 2?
So I just checked the "about" page. Surely it will be available now, even Ravenger got this update. But, nope, "No Update Available"

I leave disappointed once more.

Note that the v23 release is rolling out gradually and will become available to everyone in the coming days. If you don't see the update in your headset yet, you can check again later by going to Settings > About > Software Update.

it will come eventually ....
64gb or 256gb?

This will be my first dive into the world of VR and I don't know if the 256 is worth the premium and how it will be utilised?
I've got the 64gb and I'm not worried about storage but I'm happy to uninstallshould i ever get to that point. If you plan on putting large 3d films on it, then that'll fill it up a lot faster.
Ok thanks guys, seems like 64GB will be the way to go. I have decent internet anyways so uninstalling and re-downloading games shouldn't be much of an issue if they're only a couple of GB.

I guess I can use the £100 saved to get some prescription lenses. Hoping for a black friday sale on the unit itself.
With the quest are save games saved on the cloud? On the rift most are stored locally which is a pita if iyou uninstall.

Only some recent games support cloud saving on the Quest. That means if you factory reset your device you can lose save games unless you manually back them up via sidequest.

Use SideQuest, you can "back Up" your save games (saw a video on this)

RE 64 Vs 256 :

IF you want to install like every game, stream , watch 3D films on the go etc etc. then 256 might be the one to go for, otherwise £100 extra is better spent on a better strap etc
Thanks.... That is good to know... It's a shame and I'll thought out. Ideally uninstalling should have the option to keep or delete save games (like on most pc games)
With 64gb the ability to uninstall games is important.
Thanks.... That is good to know... It's a shame and I'll thought out. Ideally uninstalling should have the option to keep or delete save games (like on most pc games)
With 64gb the ability to uninstall games is important.

As pointed out, apparently you can backup save games onto your computer with sidequest.
Sure and that info is appreciated but should be unnessesary and be built into the quest imo

I think it's a recent requirement that all new games support cloud saving, and some of the most popular games have had cloud saving patched in.

Unfortunately that still leaves a relatively large number of games which don't support cloud saving.
Looks like my Quest 2 has developed a fault...Switched on my Quest 2 today to find a thin green line going right across the middle of the screen...almost looks like a few lines of pixels have died..restarted the headset several times & done a factory reset but line remains..have opened a ticket with Oculus.
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