Just had a few hours messing about with the link cable and settings in version 23. To get the best image quality i set the refesh rate to 90hz and hmd res to 1.0 I loaded up assetto corsa set in-game super sampling to 1.0 4xAA and oh, its sharper than before the update but its still not as sharp as i was expecting? Puzzled i adjusted the super sampling in oculus debug tool tried 1.2 hmm better, 1.4 hmm better still, 1.5 omg

1.5 is the magic number it looks so good. With 10 cars on track i was getting asw kicking in giving me 45fps but it looked gorgeous. Without asw i was getting 60ish.
Elite dangerous at 1.5 ss looked stunning and ran pretty well all the tiny writing around the cockpit was easily readable and no sde. I did notice colours were not as vibrant as the rift s though.
Next was Half life alex @1.5 ss, again looked stunning so clear, standing on the balcony looking over city 17 was

. Performance way just about ok on high fidelity mode.
Now the bad news, my 1080ti isnt powerful enough to run this hmd at 1.5 ss and 90hz it kicks into asw quite a lot which tbh i was expecting. I think a 3080 is on the cards when they come back in stock.
Overall i was very impressed with the Q2 and link only downside is having to up the super sampling to get it to look its best.