*** Oculus Quest 2 Owners Thread ***

I bought t
With the new link functionality it blows the Rift S away, but you'll need a good GPU to be able to drive it effectively at the higher resolution.

For native games, the graphics quality is downgraded, but wireless makes a huge, huge difference.

I bought this primarily to play via link on cable or virtual desktop and Iv been so blown away by the stand alone games quality and the zero faff that Iv only put in about 30% of my time in Rift connected mode. Yes the quality of graphics is insane at 2k per eye but the stand alone nature of some games has to be admired. Good thing is there is something for everyone with this set.
I've got a 3 meter "USB3" cable I used to use for charging my old phone. Tried using it for Link and the Oculus software wasn't having any of it. As others have found, the software was insistent that it's only USB2.

I'm wondering if the problem might be on the Oculus side TBH. Either that, or dodgy Chinese brands on Amazon have been scamming people for some time :p
I bought this primarily to play via link on cable or virtual desktop and Iv been so blown away by the stand alone games quality and the zero faff that Iv only put in about 30% of my time in Rift connected mode. Yes the quality of graphics is insane at 2k per eye but the stand alone nature of some games has to be admired. Good thing is there is something for everyone with this set.

I love the lack of faffing involved in playing native games. Pretty much anything running via the PC has given me problems so far. But native? Zero issues. Pop the headset on, grab the controllers, and get on with playing. Many of the games are stylised such that they don't look "bad" anyway.
Cheers. I've just cut 3m of twine to test the range :D It seems enough. I take it that it is fine for you?

Yeah I find it long enough for playing seated or standing at my desk, I can move around a little, though obviously wouldn't do if you wanted to move further away.

Thought that was connected to one of my rear ports, just realised I have a front USB3 port I can use so that gives a bit more freedom.
Anyone else have issues with SteamVR?

There are times when I don't want it interfering. Yet it loads up anyway. Even if I've shut Steam. Is this a Virtual Desktop thing? Or is the software just a bit of a ****?
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I was not experiencing any issues I'm aware of but I was only getting 1.1GBps using my front USB ports. Just switched to a rear 3.1 port and now get 2.3GBps but have around a meter less cable due to the depth of the PC! I'll have to test Dirt Rally 2 and see if it looks any clearer on the faster sections.

No, makes no difference at all. I suspect the 1.1 speed is enough anyway.
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I was not experiencing any issues I'm aware of but I was only getting 1.1GBps using my front USB ports. Just switched to a rear 3.1 port and now get 2.3GBps but have around a meter less cable due to the depth of the PC! I'll have to test Dirt Rally 2 and see if it looks any clearer on the faster sections.

No, makes no difference at all. I suspect the 1.1 speed is enough anyway.

Interesting. Can you confirm what render resolution, bit rate and Hz you are running at? It’s crazy that there are so many people having a wide variety of experiences. The problem is obviously hardware related but what part?
It us
Anyone else have issues with SteamVR?

There are times when I don't want it interfering. Yet it loads up anyway. Even if I've shut Steam. Is this a Virtual Desktop thing? Or is the software just a bit of a ****?
It is literally the worst but of launching software bar none on the PC. It’s like looking at software from the 2000’s.
Interesting. Can you confirm what render resolution, bit rate and Hz you are running at? It’s crazy that there are so many people having a wide variety of experiences. The problem is obviously hardware related but what part?

Sure 4k resolution
500 MBS bitrate
90 Hz
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