Yes and Oculus is just now implementing this whereas Vive will come with it in April...
Both tracking solutions have their pros and cons.
Having "smart" base stations (i.e. the Rift's cameras) means that, in theory, tracking additional objects is as easy as adding a couple of rigid position IR LEDs - I can see rudimentary tracking even coming for the Xbox One controller from its two front facing IR lights.
Cheap 3rd party tracking modules could also be possible and could be placed on other objects.
"Dumb" base stations (like the Vive lighthouses, that just require power) mean that the positional tracking sensors need to be "clever" and in turn are a little more power hungry and makes tracking additional objects a little harder.
Both solutions offer the same degree of accuracy when it comes to tracking, both are equally as capable of dealing with occlusion and both have the same problems with with occlusion.
Since we haven't seen the consumer version of the Vive yet (and we don't know the final screen / lens configuration they're using) the only real features that differentiate the Rift and Vive in my eyes are:
1) Rift has built in headphones - seriously an overlooked feature, love this!
2) The Vive has a front facing camera - actually amazing, also love this!
3) The Rift has finger tracking on its controllers - going to be great for social experiences
Saying that "Oculus is just now implementing room scale tracking" is like saying "Vive is just now implementing a VR headset".
The Oculus Rift DK2 shipped in July 2014, 8 months before the Vive was announced. The Rift DK1 was shipping a year before that.
Oculus had a public demo of an consumer ready touch controller about 3 months after the Vive was announced - with room scale tracking.
You've no idea what's going on behind the scenes and suggesting that Oculus is playing catch up is just uninformed.
Saying ALL that, on balance, due to the headset being the more expensive part of the VR ecosystem, I think the Vive is the better buy if you're just going to get "one".
Resolution, screen door, mura correction, feild of view, screen refresh rate, they're all going to end up pretty similar meaning the headsets will be much alike - but the built in Camera included as part of the most expensive part is going to be great for the 1st generation for the Vive. The controllers can be updated separately and won't impact the cost too much, although this isn't necessarily likely due to creating fragmentation of their own eco system.
Coming with the controllers is another massive bonus - it's a shame Oculus didn't manage to make that happen.
P.S. The second that video alluded to the fact that the Oculus Rift tracking volume is limited to a 3 by 3 square (rather than it being a limitation imposed by the playspace needed by the game) I lost a lot of confidence in anything they had to say. Field of view is categorically something developers, who have access to both, have commented on the Rift being a wider field of view and the Vive being taller. Watch any of the developer commentaries working with the Vive and you'll see just as much glitching with the controllers as they mention they had with the Oculus Touch.