****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Is it just me that keeps on having "Connection Interupted" every time i try play multiplayer, haven't had a single game yet. Or is it some problem at my side?
Single player works fine. when i join a server in MP my screen goes like a kids kaledescope.
Got latest drivers on my 5870.
Any ideas ?

I've never actually played the singleplayer, but im running a 5870 and mp works perfectly fine for me, though i suspect i'm not on most recent drivers. But possibly, the gpu aint ur issue.
just played 20 minutes of it before HAWX 2 decided to install and my god it's awesome. the weapon sounds are spot on, and when you get hit it ****s you up! so far so good, defiantly better than the SP of black ops (and im only 20 minutes in!)
played 10 minutes online on a server. i want my £29.99 back. this has to be the most pointless game ever made!! the second i joined a server i cant see because off the awful "glow" thats supposed to add realism, but infact i can't see. when im finally able to see i get headshotted from god knows where with god knows what. when i respawn it happens again. i got a kill and got accused of hacking. Black OPS walks all over this so called "game"..

lol@EA for this.. seriously.
played 10 minutes online on a server. i want my £29.99 back. this has to be the most pointless game ever made!! the second i joined a server i cant see because off the awful "glow" thats supposed to add realism, but infact i can't see. when im finally able to see i get headshotted from god knows where with god knows what. when i respawn it happens again. i got a kill and got accused of hacking. Black OPS walks all over this so called "game"..

lol@EA for this.. seriously.

lol at you playing for 10 minutes then ragequitting because you got pwned. :p

Adjust your settings I get no glow.
I have become quite attached to this game. Nearly hit 80 hours now. :eek:

Me > Sector Control > Shotgun > Death.

Loving it. :D

yep since the patch and introduction of the 'recoil' the game has got even better !!!!!. I jumped online for a quick game then noticed 3 hours had passed.. smegging fantastic !!

Shotty is awesome but I love the f2000 with silencer, sure it might not be the most damaging but you can't beat the 'phu phut phut'
Picked this up a few weeks back thanks to the EA Store vouchers, I'm actually very impressed. Vastly superior SP experience to COD:BO, and well worth the money:

-Looks good visually, I think the unreal engine suits those sort of environments
-Decent performance (60-150fps)
-After editing the .ini file the mouse movement feels good and certainly far better than COD:BO
-Decent weapons that feel satisfying to use
-Nice variety of stuff in addition to standard FPS fare i.e. vehicle sections, helicopters, fire missions etc (although most of those bits seem really easy)
-Some very good cutscenes such as landing in hot LZs
-Storyline just feels better than that ****ed up stuff in black ops, much better continuity at least
-Some nice set pieces such as the end of one mission where you are trying to defend an LZ against a large group advancing from the hills, terrain getting blown up around you, squad running low on ammo etc...

On the negative side, it's a bit overlinear in terms of blocking your route for no apparent reason, e.g. doors that can be easily kicked in but it only happens as part of a scripted sequence. Understandable from a gameplay mechanic perspective but it happens far too often and makes the game seem overly contrived. Also it could maybe benefit from more/better indicators on the HUD showing where you next objective is, sometimes your squadmate goes wandering off in the dark and you have to find him in order to progress the game.
Just got this and played half an hour of multiplayer, first impressions are good :) Obviously similar gameplay to BC2 which is no bad thing. Haven't tried the SP yet.
Just got this and played half an hour of multiplayer, first impressions are good :) Obviously similar gameplay to BC2 which is no bad thing. Haven't tried the SP yet.

I really wanted to play through the SP campaign but it didn't pull me into it.. whereas MoH MP is like BC2 on crack cocaine :D
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