****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Yeah the MP is awesome TBH, very intense and action packed, kind of a cross between COD MW and BC2. Graphics and sound are superb as well. I'd have to say this is a lot better than Black Ops :eek:

As for the SP, I played the first mission and a bit of the 2nd before I quit. Very lacklustre and the graphics are weaker than MP, I know it is a different engine and developer. I will play through it but am not in a hurry to do so.
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Not a lot of activity on this thread I see :D

I've put about 12 hours into the MP now and am still loving it. I'm not sure why it isn't more popular (although there are plenty of people playing it online).
I bought it on release, it's actually a pretty decent game, looks good, runs extremely well on my system, the sound is probably the best ive heard in any recent fps, i keep meaning to play it more often, but i always find myself going back to BC2. MOH seems to be a very marmite type game, tbh i find it a lot better than the farce that is cod blops.
Is this better than BLOPS multiplayer? I know the game is on offer at EA but don't really want to be buying an inferior product that I will never play.

Opinions from people who own both would be nice. GAMEPLAY not performance it has always ran fine on my main PC.
Is this better than BLOPS multiplayer? I know the game is on offer at EA but don't really want to be buying an inferior product that I will never play.

Opinions from people who own both would be nice. GAMEPLAY not performance it has always ran fine on my main PC.

Hey I have only played Black ops mp on PS3, and I would say its much better the level design the perks weapon/character customisation, Amount of game modes etc.

I own MOH on pc still a good game, the game play is very realistic you can die very quickly, does not have as many game modes as COD, I would say is very camping oriented game rather than COD where you can run n gun.

I still enjoy MOH but mostly play Bad Company 2 if you decide to get MOH do not purchase the Hot zone DLC, waste of money I have never found a game online yet no one seems to play it, it should have been free DLC.
damn wish i got this instead of black ops, i payed 30 quid for black ops a few days ago and it runs at 5fps :( piece of ****

edit! Just got on eastore for £11 :D How should this game run on my specs? Im fed up of trying to get blops to run.
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Got this as a pressie today. Just completed SP, much much better than back ops. Gonna give MP a go tonight. As has been said before, loving the sounds and prefer the graphics to black ops. Also runs much better on my old pc!
Is this better than BLOPS multiplayer? I know the game is on offer at EA but don't really want to be buying an inferior product that I will never play.

Opinions from people who own both would be nice. GAMEPLAY not performance it has always ran fine on my main PC.

I own both. Whether it is better is debatable, it depends what you want really. It is certainly different, much more hardcore than Black Ops, you don't run around getting easy kills every five seconds in MoH like you can in CoD games. I am finding it more satisfying and rewarding than Black Ops personally.

I like the special forces feel of the game, it feels very atmospheric I find whereas Black Ops feels more like a cartoon and less real.
if you decide to get MOH do not purchase the Hot zone DLC, waste of money I have never found a game online yet no one seems to play it, it should have been free DLC.

Hmm I was considering this again as it can be picked up for a couple of quid today in the EA sale. I guess it's a vicious circle, not many people playing it so not many people buy it.
just had an hour or so on this, quite like it :) Great performance with visuals as good as BC2, but runs better on dual core for me, and actually quite fun and intense too. Great sound effects similar to bad company, its a bit like a more infantry focused version of bc2, far far better than black ops.
I own both. Whether it is better is debatable, it depends what you want really. It is certainly different, much more hardcore than Black Ops, you don't run around getting easy kills every five seconds in MoH like you can in CoD games. I am finding it more satisfying and rewarding than Black Ops personally.

I like the special forces feel of the game, it feels very atmospheric I find whereas Black Ops feels more like a cartoon and less real.

Bought it now, the graphics seem pretty good however my first impressions of the gameplay are not so good :(

Think the map was helmand on gamemode control on hardcore... spawn die from mortor spawn die from sniper fire.... *notices 'spawn back at base' moves forward then dies from mortors and sniper fire repeatedly

What game mode do you recommend?
Bought it now, the graphics seem pretty good however my first impressions of the gameplay are not so good :(

Think the map was helmand on gamemode control on hardcore... spawn die from mortor spawn die from sniper fire.... *notices 'spawn back at base' moves forward then dies from mortors and sniper fire repeatedly

What game mode do you recommend?

Personally I have just been playing Team Assault (aka team deathmatch). Yes it is frustrating if you keep getting owned by mortars/rockets/snipers I agree, but it isn't always like that. I am not playing hardcore either as it's hardcore enough for me already :p

This isn't a terribly newbie friendly game but if you persevere you will get better at it.
I have to agree that hardcore mode is absolutely pointless on MoH.

The game is hardcore enough. :D

I like all the modes apart from Team Deathmatch. I have to have an objective in the game, whether it be attack or defend. Running aimlessly around trying to kill people always give me a massive megative k/d.
i really quite like the MOH multiplayer.

it has a good blend of call of duty pace with important bits from bad company.

i find it a little too easy at times with recoil being next to non existant but that can be ignored.

personally i feel that the ranking up system was poorly executed and that not enough incentive is provided to players to hammer the game to unlock things.

glad i didnt pay full price for it, but its certainly decent non the less.

may give the SP a whirl as soon as i complete the list of games as long as my arm that need doing... :p
So far i'd agree with that aswell, it only cost me £11 so not complaining, its also very nice visually and runs fine maxed out, v sync and 4xaa at 1920x1080 on my 460 and c2d
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