Poll: Official 2024 Hungarian Grand Prix Race Thread - Hungaroring, Budapest - Race 13/24

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2 Dec 2022
Max seems to fall apart when he doesn't have a dominant car, cost the team an almost certain podium with that needless divebomb. McLaren 1-2 surely seals Perez's fate now, Red Bull need a competent second driver to fight for the constructors championship.
20 Oct 2002
edit: this was after qualifying
I guess if he needed to be weighed he was just chucking bits on the floor. Handing them to the guy might have seemed rude, it’s not his job to be bag carrier. I think the angle makes it look like more of an argument than it probably was.
20 Oct 2002
What did he say?
Lewis said something like “you guys were quick today” and Lando obviously thought he was insinuating he meant the car and took umbrage - said something like “well you had a fast car 7 years ago, and now we do”. Edit: Why did I bother typing that out lol :D

Yeah not good. C’mon Lando don’t be that guy.
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8 Dec 2002
North Yorkshire
Lewis said something like “you guys were quick today” and Lando obviously thought he was insinuating he meant the car and took umbrage - said something like “well you had a fast car 7 years ago, and now we do”. Edit: Why did I bother typing that out lol :D

Yeah not good. C’mon Lando don’t be that guy.
Hes young, as much as I like Lewis, Lewis was similar in the early Merc/Late Mclaren days. I think the difference between Lando and other petulant drivers on the grid, Lando will learn as he appears to have a good set of people around him.
5 Oct 2009
Spalding, Lincs
Was out earlier so only just finished watching the race. Quite a lot to process from that one, was there a single radio message from Max without swearing? What a hot headed mess he was today. He always does end up the same way when things aren't going his way, and shows his true colours. That incident with Lewis towards the end, extremely lucky for them both to come away from that without any damage. Also extremely lucky for Max not to get penalised for it. I saw that Lewis said to the stewards that he saw it as a racing incident which is possibly what saved Max there. If that is the case, then I don't think that should change the outcome of a stewards ruling. Max was clearly out of control of his car, came in too hot, locked the brakes up, and carried straight on into the path of a turning car causing a collision, which deserves a penalty.

Great to see Hamilton get his 200th podium, great drive from him considering the sturggles he looked to be having with the tyres. Also great performance from both McLaren drivers, well deserved win for Oscar, although the glory of that win was well and truly watered down by some terrible management from the team and childish tactics from Norris. From the radio messages, the team clearly had laid out a plan as to what would happen in the race for the leader as to who gets preference etc. I can understand Lando's point to an extent, he's keen to maximise his points for the championship, but the team chose to pit him first to help with his own race, not to undercut Oscar. Both still very young drivers, hopefully they'll take something away from this weekend and learn from it in future. I've no doubt some very interesting conversations going on behing closed doors as McLaren and Redbull this evening.

At this rate with Perez doing what he's doing, McLaren have a very decent chance of winning the constructors. Unless Max has a few DNFs or very low point scores, I can't see Norris catching him for the drivers championship, but I sure do have hope of it being a tight championship towards the end of the season. But either way this is tuning out to be a far more exciting season than we've had for a couple of years so long may it continue.
20 May 2007
I think it was short sighted by McLaren.

They appear to have a car fast enough for both of their drivers to rival and beat Max.

Max is 76 points ahead of Norris now....could have been 69.

There are 11 races left and in a perfect scenario of Mclaren 1,2s with Norris winning and max coming 3rd everytime that is 110 points.

Obviously the above is unlikely, but it could swing either way and it shows it is still fairly possible Norris could win. McLaren could get even luckier if Max has a few DNFs.

If Lando ends up losing the championship by 7 points, McLaren are going to feel very, very sick and Lando would probably be furious.
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20 May 2007
Was out earlier so only just finished watching the race. Quite a lot to process from that one, was there a single radio message from Max without swearing? What a hot headed mess he was today. He always does end up the same way when things aren't going his way, and shows his true colours. That incident with Lewis towards the end, extremely lucky for them both to come away from that without any damage. Also extremely lucky for Max not to get penalised for it. I saw that Lewis said to the stewards that he saw it as a racing incident which is possibly what saved Max there. If that is the case, then I don't think that should change the outcome of a stewards ruling. Max was clearly out of control of his car, came in too hot, locked the brakes up, and carried straight on into the path of a turning car causing a collision, which deserves a penalty.

Great to see Hamilton get his 200th podium, great drive from him considering the sturggles he looked to be having with the tyres. Also great performance from both McLaren drivers, well deserved win for Oscar, although the glory of that win was well and truly watered down by some terrible management from the team and childish tactics from Norris. From the radio messages, the team clearly had laid out a plan as to what would happen in the race for the leader as to who gets preference etc. I can understand Lando's point to an extent, he's keen to maximise his points for the championship, but the team chose to pit him first to help with his own race, not to undercut Oscar. Both still very young drivers, hopefully they'll take something away from this weekend and learn from it in future. I've no doubt some very interesting conversations going on behing closed doors as McLaren and Redbull this evening.

At this rate with Perez doing what he's doing, McLaren have a very decent chance of winning the constructors. Unless Max has a few DNFs or very low point scores, I can't see Norris catching him for the drivers championship, but I sure do have hope of it being a tight championship towards the end of the season. But either way this is tuning out to be a far more exciting season than we've had for a couple of years so long may it continue.

I think McLaren are very likely to get the constructors now if Red Bull stick with Perez. If this relative pace (IE as fast or faster than the RBs with the Mercs and Ferraris lagging behind) they will eat into Red Bull's lead easily.
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