**Official** Aion Beta Thread

Well each map gets proggressively harder if thats what you mean? For Elyos you start off in Protera which is aimed at getting you to level 10. Then you will move to Veteron (larger map) which gets you to level 20 and now I've gone to the next 2 maps which are both getting me to level 25 at the moment with much much more to explorer. The current map I am on (can't remember the name) is about 2-3 times the size of Veteron and about 10x the size of Protera.

It's also only has 1 game channel so their is a lot more people about compared to the other maps.

Edit: I'll be posting new pics later today. I keep forgetting! I'm at work atm so I haven't got them with me.

Thanks, so does that mean that its one choice of zone for levelling at any given stage? Or for example, is there 3 (or however many) zones that I could level from 25-30 in? Trying to work out whether I could level one character through certain zones and then when I make an alt I can level in different zones for replayability purposes. Or whether I essentially have to do the same zones with each alt.

Also is it right that there are 5 or 6 zones in total for a faction or was it just that the website didnt yet have the other zones listed?
Image time!














You mean legion vs legion to get EXP? I don't think you can do that. In later levels I think your legion can fight for castle points on the maps that will earn your legion money etc. But I usually try to group with another legion member while questing or random mob killing to make it more entertaining :)

Ok, so Legion vs Legion is later on. In regards to normal legion play, as in just amongst OCuk legion: I'm Level 16 and, from your new screenshots, it looks like your on 20ish. If I join you on a Level 20 quest (which isn't open to be me yet due to my low level), do I still get the EXP from it and does it get marked off as complete for my character?

I can't believe you didn''t use other skills on your original character [timko] haha! I would have gone made by lvl 10 if I was still on the stock skills. I shall get some screenshots up later or tomorrow.

They don't exactly make it obvious where they put the new skills after you learnt/gained them and so I just ignored it and plodded along with the basic 2. This time around I knew they were in the window that pops up by pressing K, the windows that also has Emotes, crafting skill levels tab etc, and so I added them each time I got them. All those mundane kill x number of this and that became so much easier since I could kill them a lot quicker and reduce significantly the chances of dying, saved me a lot of money in Soul Healing as well :)
it does take ages to post them -.- Imageshack died on me twice!

I believe you can join anyone's quest as long as they share it no matter what level you are. Well at least I was shared a level 26 quest and I was only level 23.
Overview of upcoming Closed Beta Events:

Closed Beta Event #5 - July 31-August 3 Focus: Elyos and Asmodian levels 1-30

Closed Beta Event #6 - August 14-August 17 Focus: TBD
Aion closed beta schedule updated
#1 - June 5 - June 7

#2 - June 19 - June 22
Focus: Asmodian levels 1-20

#3 - July 2 - July 6
Focus: Elyos and Asmodians 1-20

#4 - July 17 - July 20
Focus: Elyos and Asmodian levels 1-25, including access to the Abyss

#5 - July 31 - August 3
Focus: Focus: Elyos and Asmodian levels 1-30

#6 - August 14 - August 17
Focus: TBD

From http://eu.aiononline.com/uk/news/closed-beta-event-4-fades-into-the-abyss-1.html
I can't wait for next weekend as the game seems really good to me at the moment.

I hope there is a lot on here up for retail and an ocuk guild.
I've just pre-order this from a popular Jersey based seller, I really don't have any intention of playing the beta but I am looking forward to retail. Is there currently any plans afoot to create a Legion (Guild) in two months at retail ?
Bring on the weekend :D

Hoping I can make it to level 30! Finally found numerous quests in my last hour or so of playing.

Updated the main page a little, if anyone wants added to the name list just reply to this thread with your details.
I'll be going with a Celric on release still. But I'll be rolling an alt dps class of some sort, so it might be Gladiator.

Gladiator's are suppose to be good in mass pvp also, from some of the posts I've read.
I pre-ordered the game over a week back from Amazon and was promised as part of the pre-prder a beta key which I haven't received yet and there is a beta on the 31st.

Any ideas when I should be getting this?
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