**Official** Aion Beta Thread

Argh! Working away from home with a laptop that wont run Aion - Stinks...

Anyhow, not sure if this has been mentioned before but could I ask how long is it taking you to get to level 10?

Also, Im struggling work out the size of the maps? Any comparisons?

Oh, and are you all planning to play as Elyos? I think Asmodian black wings look cooler :D
Argh! Working away from home with a laptop that wont run Aion - Stinks...

Anyhow, not sure if this has been mentioned before but could I ask how long is it taking you to get to level 10?

Also, Im struggling work out the size of the maps? Any comparisons?

Oh, and are you all planning to play as Elyos? I think Asmodian black wings look cooler :D

The 2 classes I am testing this weekend have taken 1 hour 56 mins and 2 hours 8 minutes to get to 10. (one Elyos and one Asmodian)

I think the zones fairly small compared to some but very "alive", I would compare them to the sizes of the Daoc zones.

My guild hasnt decided which faction we will be playing as yet.
The 2 classes I am testing this weekend have taken 1 hour 56 mins and 2 hours 8 minutes to get to 10. (one Elyos and one Asmodian)

I think the zones fairly small compared to some but very "alive", I would compare them to the sizes of the Daoc zones.

My guild hasnt decided which faction we will be playing as yet.

Thats pretty fast, but then I expected something like that... I imagine it gets much slower from there?

Looks like I have pretty much missed the Beta anyhow! Should hopefully get on to have a look when the Open Beta starts. For what its worth and all the research I have done I've narrowed it down to certainly a warrior, but undecided as Glad/Temp - although I have a feeling there will be more Glads than Templars so I might take Templar..... MMO's are never short on DPS!
Thats pretty fast, but then I expected something like that... I imagine it gets much slower from there?

Looks like I have pretty much missed the Beta anyhow! Should hopefully get on to have a look when the Open Beta starts. For what its worth and all the research I have done I've narrowed it down to certainly a warrior, but undecided as Glad/Temp - although I have a feeling there will be more Glads than Templars so I might take Templar..... MMO's are never short on DPS!

Well to be fair, this is my 3rd beta weekend, so I pretty much know all the 1-10 quests and areas off by heart. If its the first time someone has done it, it would be slower of course. As always once you know the quests and their locations, you can pick and choose the ones which level you quickest for the time investment.

EDIT : I should also add that this beta weekend I am testing the mage classes (Sorceror and Spiritmaster), so they level pretty fast due to their high dps. (Last weekend I tested Gladiator and Assassin...and the weekend before that I tested Cleric and Chanter)
on ariel atm under the name Cerissa (Level 12 sorcerer) thats if anyone wants to add me :P, finding the game fun. and will annoy me when when closed bets is over, want to play the game now :mad: got the game working on windows 7 32 bit using the 64bit crack but needs re-cracking when re-starting my computer
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I hope we can get a reasonably sized guild up and running when retail hits. It seems to be a little quiet in this thread, maybe people are just awaiting the start of the game.

Any idea if we do, what race we will go? It's just over a month away at the moment.
I thought i'd be playing the beta all weekend, trying all classes and what not but I just don't seem to be enjoying it that much :[
Got a lvl 12 assassin and a few lvl 4-5 other classes but if leveling the high levels is anything like its been so far I don't think this game is for me. Feels pretty much the same as every other korean mmo I've tried...ah well roll on SW:TOR.

Anyone tried much pvp yet? thats what I really want to try but cba with the level grind.
Yeah done little bit of pvp, not abyss though as my Assassin is only 22. It's quite good, lots of RvR though and barely any 1vs1 unless your lucky but as it's the beta everyone is hunting in packs anyway.

Grind? It's really fast at the lower levels, not any worse than WoW. I do admit higher levels it gets grindy though.
Not much grind at all in the early levels. Takes around 2 hours to get to level 10. Thats on a par with many mmos and faster than some. a lot of people arent playing in this beta phase because the characters are wiped tomorrow so not much reason to do much this time
EDIT : I should also add that this beta weekend I am testing the mage classes (Sorceror and Spiritmaster), so they level pretty fast due to their high dps. (Last weekend I tested Gladiator and Assassin...and the weekend before that I tested Cleric and Chanter)

So what class do you think you'll be going?

So far I'm leaning towards a cleric or a gladiator. I was tempted by a chanter but after being a dok in warhammer I think I'll give the hybrid melee healer a miss this time round.

My reasoning for the cleric is that I'll find groups easily at higher levels and the glad can solo reasonably well if I can't be bothered with a group (when I'm half working half playing). If I knew how well the cleric grinds through mobs at 30+ that would make the decision easier.
Well, played a little during the Beta but not much as had other things to do, I've got the week of the head start off so will be getting down to some nice leveling during that time.

I'll be rolling a Templar as they are just so much fun, now I just need to decide on a Male of Female character, I'm leaning most towards Male becuase the female running animation clips horribly with a shield and stuff like that really gets my goat while playing games.
So what class do you think you'll be going?

So far I'm leaning towards a cleric or a gladiator. I was tempted by a chanter but after being a dok in warhammer I think I'll give the hybrid melee healer a miss this time round.

My reasoning for the cleric is that I'll find groups easily at higher levels and the glad can solo reasonably well if I can't be bothered with a group (when I'm half working half playing). If I knew how well the cleric grinds through mobs at 30+ that would make the decision easier.

Mine was pretty much decided before I tested any classes. I will be a cleric, I always have a healer as my main in MMOs. :)
I'm going Gladiator as my main, prolly a Ranger for my alt.

Nice to have a melee and a ranged class to toy with, especially with a Ranged for the Abyss, just dislike the squishy-ness of a Sorc :p
I'm going Gladiator as my main, prolly a Ranger for my alt.

Nice to have a melee and a ranged class to toy with, especially with a Ranged for the Abyss, just dislike the squishy-ness of a Sorc :p

Yeah the Sorc is pretty squishy. Sorc is a contender for my secondary alt due to its heavy CC skills. I remember how utterly vital CC was in Daoc so could be handy to have a big CCer as one of my characters :)
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