**Official** Aion Beta Thread

Hey guys, any idea if it is possible to get an open beta key (without pre-ordering)? I've been downloading the client some days now thinking its actually an "open" beta. If anyone has a spare key to share, I would be grateful :)
I didn't realise it was so heavily PVP orientated. That's a shame.

Perhaps i'll wait until some endgame has been conquered and see how it's panning out beofre buying retail, then.
Going to be brutally honest with you, I could tell you that you will enjoy the game just as much if you dont pvp. Would make you buy the game, but frankly I would be lying (imo). Aion is much more PvP focused than WoW, if you dont like PvPing in MMOs, then to be blunt you will be missing out on a lot of Aions best features and ultimately will find the later levels boring.

Hmmmm, I had that feeling.

I don't mind PVP in bursts, but "needing" to do it doesn't appeal to me. I play MMO's for the story / exploration and raiding...

Battlegrounds are fun for a while but I get bored really quickly. I guess I am just to used to FPS and Fighting games for my "pvp" rather than MMO's.:p

Still I might get it if only for a month to try it out, I suppose I could at least level for something to do. I am getting pretty damn tired of wow, and am thinking of canceling my sub and trying it out once Cataclysm hits.
Remember guys post your player name and race and I'll add you to the Player list in the OP

Also I'll be able to invite you to the OcUK legion :)


Hmmmm, I had that feeling.

I don't mind PVP in bursts, but "needing" to do it doesn't appeal to me. I play MMO's for the story / exploration and raiding...

Battlegrounds are fun for a while but I get bored really quickly. I guess I am just to used to FPS and Fighting games for my "pvp" rather than MMO's.:p

Still I might get it if only for a month to try it out, I suppose I could at least level for something to do. I am getting pretty damn tired of wow, and am thinking of canceling my sub and trying it out once Cataclysm hits.

You do have PvP in bursts via the rift gates or you can PvP in the abyss. The game does offer a lot of non pvp instances along with the large variety of areas etc. It's just the Abyss has a lot of quests and instances of its own which you would be missing. Still loads of content for us none pvpers though :D
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In essence, Aion is closer to Daoc than WoW in terms of the impact of PvP. Its simply not a game designed around endgame PvE raiding. Sure there are some endgame PvE raids, just as there was in Daoc...but just as with Daoc the main focus of the endgame is the pvp of the abyss (think daocs frontiers).

Ultimately I have been recommending those people who prefer to pve to stay with their current game as that is more likely to deliver what they want, and those people who prefer PvP to try Aion as it is more likely to deliver what they want.
i'm intrested in joining the guild/legion, i'm on the caster server name doomer i'm a priest elyos side. I will be playign when the full game is out also

I'm also intrested in what others think will be the most popular class and race will be. Race wise from what i can tell in the early stages the asmos seems the most popular purely to the fact they look cooler. While playing on there the chat reminded me a lot of alliance wow chat which really put me off them. Joining the elyos side the chat was more about the game rather then people calling each other noobs.

Class wise warrior and scout seem the most common. I have diecided i'm gonna play a healing priest class wise i think they will be needed esspecily for the pvp side of things. I wanted a tank at first but i think there will be a lot of tanks, i remeber playing guild war where every other person was a w/mo.

But really liking it so far, i was a bit dissapointed with the graphics but thye run smooth even at the busy times and they are better then wow. I find the combat and stuff enjoyable
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Sanctus / Priest
Mutiny / Scout

Good to see they've added invert mouse and vsync to the options, however, the control system is either messed up, or I can't fathom how to set it up properly. Having mouse look and mouse turning both enabled at the same time seems impossible :confused:

Actually, what messes it up is mouse look overrides mouse turning whereas it should be the other way around.
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Yeah they've set it to auto disable click to move.
The default control system is damn near unuseable to me.
I like to run and turn by just holding both down.
Well, I'm still getting GameGuard errors and ignoring the popup and alt-tab back in doesn't help either, the game locks up about 1min after that.

I registered at the official forums and there are plenty of people with varying operating systems and other background software with the same issue with no actual fix at the moment :(
Hmm, all I could say is try setting hte game to run "fullscreen" or "windowed" instead of fullscreen-windowed.

Or try DMZ on your router

Or remove all firewalls etc
Sanctus / Priest
Mutiny / Scout

Good to see they've added invert mouse and vsync to the options, however, the control system is either messed up, or I can't fathom how to set it up properly. Having mouse look and mouse turning both enabled at the same time seems impossible :confused:

Actually, what messes it up is mouse look overrides mouse turning whereas it should be the other way around.

Yeah they've set it to auto disable click to move.
The default control system is damn near unuseable to me.
I like to run and turn by just holding both down.

It'll be fixed for launch, but not in this beta :\

(source: http://betaboards.aiononline.com/showpost.php?p=203434&postcount=33)
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Didnt have any issues at all last night, everything went fine for me :)

Thats about it for open beta and me though, just wanted to quickly check out some of the 1.5 feature changes. I wont be logging in again during open beta, I've already done all my testing during the closed betas so I dont have any reason to login during the open. Will save myself for the release now :)
Ok, i am having one of those days where i cant get anything to go right..

I have the program installed. I even have a very nice person who sent me the CD key - twice [thank you] but now, how on earth do i get an account created? No matter what i put into google, im not getting anything to help me..

Help a noob please! lol..

Cheers, got it now :) seems a little slow though. Will try to get in game and have a play around. See you all in game i hope !!!

think its going to be a spiritmaster to start with, name of Faceripper.
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