**Official** Aion Beta Thread

if you mean download is a little slow I gave up on the ncsoft download manger it was slow for me 10k a sec on my ntl 20mb connection so I changed to torrent and it downloaded at about 300 - 900k a bit better still a wait but not as long as it would have been :)
Well I managed about 3 hours playtime last night after I figured out I had a US key.

I logged on to the US server with no problems and had a ping of between 300 & 400 with no lag at all.

Must say I am a bit underwhelmed with the game atm but then I am only lvl 5.

I have not noticed any improvements over WAR or WOW. In fact both of these had me pretty much hooked from the get go but Aion has not done that as yet, in fact I have not logged on yet tonight.

I really want to get into Aion so what have I got to look forward to the more I play?
I really want to get into Aion so what have I got to look forward to the more I play?

a lot more skills (particularly after level 10, up to 10 all the classes have relatively few skills).

Lots of PvP in the Abyss, including some "pvp" dungeons. Lots of rifts opening and pvp while you are pveing.

Ultimately though, you might simply find the game is not the right one for you. No matter how much you want to get into it. For example, I see some folks swear blind that EvE online is an utterly fantastic game. I've tried it on numerous occassions and it simply hasnt grabbed me. I have no doubts its a terrific game, its just not one which hooks me.

Likewise I see folks say that WoW or EQ2 are great games, but again neither of them hook me. So it could well be that Aion just doesnt hook you. I would say dont try and force yourself to like the game, it will just end up making you dislike the game more. To be blunt, I have to suggest that if you actually arent enjoying it or at least having some fun (even by a low level like 5), then you probably are not going to like it at 10, 15 or 20 either.
heres a lovely screenshot :) the quality doesnt relfect how good it actually looks in game tho ;(

I'd love to play aion, was very interested in it for a while, but I just don't have the patience to play another MMO and could never play casually. It's either hardcore or not at all. It does look fantastic though.
Loving the game so far, just got my first 2 stigma skills, had to buy my 2nd of the auction house for my gladiator (duel wield) . not botherd to do any crafting yet i can imagine all the materials will be so expensive in release due to not much droping.
Started playing the open beta and really enjoying it. Coming from WoW it definetly has a WoW feel to it with the "Collect 5"/"Kill 5" quests. the animations and grpahics, and interaction with the surrounding are just fantastic though. some ideas heavily borrowed off other MMOs a few new things. Can't wait to get to the higher levels.
some ideas heavily borrowed off other MMOs a few new things. Can't wait to get to the higher levels.

Sounds pretty much like every MMO made!

Gutted I am away from home so not playing this :( Still looking forward to my 2 weeks off work when it comes out though :)
Downloaded the client last night thinking I could play it today but only just realised it's not as 'open' a beta as I thought. Can't get hold of a key :(
Yeah pretty much all the keys have gone now, the 5000 on Eurogamer went in the blink of an eye. MMORPG.com and Fileplanets are both gone too. Dont suppose there will be any more given out as theres only til sunday to go and its a 9gig download.

Best bet now is to find someone giving them away, although I imagine most of those people will already have given theirs away by now too.
Well there is another way. ehemm. There are a few "naughty" servers out now that are hosted privately. *wink*

Private Aion servers already? Crikey, that didnt take long ! Theres always that way then, might not give an accurate reflection of the official servers but will at least give you some idea of whether you like the game generally.
I tried Asmo on Urtem and Thor - found that /1 was spammed with German chat on both. I might just have been unlucky/logged on at the wrong times but meh. Really off-putting, and usually because they would ignore the English queries and continue their chats in German ! Hope that kind of rubbish doesn't happen after release, since most Germans seem turned off by the idea of playing on their "localised" servers...
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