**Official** Aion Beta Thread

Link? (my brother wants to play and see nothing on eurogamer)
Edit, found it.
Was linking to the old one saying it was out of keys.
I dont like getting into legions at the very start, they offer false promises and demand so much only to disband after a few weeks.

Me either usually, I like to let things settle down before choosing one. But damn these temps are slow to solo...
I think a lot of it depends upon the Legion/Guild. I've been stung a few times in the past by joining "new" guilds at the start of an MMO. But if you find a guild which has been going for years and years then you're pretty safe.
Official EU server list is already posted. I wonder which server OcUK will end up playing.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Atreia on one of these servers at launch!

[ENG] Castor
[ENG] Gorgos
[ENG] Perento
[ENG] Spatalos
[ENG] Telemachus

[GER] Balder
[GER] Kromede
[GER] Thor
[GER] Votan

[FRA] Suthran
[FRA] Urtem
[FRA] Vidar
Just built myself a new PC last night so had to redownload Aion etc. Got all that done but for some reason now when I go to log into the game it freezes everytime I have typed my password that hit OK.

Any ideas why this might be happening?

I don't want to link it in-case they sell stuff, tbh I don't even know what the site is, go to the main page and search for Aion, it's the top of the their news.
I have cancelled my pre-order of this game, so glad i got a key to the beta to try it out, saved myself £25 there.

Really didnt like the game, so incredibly slow paced. Something your own level basically takes all your health to kill 1v1. and the downtime between fights to recover is ridiculous. I only play casually with friends so i will be going back to WoW where 2 of us can take on 5 or 6 enemies a couple of levels above us at once and have no downtime.
So whilst aion may be more realistic in the fighting aspect, it is no where near as much fun, and i am playing the game to have fun.
I have cancelled my pre-order of this game, so glad i got a key to the beta to try it out, saved myself £25 there.

Really didnt like the game, so incredibly slow paced. Something your own level basically takes all your health to kill 1v1. and the downtime between fights to recover is ridiculous. I only play casually with friends so i will be going back to WoW where 2 of us can take on 5 or 6 enemies a couple of levels above us at once and have no downtime.
So whilst aion may be more realistic in the fighting aspect, it is no where near as much fun, and i am playing the game to have fun.

Are you playing it right? Until lv 20 i could take on enemies and lose only around 30% life as a gladiator, sometimes up to 50% of mobs higher then me. When out of combat i can either use bandages or some powder to give me a heal, or i can simply sit down (its supprising how many people dont realise sitting down vastly increases regen rate). Once i got to 20 i equiped some better gear and could chain mobs non stop, only downtime was waiting for mobs to respawn.

If you are having problems with downtime then either you picked a bad class or simply dont know how to play.
I have cancelled my pre-order of this game, so glad i got a key to the beta to try it out, saved myself £25 there.

Really didnt like the game, so incredibly slow paced. Something your own level basically takes all your health to kill 1v1. and the downtime between fights to recover is ridiculous. I only play casually with friends so i will be going back to WoW where 2 of us can take on 5 or 6 enemies a couple of levels above us at once and have no downtime.
So whilst aion may be more realistic in the fighting aspect, it is no where near as much fun, and i am playing the game to have fun.

Then you are doing something wrong, only class i had to heal with after every few fights was on my Assassin and even then a 4second bandage then back to fighting again.
obviously i was exaggerating slightly, it took like half health off, meaning i could kill 2 people before having to rest, still epically slow.
i was playing a scout but barely got to the point where i picked ranger, was very bored by then. of the game aswell, nothing exciting about the storyline or quests to make you wanna do them. hence the cancelling.
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got to 25 the other day and just been messing around in the abyss on my gladiator. Good thing i played beta because i now want to go assasin in live :p, been kited easily and players running away put me off glad.
Anyone else unable to launch the game on Win 7 x64?
It's another one of those click to launch a programme and absolutely nothing happens which vista/win 7 seem realy good at.

Oh well, trying a re-install.
In regards to the speed, i have always said that aion is more like the pre-wow mmos, its slower, much more like early daoc and similar. Something i have said all along is that many people will find that a tough adjustment to make.

Its not a problem for me as i loved early daoc so no issue there, and of course i utterly adored uo..greatest mmo ever imo (and an mmo which didnt have a single quest in it :) ). Everyone likes different stuff though.

Good though that you gave it a try, sorry that its not been the right mmo for you but at least you know that there is an mmo (wow) out there which is suitable for you.
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