**Official** Aion Beta Thread

I am not sure where I will end up. I played on castor during the open beta, but my final server choice will come down to what sort of legions are out there. With there being a limited number of forts to capture, I would like to join one of the legions powerfull to capture and hold one of them forts, because the majority of smaller legions will most likely only do open field PvP and less of the fort capturing and defending.
Same here, my legion is going in a massive collaboration of legions, like Karak Eight Peaks was on W:AR, just to guarantee some high end PvP for both sides, it's all being planned out but none of us yet know where we're going on release, I think they're waiting to see which servers are going to be over-pop and then roll on the lowest pop server.
I was going to buy this but after giving the beta a 'quick go' and still being here 4 hours later I've decided not to. I am starting uni after all :p
Is there an OcUk guild starting? I used to run the wow one so would be willing to get it all kicked off if there is enough interest.
i'm sure you can use the same client as even closed beta client could be used in open beta just had to update it so shouldn't be a problem
plus they wouldn't put a patch out just before the end if they were going to make u download it again
Is there an OcUk guild starting? I used to run the wow one so would be willing to get it all kicked off if there is enough interest.

I'll be interested in an OcUK Aion guild though we'll probably have to wait until release to decide on server to go on.

I enjoyed the early levels I played in the beta so bought the CE on Steam. Has anyone decided what they're going to be playing in retail yet? I'm thinking a Cleric or Assassin.
Im in for a Ocuk guild...im rolling templar pure tank and spank..will be on every night after 7pm have informed the wife and got her a dimond ring as compensation...so lets go :D
I'll defiently 100% be an Assassin. I think Maxilive is making an OcUK guild although don't quote me on that, maybe have a word with him CliffyG.

I think we are going Elyos aswell from whats been said, i am not bothered by side really i'll play where everyone else is playing.
I'll defiently 100% be an Assassin. I think Maxilive is making an OcUK guild although don't quote me on that, maybe have a word with him CliffyG.

I think we are going Elyos aswell from whats been said, i am not bothered by side really i'll play where everyone else is playing.

Bah.. asmo's :D still cant decide on a class its between 2.. Sorc and sin... i heard there is an endgame magic resist set which makes it harder for sorc's. :confused:
I'm looking to be a tank too. Never done a tank end game in a MMO before. Ok v1bez i'll try and get in touch with him.

Well tanks are good at both instances and pvp come endgame, so you should do alright whatever you decide to do. Although this is a more pvp orientated game than WoW was, but pve will still be there and be good fun.
I'll be up for giving the OCuk legion a try. I havent had time for the beta yet and prolly only be playing casual once its released but I'm toying with eithere a Ranger or a Spirit Master.
from what i have ered the end game is pvp plus pve you get points and token from both which you use to buy better armors and stuff also for people that don't know alchemy is very important in pvp so make sure you try it up a bit unless ur going to do something else
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