**Official** Aion Beta Thread

Offical news about pre-selection including info is now on the aion website: http://eu.aiononline.com/uk/news/more-details-on-preselection-1.html

Long story short, 20:00 BST on the 18th, you can create 2 characters.

Using the open beta client?

I currently don't have an account or the client downloaded, however have pre ordered the game from the largest river in the world.co.uk but haven't recieved a key or anything yet. I'm quite clueless ATM.

edit: Also, which is going to be the most popular/best UK server does everyone think?
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Really keen on getting this and joining the OCUK legion.

What is the best (and cheapest!) way to purchase? NCSoft website or buy retail over the counter? (I see the purple shirts are giving a "headstart" though they want £34.99)

Probably to late as a google has thrown a lot of "Sold Out" links...

Does anyone happen to know where I can pre order the limited edition of this game? I know Steam still have some going but I would like a physical copy of this with the discs/box etc.
Probably to late as a google has thrown a lot of "Sold Out" links...

Does anyone happen to know where I can pre order the limited edition of this game? I know Steam still have some going but I would like a physical copy of this with the discs/box etc.

I don't think you'll find one now, unless you're lucky enough to find a local retil store with some spare at release.

If you're set on a phyiscal copy, the best bet is probably to preorder a normal edition, then upgrade your account on NCsoft's site to a Collectors for £10.

Otherwise, just get it off Steam.
I don't think you'll find one now, unless you're lucky enough to find a local retil store with some spare at release.

Yeah, going to get my wife to check a few stores in the high street when she finishes work tonight.

Figured as much, my own fault really, I did this with the Windows 7 promo and missed it by a day.
I just did the pre order through ncsoft which gives the advance start etc.

What is your goal with this guild? The WoW OcUK guild you set up managed to become quite successful (I dont know why is disbanded though) and I am wondering what your goals will be this time round.

I didn't join up with OcUK when this first started due to you all going Horde (I had just rerolled WoW as Alliance after years of Horde). However if the intentions are the same as the last guild I will be quite interested in joining.
I'm hoping for a successful end game guild which still caters for casuals if possible. Looks like we have a possible alliance on our hands too but we can look more into that as we progress in the game.

As far as i know my ex wife is still running the wow guild and its still pretty active :confused:.
Does anyone know if you buy the game from NCSoft any idea what size the client download is? Hope it isnt too big as I am only on 2mb connection !
Sorry this has probably been asked a million times but if i pre order from Play or Amazon will they send me a head start key? They mention access to the closed beta but since that is over i'm not sure if they are still sending the keys out (my understanding is the key the send covered closed beta, pre select and head start).

Sorry this has probably been asked a million times but if i pre order from Play or Amazon will they send me a head start key? They mention access to the closed beta but since that is over i'm not sure if they are still sending the keys out (my understanding is the key the send covered closed beta, pre select and head start).

This has been perplexing a few people, and from what I understand there's been no definitive answer.

If you're set on preordering for preselection/Headstart/preorder items, then your only certain option now is to get it via download. After all, even if you did get a key from a retail store you'd still have to download the client to make use of the headstart anyway - assuming your retailer/Royal Mail aren't shockingly clued up on delivery.

It's worth noting that although the client is hefty (9GB or thereabouts), you've also still got a good few days to get hold of it and backing it up for future use is a straightforward job. Just hit Steam/NCSoft/D2D and be done with it.
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