**Official** Aion Beta Thread

Do you need a new beta key for each beta weekend or is it the same? And also do you start again from lvl 1 each time and do you need to download client again from scratch?

The beta key allows you to create an account. That account allows you access to the rest of the available closed betas. You do not need to create a new one each time, nor do you need to download the client again.
Ty for help timko, I probably will preorder the game anyway :) its really good.

EDIT: I forgot to ask but did any of you that played last weekend had any lag? I only played on Sunday and really I had lag spikes very often which made me switch from mage to mele dps. I also disconnected about 4 times in 5-6 hours. I normaly dont have any problems with my IP and I played WoW untill recently always lag spike free. I am only asking, this was beta and probably servers were overloaded as people were everywhere all the time.
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I was rubberbanding all over the place, mainly during peak times and in crowded areas, but on the last day it got so bad that it kicked me from the game, whilst i was partying with max and olwyn
I still didn't have any lag at all really just 3 lag spikes in the 20+ hours of play :P I must have been lucky because I kept seeing guildies dcing or lagging out etc.

Getting a bit closer until the next beta :D
I got crippling lag on Sunday, literaly every 5 seconds the game would just stop, using skills was next to impossible.

Deffinetly wasn't my net connection. Could have been worse though, I just leveled another character, didn't get any lag in the starting area.
Hmm I'm just getting more confused on why I didn't have any lag? o.o My PC specs aren't great and my connection doesn't really have a killer ping. Going to write another little review on my website soon :)
well must have been just a few "unlucky" people. But I had no problems at all. I had one bit where I thought I was lagging/rubberbanding. But found out it was just my lil brother trying to upload a video on the Family PC :eek:

After he finished his upload I had no lag at all. The only slow down I ever got was when I entered the sanctum. As there was huge amounts of people around the teleport.

Either way bring on the next Beta !
Some cool pics. hehe notice in the accession quest chain when you walk up the "guards" Dispite being a female character they still call you LORD..... I think the need to fix that.
notice in the accession quest chain when you walk up the "guards" Dispite being a female character they still call you LORD.

I saw something similar in a task I did around Lv10 to 11. During the conversation to receive the task I was addressed as "Sir/Ma'am" when they simply could have used my character's name to avoid gender specific issues, just like they did with every other task I had done until then. Looks like they just hadn't got round to amending that one yet in their localisation runs :)
Hello there :)

So i should be getting my beta key the monday before the beta weekend if i have been reading it right. So i should be ready to go for next weekend then :)

As it is only a weekend thing is it best to work on one character or just try a few out. I have been reading that a chanter is like a friar on crack :D, i was a long time player of DAOC and loved my friar so that got my attention.

I used to love the old DAOC cabby as well so this game seems to be pressing all the right buttons so far and cannot wait to get stuck in :cool:. Then i ended up on this web page showing all the new epic weapons and it was like OMG these guys know how to make good looking items /bow.

Not gonna get much sleep next weekend i think. I got a email saying the new release date is about 3 days earlier for release now 25-26 september
I've been looking up more info about the game else where, and have seen some of the weapons and armour in the game. And they do look really nice, some of the best I've seen so far in an mmo UltraDad.
Aion closed beta schedule updated
#1 - June 5 - June 7

#2 - June 19 - June 22
Focus: Asmodian levels 1-20

#3 - July 2 - July 6
Focus: Elyos and Asmodians 1-20

#4 - July 17 - July 20
Focus: Elyos and Asmodian levels 1-25
Starting at Fri 8:00 PM BST

#5 - July 31 - August 3
Focus: TBD

#6 - August 14 - August 17
Focus: TBD

From http://www.aiononline.com/us/news/general_news/closed_beta_event_3_has_come_t.html

One less day this time round since it's starting on a Friday rather than Thursday like in round #3 :(
Ok, some questions!

* Is Aion as instanced as Guild Wars? Or not?
* Is anyone playing a Ranger, what are they like?
* Anyone come across any dungeons (I know there probably isn't a lot at these levels)
* Can someone explain the combat a little.
* I know it's an MMO, so I don't expect the quests to be little more than "run here, kill these 10 times". Has there been any stand out exceptions to this?
* Pvp - any good?

TIA :)
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