**Official** Aion Beta Thread

Ok, some questions!

* Is Aion as instanced as Guild Wars? Or not?
* Is anyone playing a Ranger, what are they like?
* Anyone come across any dungeons (I know there probably isn't a lot at these levels)
* Can someone explain the combat a little.
* I know it's an MMO, so I don't expect the quests to be little more than "run here, kill these 10 times". Has there been any stand out exceptions to this?
* Pvp - any good?

TIA :)

pre-order the game and get yourself a code then if you so wish cancel the order you still get to join in the last few Closed Beta sessions *disclaimer*..

tbh its a generic MMo with lush graphics decent combat and if you've sampled other MMo's you know what to expect. Havent come across any dungeons yet and ive not played the PewPew class.

PvP, not had a chance to sample it yet, but i think we get some action in the next CB session...

its the most polished beta ive tried since Lotro, it bodes well for the full release of which im sure i'll be purchasing :eek:
Rangers are expensive class, played 1 in the last beta weekend, had to buy traps and arrows, traps cost 1.1k for 10. arrows are 1k gp for 1k arrows.......you also go through traps like crazy, or i always didnt anyhow and sometimes they dont work or someone else grabs the aggro and pulls the mob away from teh traps which fades after 1 min. Kiting is also nealry impossible due to teh mobs pre emptive attack and them spawning back when ur trying to run backwards.
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Hello there :)

Got my beta code this morning and downloading the client now at 814 kbs :D. Also wanted to say thanks to timko for the how to guide as i am gonna have to change from north america to europe later today ;)

Looking forward to hanging out with a few of you this weekend :cool:
i pre-ordered two copies last week but havent recieved the codes as yet, i want to install the game on another PC but dont want to have to download the client again..

any tips as to where are the installation files for the initial setup as i cant find them to copy ?
You could always just copy the install folder and then just launch the .exe from the folder.

I used to do that with WoW. Copy the World of Warcraft folder to a external HDD then plug the HDD into laptop and just use the .exe in the folder works like a charm.
Maxilive I think it would be a good idea to get a mod to change the title of thread to just "**Official** Aion Beta Thread". You can edit your first post and change the title but it won't change in the forum listing, as such mod attention is required.

Quickest way to do that, and this will sound silly but it works, is to report your first post by clicking the triangle underneath your avatar and then enter your request. Within an hour or so a mod will see the report and make the appropriate change :)
won't be playing this beta ;{ going to Greece tonight.

anyway, any idea what will be in betas #5+#6? any chance for a premade characters?
[timko];14468634 said:
Maxilive I think it would be a good idea to get a mod to change the title of thread to just "**Official** Aion Beta Thread". You can edit your first post and change the title but it won't change in the forum listing, as such mod attention is required.

Quickest way to do that, and this will sound silly but it works, is to report your first post by clicking the triangle underneath your avatar and then enter your request. Within an hour or so a mod will see the report and make the appropriate change :)

Cheers :D Done that, lets hope the title changes rather than the thread getting closed hehe. I doubt pre-made characters will be any of the betas as they want people to test from lvl 1-50. I'm guessing it will just be upping the cap by 5 or 10.
Still for anyone who wants to go Asmodian, I have a guild going we have quiet a few members. Have lots of experience from many MMOs and normally end up top :D

Check out the link in my sig :)
tempting, depends if i really go for this game or not

Pre-order a retail copy (as in not a direct download version), wait for a beta key and then take part in all of the remaining closed betas. If you like the game, keep the pre-order, if not then cancel it with no money lost since all stores never charge until dispatch anyway.

Nothing to lose :)
Hello there :)

I am already to go just got to wait for the beta event to start :D


What a pretty log in screen, got used to looking at a big hairy Highlander in DAOC for to long i think :p
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[timko];14470619 said:
Pre-order a retail copy (as in not a direct download version), wait for a beta key and then take part in all of the remaining closed betas. If you like the game, keep the pre-order, if not then cancel it with no money lost since all stores never charge until dispatch anyway.

Nothing to lose :)

already have a CB key from pre-order, dont like putting much effort into them though sound in the knowledge that id have to do it all over again come release, which is never too appealing in a grindfest based mmo
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