*******Official Armed Assault 2 thread of official officialness*******

I fired a AT rocket at an AI soldier yesterday and he went to the moon!

Really loving this game more and more, despite annoying bugs like the server list.
It won't hide empty/full/passworded server even though I told it to.

It also doesn't show the server real capacity, so apparently free servers say 12/30 are actually 12/12. :(

Edit, just now it went to 10/10, doesn't seem to want to let new people join.

In game, not sure if it's meant to be but team members don't show on the map till you're near, so you don't know where to meet up. But it will still show when you're too far away to visually see them.

I'm sure it'll get fixed!
Ordering as we speak :) been playing COD4 recently and the sheer lack of skill in that game is boggling, even tactical maps like S&D are just spray fests :( really missed out on OpFlash/Arma, can't wait for Arma2.
Am actually getting a childish sort of craving for this game now. I'm a hardcore OFP fan and still play it to this day, particularly the Invasion 44 Market Garden mod, but never actually played the first Arma due to my PC not being able to cut the mustard. I'm now upgrading to a ub3r rig almost exclusively for this game!

Has anyone with the German release applied the patch yet? I am interested to find out if those initial A.I issues were fixed? Judging by posts on the official forum, the patch has pretty much won every doubter over. It now sounds like a very solid build and the A.I sounds impressive.
Ordering as we speak :) been playing COD4 recently and the sheer lack of skill in that game is boggling, even tactical maps like S&D are just spray fests :( really missed out on OpFlash/Arma, can't wait for Arma2.

I hope you're not expecting COD style gameplay, its really a far cry from it. I never purchased Arma due to its initial failings, but was with OFP from ridiculously early. It truly is a classic. I'm hoping this is a return to roots and more.
I have given up

1. Motion blur is terrible and makes me want to puke
2. The HDR effects are terrible looking ( look at one of the sign posts in game and it has an effect which I could only describe as lightsaberish )
3. Sound bug totally ruins the game , sounds are stupidly loud and the 3d sound engine is borked ( If using more than stereo speakers)

I going back to playing arma with the ACE mod its waaaaaaaaaaaay better than this pile of poop.

Check this sig that someone sarcastic created on the BIS forums

I had the org arma from day 1 , ofp from first demo they were a bit buggy performance was a bit off , but this is a disaster , I wont even go into the multiplayer problems.
I have given up

1. Motion blur is terrible and makes me want to puke

That's really worrying for me aswell.
Some games are worse than other, Crysis was fine and I could play all day but Farcry2 was making me ill after 20mins.

Some people are affected and some not, it's the same as sea sickness and dosen't affect everyone.

You really should be able to configure a game how you want.
I have given up

1. Motion blur is terrible and makes me want to puke
2. The HDR effects are terrible looking ( look at one of the sign posts in game and it has an effect which I could only describe as lightsaberish )
3. Sound bug totally ruins the game , sounds are stupidly loud and the 3d sound engine is borked ( If using more than stereo speakers)

1. Agreed.
2. I don't actually have this problem at all, which is odd. 8800gtx latest drivers right now.
3. Not sure as you know I use 2.1 or headphones, but I agree that vehicles are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too loud for the distance they are.

We ALL have to remember, it's not a retail release per say, they released it in germany as a localised beta test, even the patches are beta patches.
I do hope most issues are sorted by the english version release otherwise what I havce just said would be a lie

I just don't understand why they want us to pay for it though!
Arma had bad problems too and yes, I bought the game in Germany before it was out in the rest of the world and the same happened.
1. Agreed.
2. I don't actually have this problem at all, which is odd. 8800gtx latest drivers right now.
3. Not sure as you know I use 2.1 or headphones, but I agree that vehicles are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too loud for the distance they are.

We ALL have to remember, it's not a retail release per say, they released it in germany as a localised beta test, even the patches are beta patches.
I do hope most issues are sorted by the english version release otherwise what I havce just said would be a lie

I just don't understand why they want us to pay for it though!
Arma had bad problems too and yes, I bought the game in Germany before it was out in the rest of the world and the same happened.

I too had the original metaboli german release of Arma 1

This version is far more buggy that that initial release of arma 1 , hopefully a patch will be available this week that will fix this.

Side note: on play Arma II is showing as the top pre-order game , it better be a much more bug free build than the one currently out there , else lots of people will complain. If they dont patch this within the next week or so I will be doing a review on play that will be less than favourable.
To the people saying that they dont like the motion blur, at the moment theres no way to turn it off but the Dev's have said on the official forum that the higher your FPS the less blur there is so may be worth turning down some settings to get your FPS up.
To the people saying that they dont like the motion blur, at the moment theres no way to turn it off but the Dev's have said on the official forum that the higher your FPS the less blur there is so may be worth turning down some settings to get your FPS up.

That's just daft, the lack of option to turn it off, not you or your statement :)
To the people saying that they dont like the motion blur, at the moment theres no way to turn it off but the Dev's have said on the official forum that the higher your FPS the less blur there is so may be worth turning down some settings to get your FPS up.

So you have to turn off the stuff you want to see to fix something that you don't want or need, sounds like a good system.
Just a tip for anyone running an ATi crossfire setup on vista/windows 7, add "-winxp" argument to your shortcut. I noticed (using everest) that GPU 1 usage was 100%, and GPU 2 usage was 0-1%, adding the -winxp argument has resolved this problem and performance is much better.
Also if anybody is interested I'll have a dedicated server up later, just uploading the files to my server now :) Unfortunately I can't find any Arma 2 dedicated server documentation so will be a bit of trial and error!
I think the game is fantastic - they've totally redone the interface that actaully tells you (when you're a noob like me) what's going on and what I need to do and go. I did a few of the campain missions with a freind and it was fantastic I really enjoyed my self - the atmostphere when the assualt on the cost was brillaint the Cobra's were flying over head unloading on troops, HArriers blowing things up, us running out of the wood ino the village and being supported form other areas really gave it a better feel the Arma 1 and 1.5 did.

Oh, and saying 'I've given up on this game because of the bugs' a few days after its come out and that it's still classed as a Beta makes you sound 12 and a bit of a ****.
So you have to turn off the stuff you want to see to fix something that you don't want or need, sounds like a good system.

Thats what theyve said, lot of people kicking up a stink about it though, so no doubt they will give us the option to disable it, the only time the blur has been too much was when I was adjusting settings and got the framerate to the low teens which IMO is unplayable anyway, if the blur is a big issue with lower frame rates surely the whole experience will be better with a higher FPS anyway, me personally though I have no issues with it.

Also if anybody is interested I'll have a dedicated server up later, just uploading the files to my server now :) Unfortunately I can't find any Arma 2 dedicated server documentation so will be a bit of trial and error!

They havent released the dedi sever files yet, but running the arma2.exe with the -server switch I believe will get it working, but it doesnt work that well from what Ive heard, the issue with 12/30 players when its actually 12/12 is one of the issues. Youll need to write a server config file and I think its pretty much the same as ARMA1 so have a look at this link should get you started ;) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg , I havent tried this in ARMA2 yet though, if you get it going though post the details I should be on tonight!

Ok bored at work, you can get the server running using the -server switch, had someone join it as well so it must appear in the list, dont have a spare box to put it on though so its up to you ;)
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I don't know how many people have already bought the game, but i cannot quite believe how good Arma 2 is. I think its going to be better than OPF in a couple of months and the initial bugs are ironed out (which arent really that bad). Its got that 'special something' honestly incredible. The graphics are also jaw droppingly good. I just saw an op flash 2 vid, and it looked absolutely appaling compared to this.

The ai is improved over arma, urban combat actually works now. Its also made me want to upgrade my pc because it struggles slightly on medium at 1920x1200. Thats with a very modest spec though. It still looks amazing as well.
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