Has anyone any idea if setting FSBT too low could cause damage? I believe terminations can be at a range of values (including ground), so I'm wondering if I'm inhibiting a component's ability to reduce its voltage...but frankly I'm stabbing in the dark.
I forget my exact BIOS settings (because they seem quite different to what you really get in the OS), but PC Probe is reporting FSBT at 1.15V (the lowest it would go in BIOS). This is OCCTPT1.2 stable for 30mins, but that's as far as I've got with testing it. My other readings are:
Vcore 1.19V / 24'C
NB 1.38V / 46'C
SB 1.14V / 43'C
SB2 1.55V
DRAM 2.16V (Ballistix is rated 2.2V)
I aimed for the nominal values, but am unsure what the FSBT nominal voltage is (is it tied to the NB?). Ditto SB2 actually, I've just got that as low as possible as I don't know the nominal voltage.