I have compiled a "Megamod" if anyone is interested. None of it is my own work, I just understand how much of a ball ache it can be getting everything downloaded, especially for those with just little time or slow internet access.
It is going to rock in at about 15GB (Compressed).
It includes where possible, up to tiers 7/8.
Short Sleeve Kits
Stadium Backgrounds
Emblems for Domestic Clubs and European International Teams
League/Cup logos
If anyone is interested, I can upload it to my domain.
If any link posted could not be shared outside the forum, it would be appreciated else it would be removed.
I'm with Sean - this would be great if you can do it.
I've never added anything to any FM, but something like this would be a fantastic addition for anyone here I feel. It might also be worth asking pingwing to clear up and update the first post in this thread and add this in there too.
An overnight download of a torrent would be best for me, but hey, I'll take whatever you decide, thanks.