tried plugging keyboard into the usb 2 or usb3 ports? might have issues on the usb3
you have spare keyboard to test with?
Thanks for the reply.
The keyboard is definitely working. On a couple of occasions I have seen the screen (very briefly) where there are 2 options available (load defaults and reboot). This screen only flashes up after resetting CMOS and then I have to remove and replace the VGA cable to see it briefly. However when it disappeared I pressed down on the cursor on the keyboard, took out the VGA and replaced, screen flashed up again and the highlighted option had moved down one. When I pressed enter the system rebooted.
Splash screen then comes up again and then disappears. I only ever get any screen up for less than a second.
My concern is I received this motherboard yesterday and it looked like the static bag had already been opened and resealed. I guess I might have to send it back. Spoke with customer services who will refund it on return. I might just order a new one today for delivery tomorrow. I hate giving up on a problem though!