***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

5 Oct 2008
Link, have you changed anything on Linktart 1 recently? Been playing some Coop on it and the Crescendo's keep bugging. Finale of Hard Rain went straight the rescue, twice in a row (had to restart cos we didn't realise). Then another later on, Dead Centre 2 event bugged and spawned 1 horde, then nothing, exactly the same happened on the 3rd level.

Oh also we had both a Tank and Witch on the 1st level of Dead Centre.

I'll restart it. Haven't changed a thing though for months, bar updates on either ocuk1,2 or 5.
5 Oct 2008
I've left ocuk3+4 updating now and FT is updating the LinkTart servers as I'm off to bed. Any problems let me know after work 2moro. :)

EDIT: Update List:

Left 4 Dead 2 and the Left 4 Dead 2 SDK Update Released
February 5, 2010, 1:00 pm - Valve
Updates to Left 4 Dead 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. XBOX 360 users will see these changes in an upcoming title update. The major changes include:


Now ghost PZ's can never be staggered

Enabled PZ bots

PZ bots use their more aggressive survival mode behavior in versus and scavenge

Enabled finale manual spawn by default

Fixed human PZ players not getting counted when they were dead, allowing extra PZ bots to spawn

Reduced effectiveness of melee weapons against the Tank ( 5% of max health, from 10% )

Fixed a case where a player who dies, then is rescued from a rescue closet, and then is revived from a ledge hang receives the secondary weapon that he lost when he was initially killed

Improved SurvivorBot AI in cases where the bots refused to shoot through their teammates and became non-responsive

Fixed issue with witch sometimes taking on uncommon common properties

Fix for cheaters quitting before the vote to kick them would succeed and avoiding ban on server

VAC banned users can now play L4D2 single-player, commentary mode and credits

Map Fixes

Dark Carnival Fair Ground: added env_player_blocker to keep special infected from getting stuck

Dark Carnival Fair Ground: added navigation area that was missing

Dark Carnival Fair Ground: Disconnected drops that were blocked by the top of a fence

Swamp Fever Plank Country: Deleted 2 nav areas that connected between tree trunks you can't pass through

Swamp Fever Shanty Town: Redrew ladder thinner so special infected could climb up to the roof

The Parish Waterfront: Fixed various navigation areas

Mall: Tuned spawning for difficulty

SDK Content

Added missing nature/blend tooltextures added

Added missing cs models/textures

Added missing acunit01 model/texture

Added missing ammo_can_02 model/texture

Added missing patio_chair model/texture

Some nice updates there I think.
Last edited:
5 Oct 2008
yay ellus fixed the silly spawn distance on the finales \o/

Link you need to do it on the ocuk servers :p

Now updated OcUK 3 (Insanity Versus #1) with it. Please can you play on this and let me know how well it works. If there are no issues I'll upload to the other Insanity Versus server and OcUK 6 and then I'll test it with OcUK 1 or 2 to make sure it doesn't screw up coop. Once tested working on there I'll load up to the other ocuk servers.
5 Oct 2008
Mine and Defrag's (ocuk 7) have: increased horde size, same damage from back and front, increased fire damage, normal pills removed, kits outside saferoom replaced with pills (semantics I know, but it causes less pills and no kits), better spawn distance on finales and maybe a few other things

Ocuk 3 & 4 (I think, haven't tried in awhile) are links insanity servers.

rest I believe are vanilla

This pretty much. Except OcUK 6 is 8v8.
5 Oct 2008
Server is back up again, as FT says the physical server went down and I am told that the motherboard failed. It is back up again now and OcUK 1,2 + 5 are all running as well as the CSS server. Will look into getting it sorted out properly though. We may have to wipe the server and start again. Currently backing up the server config files. :)
5 Oct 2008
Yeah good game tonight guys.

Insanity Versus has been updated by the way in light of some of the official updates:

General Fixes
-Medkit/pill adjustments
-Behind the scenes workings changes

Survivor Fixes
-Slow down survivors by 10% in water

Infected Fixes:
-Tanks should now spawn on every map
-Common zombies will despawn if they fall behind survivors (and respawn in front)
-Tank temporary immunity after spawn
*AI tank will be frozen, will not throw rocks, and will have godmode
*Player tank will have fire immunity and godmode for 2 seconds
*No more prelights or getting rushed by melee cause tank was rock throwing!
-Tank health reduced
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