No go tried with 2133 at 17/17/17/37( Just to make sure its not memory) and wont pass 15 minute realbench crash after 5 minutes.Try leaving memory at 2133Mhz till you get 4Ghz stable on the CPU. Ditch BCLK clocking and just use the regular memory multipliers. I had little trouble getting mine stable @ 4Ghz and CL14 3200 this way, and have now got the memory to CL13. I never managed to get any BCLK overclocks stable yet. Mind you, i have 4 GPUs in my system so that could be the reason.
Wont pass no matter what settings volts i throw at it. Tried Asus 4ghz standard profile crashed 2 minutes in....
Ant thats with temperatures below 62c on my custom loop.
Guys You have to remember that I'm swapping from FULL 24h Real bench 8gb stable 4.4 5820k. Only swapping over cause im AMD FAN and had amd procesors since AM286 Even that was overclocked using good old motherboard Jumpers and soldering . Besides epic Celeron 300@450 :] Had Duron Athlon XP Athlon 64 Phenom 1 and Phenom 2. Basically Everything they sold till FAILdozer when i went 2500k Due to Disappointment in gamin performance of those.
I can invest WHOLE DAYS in tweeking and benching cause i like it and while i do it i do my bodyweight training
all in all this cpu needs to survive till ZEN2 comes out next year. Power consumption and heat output i dont care about. Shiet last month forgot to turn my Electrical gril and was running overnight that draws what around 2kw ?? Stress test of my oven LOL
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