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*** Official Ryzen Owners Thread ***

8 Nov 2006
Thanks, tried that but still won't post and gets stuck on f9.

Think it's dead. Can't believe the crosshair doesn't have dual bios for the price they are. :(

This may be a dumb suggestion, but can you try removing all USB devices?

I only suggest it as when I got my x370 it would not even post. It was by pure luck I figured out it was something about a USB 3 hub - that worked fine on everything before, including a B350 prime board
15 Oct 2011
Nottingham Carlton
Why all this downclock talk is this overclockers or power savers... This forum is getting sooooooo weak. 1 more Mhz not a 1000 less watts is the correct attitude!!

I had one of my BAD days. Fak energy saving bet u mised my post that other week i forgotten to turn my electric grill off after making 5% fat burgers. It was running overnight like 7-8 hours that thing is 2.5kw so :D:D I know one thing. My oven is 100% stable :D

With all this benching messing around im spending extra hours on my bodyweight trainign cause Benching when Benching so back below 10% body fat HAHA.

Back on topic. I applied Liquid metal on my cpu and while at it added 2 3mm leds that came in today. Looks not bad but cant see it anyway cause got no window in my side panel HAHA
Flashed 1001 bios now cant boot at 3002 but stable at 2702 by looks of it with 13/14/14 timings getting around same score in CB with those settings. Ill leave it overnight on torture test to fry things up a bit :)


Spends 800 quid on sidegrade wants to save on power bill BUHAHAHAHA. At lest my pc keeps me warm while gaming / testing stuff :D
1 Jul 2007
United Kingdom, Scotland and Bristol
I had one of my BAD days. Fak energy saving bet u mised my post that other week i forgotten to turn my electric grill off after making 5% fat burgers. It was running overnight like 7-8 hours that thing is 2.5kw so :D:D I know one thing. My oven is 100% stable :D

With all this benching messing around im spending extra hours on my bodyweight trainign cause Benching when Benching so back below 10% body fat HAHA.

Back on topic. I applied Liquid metal on my cpu and while at it added 2 3mm leds that came in today. Looks not bad but cant see it anyway cause got no window in my side panel HAHA
Flashed 1001 bios now cant boot at 3002 but stable at 2702 by looks of it with 13/14/14 timings getting around same score in CB with those settings. Ill leave it overnight on torture test to fry things up a bit :)


Spends 800 quid on sidegrade wants to save on power bill BUHAHAHAHA. At lest my pc keeps me warm while gaming / testing stuff :D

Nice red scheme :)
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
I give up. As I was playing the system shut down for no reason, temps were 40C. And since the return the number 8 error. bios reset does nothing nor flashing bios to any of the three versions (0902,1101,0038)
I haven't overclocked the system and wouldn't planning to do so until I had few days stable system.

however clearly I do not and have tried everything. Even rebuilding it again for second time today.

first time in 22 year and having build dozens of my pcs and hundreds for clients. Never had such issues having used AMD, Intel and Cytrix succesfully over the period.

I will call ocuk in the morning to return the 1700X and the motherboard. Maybe in few months things will be better but I want a working pc today not in 6 months.
25 Oct 2013
I give up. As I was playing the system shut down for no reason, temps were 40C. And since the return the number 8 error. bios reset does nothing nor flashing bios to any of the three versions (0902,1101,0038)
I haven't overclocked the system and wouldn't planning to do so until I had few days stable system.

however clearly I do not and have tried everything. Even rebuilding it again for second time today.

first time in 22 year and having build dozens of my pcs and hundreds for clients. Never had such issues having used AMD, Intel and Cytrix succesfully over the period.

I will call ocuk in the morning to return the 1700X and the motherboard. Maybe in few months things will be better but I want a working pc today not in 6 months.

It is very unusual how 50% of folk have a stable running system and 50% don't. It a very mixed bag! Hopefully this issues can be ironed out. I have not had one single issue since day dot, touch wood.
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
It is very unusual how 50% of folk have a stable running system and 50% don't. It a very mixed bag! Hopefully this issues can be ironed out. I have not had one single issue since day dot, touch wood.

Tried to flash the BIOS again (second consecutive time) with the 0902 and managed to boot. -_-
That hit and miss is annoying as hell. And haven't overclocked the system yet, because I don't feel confident thats stable enough for me. When rebooting the system is a dice roll if it will come back again, clearly doesn't inspire me at all :(

tried to restart the system again and doesn't boot again.
going to pack it up and grab a 6800K for Monday delivery.
Last edited:
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
I give up. As I was playing the system shut down for no reason, temps were 40C. And since the return the number 8 error. bios reset does nothing nor flashing bios to any of the three versions (0902,1101,0038)
I haven't overclocked the system and wouldn't planning to do so until I had few days stable system.

however clearly I do not and have tried everything. Even rebuilding it again for second time today.

first time in 22 year and having build dozens of my pcs and hundreds for clients. Never had such issues having used AMD, Intel and Cytrix succesfully over the period.

I will call ocuk in the morning to return the 1700X and the motherboard. Maybe in few months things will be better but I want a working pc today not in 6 months.

Sorry to hear dude, no problems here with this board using the latest 1001 bios.

I get the 8 error code right after the system has crashed due to the CPU not having enough Vcore.
15 Feb 2017
the ghetto
It is very unusual how 50% of folk have a stable running system and 50% don't. It a very mixed bag! Hopefully this issues can be ironed out. I have not had one single issue since day dot, touch wood.

Yep I thought I was on a winner. I had a great stable 4Ghz overclock going on 1.373 volts.

Now is dead as a dodo after it didn't like the 1001 bios update. On reading other forums I does seem a fair few are having issues with the new bios updates...

Going to buy a 4th flash drive and strip the whole thing down this afternoon but I'm not hopeful.

It's times like this I remember what a pain in the ass custom loops are
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
Sorry to hear dude, no problems here with this board using the latest 1001 bios.

I get the 8 error code right after the system has crashed due to the CPU not having enough Vcore.
No worries mate.

I unplug all USBs this morning, reflashed bios. Nothing.
Unplug the power, removed the graphic card, removed the battery for few minutes just in case is the CMOS. Nada.
Unfortunately idk what else to try :(

Could it be the mobo doesn't like the 1700X and works fine with all the 1700s?
Could be anything.
15 Oct 2011
Nottingham Carlton
Played around with 1001 bios and with my memory 0038 is just better. As i can work with 2666 instead od 2400. ATM stability testing 13/14/14//15/35@3001

While testing stability found on my backup drive old CB with my scores since 1090t times !!!


Not seen anythign liek here posted so there ya go :D How my IPC went up over eyars.. O WAIT nope :D no saved score but max tuned samsung green memory score was 2.02@5002 if i remember
1 Jul 2007
United Kingdom, Scotland and Bristol
Played around with 1001 bios and with my memory 0038 is just better. As i can work with 2666 instead od 2400. ATM stability testing 13/14/14//15/35@3001

While testing stability found on my backup drive old CB with my scores since 1090t times !!!


Not seen anythign liek here posted so there ya go :D How my IPC went up over eyars.. O WAIT nope :D no saved score but max tuned samsung green memory score was 2.02@5002 if i remember

Ah the mighty 1090T, the fond fond memories, in fact it is still going stronge in my sisters house :) the H70 probably needs a clean by now tho :)
5 Feb 2004
South Shields, UK
No worries mate.

I unplug all USBs this morning, reflashed bios. Nothing.
Unplug the power, removed the graphic card, removed the battery for few minutes just in case is the CMOS. Nada.
Unfortunately idk what else to try :(

Could it be the mobo doesn't like the 1700X and works fine with all the 1700s?
Could be anything.

Which motherboard are you running? Just out of curiosity.
1 Mar 2014

Little bit of a ghetto mod to get the GPU AIO rads in the left door as the pipes are to short to mount on the right and I have a 360mm CPU rad at the top.

All in all very pleased with the Ryzen 1800x. 63c max temps when full blown stress testing the CPU but it usually hovers below 56c.

I haven't seen XFR hit 4.1Ghz many times other than with the new HWinfo for a split second or so. Most of the time the CPU sits at 3.7Ghz on all cores with voltages ranging between 1.306v-1.56v

Currently running Corsair 2x16GB 3200mhz sticks at 2666mhz and will try the new Crosshair VI Hero bioses soon.

Vs my 3930K I get around 15% more FPS but the gameplay is a smooth as butter.
8 Nov 2006
Little bit of a ghetto mod to get the GPU AIO rads in the left door as the pipes are to short to mount on the right and I have a 360mm CPU rad at the top.

All in all very pleased with the Ryzen 1800x. 63c max temps when full blown stress testing the CPU but it usually hovers below 56c.

I haven't seen XFR hit 4.1Ghz many times other than with the new HWinfo for a split second or so. Most of the time the CPU sits at 3.7Ghz on all cores with voltages ranging between 1.306v-1.56v

Currently running Corsair 2x16GB 3200mhz sticks at 2666mhz and will try the new Crosshair VI Hero bioses soon.

Vs my 3930K I get around 15% more FPS but the gameplay is a smooth as butter.


A bit high no?
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
Which motherboard are you running? Just out of curiosity.
Asus Crosshair VI Hero.

What I found peculiar is that the CH6 pumps all that power to the 1700X. I never saw it delivering less than 1.41v to it even at stock speed of 3400 while idle. And never managed to OC the poor sod.


Personal experience notes. Second Asus board I bought ever, (previous 11y ago and returned it straight away also) and only had issues with those two boards over 22 years period. Having used ECS, Abit (NF), Via (numerous of the KT series), MSI (X79), Gigabyte (990FX), Foxconn and Asrock (Z170) without problems from the first boot and vicious tinckering. (VIA KT series was sorting their jumpers for heaven sake).
Especially the Gigabyte I owned and sold, is still going strong with an overclocked 1090T 7 years now without issue.

Anyhow, maybe next year with the Zen+ will be luckier. Both CPU and Motherboard are packed and RMA process already started. Going to drop them off to DPD point for collection.
1 Jul 2007
United Kingdom, Scotland and Bristol

Little bit of a ghetto mod to get the GPU AIO rads in the left door as the pipes are to short to mount on the right and I have a 360mm CPU rad at the top.

All in all very pleased with the Ryzen 1800x. 63c max temps when full blown stress testing the CPU but it usually hovers below 56c.

I haven't seen XFR hit 4.1Ghz many times other than with the new HWinfo for a split second or so. Most of the time the CPU sits at 3.7Ghz on all cores with voltages ranging between 1.306v-1.56v

Currently running Corsair 2x16GB 3200mhz sticks at 2666mhz and will try the new Crosshair VI Hero bioses soon.

Vs my 3930K I get around 15% more FPS but the gameplay is a smooth as butter.

Stunning looking bit of kit indeed. Enjoy.
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